
假設你是林華,今天在學校的公告欄上看到下面一則海報。現在請你寫一封e-mail給你的好朋友sam, 一個集郵愛好者,告訴他有關海報的內容,並邀請他和你一起去參觀郵票展。 郵 票 展 想度過一個特別的周末嗎?來看看我們的郵展吧!這裡將展示國內外各種郵票,還將出售有關郵票的書籍,另外我們還設有郵票交換角。 主辦者:少年宮  地  點:藝術中心 時  間:10月15日(星期六) 友情提示:參加者需準備6枚用以交換的郵票 注意:


hi sam,   i have good news to tell you. there’ll be a stamp show in art center on saturday, october 15, which is held by children’s palace, different kinds of stamps from both home and abroad will be on display. books about stamps will also be available. besides, there’ll be an exchange corner at the show, anyone who wants to watch the show needs to prepare six stamps for exchanging.  i want to take part in the activity, would you like to go with me? i think we can make lots of friends who have the same hobbies as us, and maybe we can get some stamps that we have been expecting, i’m sure we’ll have a special weekend.  if you’d like to go, please let me know.