My blueprint



優點:花費少,舒適 缺點:不能親身了解外界


優點:增長見識,開闊眼界 缺點:花費多,旅途不便

with our expectations, the summer holiday is coming. we class have formed a blueprint of life in this summer. one expect us to stay at home. it will not only cost us less but also make us comfortable. however, we can’t have a chance to see the world.

the other side of the blueprint is different. some of them prefer to travell outside. as it may increase our knowledge and open our view. but it is also considered extravagant and it may bring us some diffculties.

in my opinion, it is not so much playing as taking exercise. whatever you do, health is the most important thing. so i advise you to join pe club with me. the activities are colorful and you can choose the one that you like. how do you think?