
5.2 乙方如在租賃期內終止租約,押金不予退還。

if party b stops the tenancy agreement before the date of expiry, party a is not required to return the said deposit.

5.3 乙方如違反契約規定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或因而發生費用開支,甲方可以扣留部分或全部押金抵付。

if party b breaks any part of this contract, such as not paying the rent punctually['pktuli], or if party b caused damages to the leased property, party a has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compensation[,kmpen'sein].

5.4 發生5.3條款情形,押金不足抵付時,乙方必須按接到甲方付款通知後十天內補足。

if clause 5.3 is brought into effect, and the said deposit is insufficient to cover party a's costs, party b should pay the extra['ekstr] amount['maunt] to party a within ten days of receipt of party a's payment.

5.5 押金以人民幣為單位,用現鈔支付。如以支票支付,所發生的費用由乙方承擔。

the deposit is payable in rmb and in cash. if the deposit is paid by cheque, all charges incurred will be borne by party b.


other charges:

6.1 乙方在租賃期內所用的水、電和煤氣費用,每月按實際耗用量結算,乙方按單繳付。

during the period of the tenancy, all charges for use of water, electricity and gas are payable by party b monthly according to consumption[kn'smpn], and on receipt of bills.

6.2 乙方所用電話按電訊局收費標準,每月根據實際用量結算,乙方按單繳付。

all telephone charges are payable by party b monthly according to the telecommunications bureau['bjuru] standard tariffs['t rifs], and according to bills received.

6.3 租賃標的的物業管理費由______方按照大廈管理規章,負責按單繳付。

any charges for the leased property, such as management fees, are payable by____________according to the bill issued by property management office.


tenant's responsibilities:

7.1 乙方應按本契約四、五、六條款規定交付租金、押金和各項費用,如有拖欠,則作違約論。

party b should promptly pay the rent, deposit and other charges as set out in clauses 4, 5 and 6 of this agreement. nonpayment of these charges constitutes a breach of this agreement.

7.2 租賃期內,未經甲方同意,乙方不能轉讓其所租房屋,私自轉讓無效。

during the period of tenancy, unless with the agreement of party a, party b cannot sub-let or let in part or in full the leased property.

7.3 乙方應愛護房屋及其設備,如因使用不當導致損壞負責賠償。

party b must return the property and its contents to party a in good and workable condition, otherwise party b must pay compensation to party a.