
she reads books quietly in her room after supper every evening.


* i ______ (walk) down the street when it _______ (start) to rain. was walking. started

* when they _______ (get) to the station, the train ______ (leave). got, had left

* please ask her to call me back as soon as she _______ (return) tomorrow. returns

* the house ______ (build) over a hundred years ago. was built



he jumped out of bed, ran downstairs, took his coat and rushed out.



×there was a man lived alone.

改:there was a man living alone. /there was a man who lived alone.

× felt tireo, i went to bed early.

改:feeling tired, i went to bed early.

because i felt tired, i went to bed early.

i felt tired, so i went to bed early.

i felt tired. i went to bed early.

×i saw two boys fought.

改:i saw two boys fight /fighting.


* everybody at the party was _______ dressed.

a. colour b. colourful c. colourfully 答案:c

* tom looked ______ when i saw him.

a. sad b. sadly c. sadness 答案:a

* to my ______ , the film was too short.

a. disappoint b. disappointing c. disappointed d. disappointment




it took me two hours to go to beijing university yesterday.

如果把握住以上幾點,語句的基本框架就建立了。同學們還應注意,初寫英語段落或文章時避免寫複雜的長句,可把複雜的想法分解,用幾個簡單句表述出來。遇到難以表達的詞語如:他對這場比賽感到“胸有成竹”,“勝券在握”,“十拿九穩”。千萬不要詞對詞地翻譯,解釋它們是什麼意思即可。he was sure he was going to win. 或he knew he would win.

