

陽春三月,歌聲飛揚,歡聲笑語,天降吉祥,在這美好的日子裡, 我們迎來了jason先生和愛麗小姐喜結良緣、幸福結合。在這裡首先請允許我代表二位新人對各位來賓的光臨表示最衷心感謝和熱烈歡迎!我是主持人xxx很榮幸能主持今天的結婚慶典儀式與朋友們共同見證這個美好的時刻 !這位是新娘的好朋友,丹艷小姐, 她將為今天婚禮慶典做一些 簡要翻譯。

ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. we are gathered today to celebrate the marriage of shaohua yan and jason madan. the ceremony will be conducted by our mc, xxx. my name is danyan. shaohua and i have been close friends for many years, and it is my pleasure to provide an english commentary on today’s proceedings. we feel honoured to be here with everybody to experience this special moment.

the host will now call for the ceremony to begin with the playing of the wedding march.

現在正是良辰吉時,我宣布新婚慶典儀式現在開始,請我們的音響師奏響莊嚴的婚禮進行曲,讓我們大家以最熱烈的掌聲有請二位新人登場![music begins here] (婚禮音樂奏響,新郎和新娘挽手步入,向兩邊來賓揮手致意,要面帶微笑喲)



the host has given us some background on the bride and groom. they were separated by distance and culture, but these are no barriers for destiny and love. in a short video, their matchmaker, ms zhang, will explain how this romantic journey began.

小伙子深愛著這位姑娘,跨越千山萬水義無反顧的要把我們中國姑娘娶回家 ,那么他們是怎莫認識並情定終身的呢?請看大螢幕-這是他們的紅娘張娜小姐對此解說的一段視頻。

來賓朋友們, 這真是千里姻緣一線牽呀。他們的紅娘張娜小姐因工作原因遺憾缺席今天的婚禮,我在此代表兩位新人向她表示衷心的感謝。

3. 點燭火

燭火代表著家族香火的延續 代表著愛情聖火 現場每一位來賓的心中充滿了祝福的火焰 舞台上二位新人的心中充滿了愛的火焰

the couple will now light a fire that symbolises their love and the continuation of the family line from generation to generation.

請二位新人 手持引火器共同點燃愛的燭台 讓我們祝福新人愛相隨心相依情相連!


愛神之火已經燃起 有請證婚人為新人作證良緣

mr. xxx, as a person of good standing, will now read out the marriage certificate and will also give his best wishes to the married couple.