one day a farmer’s donkey fell down a well. the animal cried for hours as the farmer tried to find a way to get it out. finally, he decided to give up the animal, because it was old, and the well needed to be covered up.

he invited all of his neighbors to come over and help him. they all began to fill the well with dirt. the donkey realized what was happening and began to cry. then, to everyone’s surprise, it became quiet.

a few minutes later, the farmer finally looked down the well. he was surprised at what he saw . with each shovel of the dirt that hit its back, the donkey shook it off and took a step up.

as the farmer’s neighbors went on to shovel dirt on top to the animal, he still shook it off and took a step up. pretty soon, the donkey happily got out.

life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. each of our troubles is a stepping stone. you can get out of the deepest well just by not stopping and never giving up! shark it off and take a step up.