



滄縣大官廳鄉齊家務學校六年級 張佳辰







推開窗抬頭仰望,我看見一隻白鴿划過天際。耳邊蕩漾:“forget the past,start a newl ife……”嘴角微微上揚。


international day of peace september 21st in 1981 the united nations general assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an international day of peace. in xx, the united nations general assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 september of each year as the international day of peace. the assembly declared that the day be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the day. it invited all member states, organizations of the united nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the day in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the united nations in establishing a global ceasefire.peace day for young people at the united nationssince 1997, the world peace prayer society has assisted the united nations department of public information in producing a program for new york school children at un headquarters, including a world peace flag ceremony. on sept. 23, xx, this program included greetings by mrs. nane annan, under secretary-general shashi tharoor, and a videoconference with children in five countries that had recently experienced war.international day of peace vigilthe goal of the international day of peace vigil is: "to encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the international day of peace, sunday, 21 september, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world."this vigil is meant to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual observances in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. support this worldwide initiative by committing to hold a 24-hour vigil on 21 september.the world peace festival celebrating the international day of peacethis year, the annual world peace festival in amenia, ny, will be held on sunday, september 21, xx. the festival, always a joyful multi-cultural gathering of music and dance, activities for children, and a magnificent world peace prayer ceremony with the flags of all nations, will serve as a focal point for festivities worldwide honoring the international day of peace.
















as the smoke dissipated roar of gunfire stopped, focused people's attention all over the world the iraq war is finally over.

close fight in the joy of victorious people have seen the wound himself, while the failure of the people have never lost their past glory. peace-loving people, once again saw the cruelty of war!

war - this is enough to destroy humanity's most terrible of the devil, when will it disappear?

the rights of those who have kept a huge, frequently resorting to force against other countries, but also to drag their war, few people can really taste the grievances caused by the war, while the common people, the war brought to them is always unfortunate.

the twentieth century is a century of great changes occurring throughout the world turned upside down, achieved in this century science and technology, literary achievement than any previous era. however, the complexity of this century's political and economic changes that the war has become more frequent, rapid advances in science and technology to make war even more terrible, full of brilliant in this century, the unprecedented brutal war to enable people to enjoy the great spiritual and material life at the same time, experienced a time full of bloodshed and horror!

the 19th century, with large colonies, rapid economic development of the capitalist powers have the rise of the early 20th century, they increasingly sharp contradictions, and finally led to the outbreak of world war i in human history! human beings for the first time experienced a world of unprecedented infighting!

關於和平的英語作文:International Day of Peace Vigil

the goal of the international day of peace vigil is: "to encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the international day of peace, sunday, 21 september, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world."

this vigil is meant to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual observances in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. support this worldwide initiative by committing to hold a 24-hour vigil on 21 september.







南昌市二十八中初二 雷彥卿

關於和平的英語作文:love of peace

my eyes seem to have emerged on the battlefield thick smoke in the air scenarios; to my ears sounded like innocent children were killed by stray bullets and children wail the sound……

i can not help but think of the war in iraq now with the united states. cause of the war initiated by iraq's oil, the u.s. occupation of iraq would like to become the western powers. tenterhooks all day long the people of iraq for fear that they will be taken away to the u.s. military. the smoke billowing over iraq every day, the building blocks of a disintegrated into the ground. in order to protect their homes, and some able-bodied men had to fight in battle array washed. when the sad news came that their loved ones would be how painful it is ah! poor people on the streets, risking the danger of be shot at any time. bereaved people are confused everybody. people yearn for peace, people do not want to watch their loved ones die. all of this can not be achieved.

war and peace, whether the united states choose one? is the war? is the peace? i can undertake the duty to answer, is a war! the united states does no harm, the injured is iraq. bush can not understand the kind of piercing the iraqi people have lost loved ones feel that they never find.

why does the nobel "peace prize" has to date failed to obtain a state? what does this mean? that the world is not yet peace, we need to safeguard peace and stop the war.

i certainly would like the text, as reilly's father, love of peace, the maintenance of peace! as a peace-loving, peace!


olympic games are the grand meetings for human beings. every four years, people from different countries come to join in these magnificent sports meets. in the contests, athletes try their best to compete, to love, to learn and at the same time, to show the spirit of the olympics--peace and friendship.

according to some historical materials, the spirit of peace and friendship can be traced back to the time when the olympic was born. in ancient times, there were numbers of city-states in greece. they fought frequently with each other in order to gain more land, property and to show the bravery of their soldiers, too. however, after years of wars, people were tired of fighting and killing, so they tried to use a new way to compete--that is the olympic games. all the city-states came to join in the sports contests, the soldiers who were chosen to compete did their utmost to win the competitions so as to gain honor for their city-states and to show respect to the gods they adored. during the competition time, all the fighting and conflicts between or among city-states must stop. as a result, the olympic games became the symbol of peace and friendship.

although the first ancient olympic games are remote from the modern time, the spirit of peace and friendship has passed down despite of the passage of time. it can be seen almost in every scene in the modern olympic games.

do you still remember the opening ceremony of the 28th athens olympic games? the athletes from korea and south korea stepped onto the track together--hand in hand. these two delegations showed their deep love between them in spite of the tense situation between the two governments. their action strongly represented the spirit of the olympics, peace and friendship touched all the people’s hearts.

besides, in the final match of the men’s horizontal bar, the sportsmanship that the russian athlete nemov showed also impressed us all. in that match, the umpires unfairly judged nemov, so the spectator hissed for a long time to show their anger. the contest was interrupted. at that moment, nemov, as a veteran athlete, came to the competition area again to calm down the spectator and helped the contest continue. his magnanimity won the acclamation of people and once more showed the spirit of the olympics--friend ship first, competition second.

the 28th olympic games were over, but the influence they brought to the world would last for a long time. after the olympics, we should ponder over it: were the spirit of olympics ended with the games? shouldn’t the spirit of peace and friendship last not only in the olympics but also in the daily life? nowadays, the conflicts exist in many areas of the world, if all the people can follow the spirit of the olympics, we surely can bring peace back to these places. why don’t we try?

let the spirit of the olympics last for ever!





