Is he right to give up?


選項名稱 投票數 百分比 趨勢 應該退出,健康比金牌重要 222292 34.77% 上升 運動場就是戰場,劉翔應該堅持 123752 19.36% 上升


in the beijing XX olympic games chinese ahlete liu xiang gave up the race owing to his foot injury, which resulted in  a heated discussion among people throughout  the country. a suvey about people's varous opinions has been carried out by sina website.

according to the survey,34.77% of the people think that an athlete should quit the race if they are injured . they hold the belief that  health is much more important than a gold medal. on the contrary, 19.36% of the people adhere that a injured athlete should keep on trying till the end rather than give up halfway. they think  the sportsfield is just like a battlefield and  every athlete should fight for the honor of his or her country regardless of what happens. 

as far as i am concerned,it's ok  for liu xiang to quit the race. on one hand,just as a chinese saying goes,"health  should always come first.". that is to say,  nothing is more important than health, so it isn't necessary to sacrifice one's health for a gold medal;on the other hand,as soon as liu xiang recovers fully,he is sure to bring us more surprises.

i'll support liu xiang for ever!

指導老師:亳州一中 張素娟