A discussion

recently, a heated discussion on whether it is suitable or not for senior two students to have art lessons. opinions on it different from person to person.

some students believe that we are under great stress of study and the homework is so much that it seems endless. besides, the senior two students also have mental stress and they are not vigorous enough to take the course.

however, views opposed to that held by some others. in their opinions, the art classws can regulate the boring and stressful study. and it can also mould temperament, build creative skills and so on. what's more, the future society is not only needing for a person of high knowledge, but also a person of high creativity.

personally, i fully approve of the latter. such art classes, undoubtedly, is a must for everyone because it really counts when you grow up to an adult to enter the society. only by taking the art classes can we be all-rounded people. so, it's a necessary for us to have art lessons.