
歡送詞句型:1) it was a month ago that we gave professor smith a hearty welcome. now we are here again to bid him farewell.2) we take this opportunity to request him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.3) now let’s invite professor smith to speak to us.ladies and gentlemen,how time flies! it was a month ago that we gave professor smith a hearty welcome. now we are here again to bid him farewell.professor smith is an old friend of ours. during his short stay, he visited three campuses of our university and has given us many lectures. we sincerely hope that professor smith will benefit us with his advice and suggestions before he leaves for home.finally, we take this opportunity to request him to convey our profound friendship and best regards to his people.now let’s invite professor smith to speak to us.l useful expressions1) twenty days ago we happily rallied here in this hall to give … a hearty welcome. we are now gathered here again with him after he has concluded his tour.2) in bidding farewell to him, we take this opportunity to request … to convey our best regards and respects to his people.3) we wish a pleasant journey home and good health.