








(1) 知道英文日記的格式。

(2) 知道孫中山、羅賓漢、莫扎特等歷史名人。


教學內容、時間 主要學習目標

滲透環保、德育教育內容 module1 (1—3周) 1、語音:知道元音字母在非重讀音節的讀法。 2、辭彙: (1)“ 三會” 掌握辭彙: pillow,comfortable,kungfu,album ,naughty ,gosh ,diet, go on a diet (2)“ 四會” 掌握辭彙:show ,change ,dark ,far away from ,close to ,grammar ,try, just ,healthy, trouble ,in trouble ,footballer ,fit, become ,player, good-looking , student ,ago 3、 句型:(1)the animal is ugly to look at.(2)the picture is beautiful ,isn't it?(3)these bedrooms are more beautiful than yours ,aren't they? 進一步掌握有關形容詞、副詞比較級和一般過去時的有關句型。 根據課文內容,結合學生家園的拆遷情況和回響廣州市創衛活動的開展,展開對“我的舊家”的作文比賽,對學生進行“愛我家園”的環保思想教育。 module2 (4—5周) 1.語言知識目標: 辭彙: (四會)diary, tree planting day, dig(dug), into, hole, fill, earth, carry, hope, seed, appear, a little, shoot, happen, keep(kept), keep a diary, by , sad, down, try, save, surprised, someone, the day before yesterday. (三會)crash, broke 句型:we put the young trees into the hole; we filled the hole with earth. we carried water for the new trees.  mr chen helped us water the trees.   all of us hope the trees will grow well. he was/ felt sad when someone cut down the tree. where / how/ why did they plant the tree? l daily express習慣用語:what happened to …?  what shall we do ? shall we …? l grammar語法: a. 一般過去時動詞的變化規則  l phonetic語音:單詞的重音與音節 結合課文講述的植樹內容,教育學生要愛護大自然的一草一木,愛護我們的地球,做好環境的綠化工作。 module3 (6-7周) 1. 辭彙 (1) 四會掌握辭彙:dr, be born, modern, go on, leader, free, finally, lose,clever, brave, forest, the poor, rich, the rich, nobody, wood, full, writer, paint, scientist, die (2) 三會掌握辭彙:historical, against, emperor, memorial, hall, memorial hall, president, premier, speech, make a speech century, ’cos, be held, asian, asian games, inventor, musician, revolutionary 2. 四會掌握句型 (1)when was he born? (2)he was born in 1970. (3)who was the father of modern china? (4)what did he do?(5)he took from the rich and gave to the poor. (6)when did he die?  (7) he died on may 1st, 1980.  (8)he was against the emperor. 通過學習名人的事跡,培養學生的愛國主義精神和在心目中樹立良好的學習榜樣 module4 (8-10周) (1)掌握辭彙(四會)keep, field, suddenly, hare, ground, pick up, certainly, himself, from then on, any more, all day long, wait for, borrow (三會)ancient , fable, renew (2)掌握運用 to …is certainly easier than to…. to speak chinese is certainly easier than to speak english. to say chinese is certainly easier than to do.