

Difficulty and Failure

困難 Difficulty

1 說到困難,第一個想到的就是difficult,但其實還有一些形容詞可以替換:

demanding 苛求的,吃力的

challenging 很挑戰的

daunting 令人畏縮的

tough 艱苦的,困難的

e.g. Although students who choose this highly demanding subject may not get a satisfied score in the end, they will be rewarded with the improvement of study ability.

2 名詞 difficulty 的替換:

obstacle 障礙

barrier 障礙

e.g. Unavoidably, every one will encounter obstacles in life.

3 動詞用法除了 have difficulties in doing sth. 也有很多替換:

experience a hard time 經歷艱難歲月

get into trouble 遇到麻煩

confront with difficulties 遇到困難

encounter obstacles 遇到障礙

e.g. Students who fail to follow professors’ instruction and guidance will soon get themselves into trouble.

失敗 Failure

1 最常見的名詞是failure,但同樣的,也有很多同義詞替換:

frustration 沮喪

setback 挫折

defeat 打敗

depression 沮喪

loser 失敗者

underdog 失敗者

also-ran 失敗者

e.g. We all need effective ways to cope with frustration as failure is usually inevitable.

2 失敗的動詞

fail to do sth 做某事失敗

be defeated / frustrated 被打敗,打擊

come to nothing 失敗

endure setback 忍受挫折

be discouraged 被打擊

lose the game 輸掉比賽

lose one’s heart 失去信心

give up 放棄

e.g. It is a pity that the project came to nothing after years of arduous work.

3 形容詞

unsuccessful 不成功的

failed 失敗的

e.g. The unsuccessful experience of part-time jobs has serious discouraged students’ confidence.

最後,大家都愛說的“失敗是成功之母”這一句,千萬不要 Chinglish 的寫 "Failure is the mother of success",英文中沒有這樣的表達。


“Success covers a multitude of blunders.”


本文作者: Cindy(公眾號:英文寫作素材)