運動會 Sports Meeting優秀範文

Today, my school held a sports meeting. I felt so excited, because I have taken part in many matches. I joined the basketball team. I also raced in 200 and 400 meters matchs. My classmates yelled for me, and I was full of energy. At last, I got the second place in 200 meter race. What’s more, our basketball team got the first place. I was so proud of my class.


今天,我的學校舉行了一場運動會。我很激動因為我參加了許多比賽。我加入了籃球隊,我也參加了200和 400米的田徑賽。我的同學們為我大聲加油,我充滿了力量。最後,我在200米比賽中得了第二名。而且,我們的籃球隊獲得了第一名。我為我們班感到自豪。