
此協定由下面所列明的甲乙雙方經協商一致後於 年 月 日簽訂.

this agreement is signed by the following parties on ______________after negotiation.


party a: schindler (china) elevator co., ltd. (40 wenshui road, shanghai XX72);


party b:




party a entrusts party b to provide warehousing and logistics services to party a according to the conditions agreed in this agreement, meanwhile party b is willing to accept party a's commission at the same conditions.



注釋 notes

1.1 除了本協定上下文或主題中另有規定外,下列詞句的含義如下:

1.1 unless otherwise agreed in the theme or context of agreement, the following expressions mean as follows:


please see article 9.1 for the meaning of contract record.


warehousing and logistics expense means the rate and charging standard determined by both parties in writing at any time during contract; while signing the agreement, it means the rate and charging standard detailed in appendix b.


warehousing and logistics services refer to the services described in annex 1.


conditions of warehousing and logistics services means the standard operating procedure of warehousing and logistics determined by party a and party b in writing at any time; while signing the agreement, it is the standard operating procedure of warehousing and logistics detailed in appendix a.

2 委託 commission


under this agreement, party a entrusts party b as the non-exclusive agent of storage to provide warehousing and logistics services for party a and the relevant units designated in writing, and party b accepts the commission under the same conditions.

3 協定有效期 effective date of agreement

本協定若無以下提前終止的情況,有效期從 年 月 日至 年 月 日.雙方一致同意可於本協定正式生效前 天左右開始試運行,試運行期間的一切事宜如操作形式,操作標準,費用,雙方的權利義務等均按本協定項下除本條外的各條款執行.

without the following situation of early termination, the validity period of agreement is from_________ to _________. the two parties unanimously agree to start trial operation _______ days before formal enforcement of the agreement, during the trial operation, all matters such as operation forms, operating standards, costs and expenses, rights and obligations of the two parties, etc., shall be carried out according to the conditions under this agreement apart from this section.