

1. 華健是香港著名歌星,中學時代就對音樂感興趣。

2. 他曾參加過當地(local)無線電台舉辦的歌唱比賽並獲一等獎。

3. 19歲去台灣上大學,由於不會講國語而被嘲笑並視為“鄉下仔”。次年,他去飯店當歌手。

4. 四年的一天,當周華健在飯店演唱時,一個唱片公司經理被其歌聲所打動,並邀請其加入他們公司。經過仔細考濾後。周決定放棄學業去當職業(professional)歌手。

zhou huajian, a well known pop singer was born in hong kong. he took interest in music when he was a high school student. once he took part in singing competition held by the local radio station ,and won the first prize.

at the age of 19, he went to a university in taiwan province. as he was not able to speak putonghua, he was laughed at and treated as a “country boy”. the next year,he went to work as a singer in a restaunt, where he sang for four years .one day when he was singing in the restaunt, a record company manager noticed him and was greatly surprised at his voice. so he invited him to join his company.after thinking it over,zhou decided to give up his studies to be a professional singer.