國中英語作文:母親的愛(MY MOTHER’S LOVE)

這是一篇很感人的英語作文,作者的感情很真摯,寫的很動情,建議大家可以在寫作的時候,進取的發揮你的情感,千萬不要吝嗇啊,感動了閱卷老師那就最好了。 (天添資源網收集整理)

國中英語作文:母親的愛(my mother’s love)


mamma you gave life to me,turned a babysintosa man,and mamma all you had to offer was a promise of a lifetime of love,now i know there is no other love like a mothers.love for her child,i know that love so complete someday must leave.must say goodbye,goodbyes the saddest word,i'll ever hear.goodbyes the last time i will hold you near,someday you'll say that word and i will cry,it'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye. mamma you gave love to me,and mamma all i ever needed was guarantee of you loving me,cause i know there is no other love like a mother,the love you give will always live,you'll always be there every time i fall,you take my weakness and you make me strong,and i will always love you till forever comes.and when you need me,i'll be there for you always,i'll be there thru the lonely days.you are the wings that guide my broken flight,and my shelter thru the raging storm,and i will love you till forever comes.
