
a:how are you doing? 你過得怎么樣?

b:how are you doing?

a:very well, thank you. 很好,謝謝!

b:very well, thank you.

a:not too good. 不太好。

b:not too good.

a:i have a slight cold. 我有點感冒。

b:i have a slight cold.

a:當表達我感冒了。我們可以說,i got a cold. i have a cold. 如果說感冒不是嚴重,有點感冒。則可以用 a slight cold. i have a slight cold.

b:i have a slight cold.

a:did you go to see a doctor? 你去看醫生了嗎?

b:did you go to see a doctor?

a:i took some medicine. 我吃藥了。

b:i took some medicine.

a:are you feeling better? 你感覺好些了嗎?

b:are you feeling better?

a:i’ll recover soon. 很快就好。同學們請記住,recover這裡表示恢復健康。

b:i’ll recover soon.

a:take care! 請保重!

b:take care!


b:how are you doing, xx?

a:very well, thank you. how about you?

b:not too good. i have a slight cold.

a:i’m sorry to hear that. did you go to see a doctor?

b:yes, i did. i took some medicine.

a:are you feeling better?

b:yes, i am. i’ll be ok soon.

a:that’s good. the weather changes a lot these days. some students catch a cold. you need to take care.

b:sure. thank you.


charming music

a:what’s the date today?

b:today is dec. 17th. 今天是12月17日. what’s the matter?

a:dec. 17th. oh, christmas day is coming.

b:when is christmas day?聖誕節是哪一天?

a:it’s dec. 25th. 聖誕節是12月25日。

b:oh,next tuesday is christmas day. 下周二就是聖誕節了,在這裡讓我們先跟大家說一聲:“聖誕節快樂!”

ab: merry christmas!

a:一說到快樂,很多同學都會想到“happy”,但是“聖誕節快樂!”我們不說:“happy christmas!”而是說“merry christmas!”

b:請大家跟我一起說:“merry christmas!”

a:merry christmas!

b: 下面把merry christmas和jingle bells這兩首歌送給大家,預祝大家“merry christmas!”

musicmerry christmas, jingle bells


a:同學們,聖誕節那天記得要跟你的親朋好友說:“merry christmas!”

b:happy time always flies fast.快樂的時光總是短暫的。

a: it’s time to say goodbye. and s o much for today’s colourful english. 今天的七彩英語到這裡又要與大家說再見了。

b:thank you for your listening. 感謝大家的收聽。

a:see you next monday. 讓我們一起期待下周一的再會。goodbye!

b:see you!