
1.a true friend is one who holds your hand and touches your heart.一個真正的朋友會握著你的手,觸動你的心。

2.don`t waste your time on a man/woman ,who isn`t willing to waste their time on you.不要為那些不願在你身上花費時間的人而浪費你的時間。

3.don’t cry because it come to an end , smile because it happend.不要為他的結果而哭,應當為他的發生而笑。

4.don’t spend time with someone who doesn’t care spending it with you.不要把時間花在一個不在乎與你一起分享的人身上。

5.don’t struggle too much,best thing happens when not expected.不要做太多的抗爭,最好的東西總是發生在出乎意料的時候。

6.i love you not for whom you are, but for who i am when i by your side.我愛你並不是因為你是誰,而是因為在你身邊的時候我是誰。

7.just because someone doesn’t love you as you wish,it doesn’t mean you are not loved with all his/her being.只因為某人不如你所願愛你,並不意味著你不被別人所愛。

8.life is a chain of moments of enjoyment,not only about survival.生活是一串串的快樂時光,我們不僅僅是為了生存而生存。

9.never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知道是誰會愛上你的笑容。

10.never stop smilling , not even you are sad,someone might fall in love with your smile. 永遠不要停止微笑,即使是在你最難過有時候,

11.no man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won`t make you cry.沒有人值得你流淚.值得讓你這么做的人,不會讓你哭泣。

12.noperson deserves your tears, and who deserves them won’t make you cry.沒有人值得你流淚,值得你流淚的人是不會讓你哭的。