
1、satisfactory, satisfying, satisfied

這三個形容詞均可作定語,表語或補語。 satisfactory和satisfying都表示“令人滿意的”的主動含義,兩者一般可以換用。當用作表語或定語時,其句中的主語或修飾的名詞大都是表示事物的名詞。例如:the explanation is a satisfying / satisfactory one.這是一種令人滿意的解釋。the child's reading ability is satisfying for his age level.孩子的閱讀能力以其年齡來說是令人滿意的。that is a satisfying performance.那是一場令人滿意的演出。

satisfied的意思是“滿意的;滿足的”,指用作主語的人本身對某事或別人所做的事感到滿意。在用作表語或定語時,其句中的主語或修飾的名詞一般都是表示人的名詞,少數為非生物名詞。此外,它還有“確信的”的意思,其後接that從句或介詞短語。例如:the satisfied boy has just left.那個感到滿意的小孩剛走。the customer was satisfied with the pair of shoes.這位顧客對他買的那雙鞋子感到滿意。i was satisfied thathe was guilty.我確信他有罪。  

2、satisfied with, satisfied of


satisfied with後可接人或事物的名詞,表示“對……滿意”的意思,等於pleased with。例如:she is never satisfied with anything for long.她對任何東西從來也不會長期感到滿意的。are you satisfied with his answer?你對他的回答感到滿意嗎?

satisfied of後一般接事物名詞或抽象名詞,表示“確信”的意思,相當於sure of。例如:i am satisfied of the truth of his story.我確信他所講的事的真實性。i am satisfied of your ability to do the work.我確信你有做這種工作的能力。  

3、say sorry to ,be sorry to, be sorry for

say sorry to表示“向……表示道歉(歉意)”的意思,sorry是名詞,to是介詞,其後接表示人的名詞或代詞。例如:i'd say sorry to you, i must go.我要向諸位表示歉意,我得走了。don't scold him, he had said sorry to us.不要責備他了,他已經向我們道歉了。

be sorry to和be sorry for都表示“由於……而感到遺憾”的意思,其中sorry均為形容詞。不同的是前者接動詞原形,後者接名詞或動名詞。例如:i'm sorry to hear his failure.聽說他失敗了,我感到很遺憾。i'm sorry for giving so much trouble.對不起,給你添了這么多麻煩。

4、scene, scenery


scene是可數名詞,通常指一片“景色”,一個“風光”,舞台的一幕“布景”等,它還可用於指戲劇,電影等中的“一場”或“一段情節”。它也可用於指故事,事件等發生的“地點,場所”。例如:there were distressing scenes when the earthquake occurred.地震發生後到處是悲慘的景象。the scenes are changed during the intervals.幕間換了布景。the picture presents the bleak, bare, grayish scene of a february morning.這幅畫描繪了二月一個早晨的荒涼、光禿、灰暗的景色。the scene on hamlet is denmark.哈姆雷特的故事發生在丹麥。a dark lane was the scene of the murder.兇殺的現場是條黑洞洞的小巷。

scenery是集合名詞,為不可數名詞,通常指戶外一個地區整個的自然“景色”,而不是個別的局部的風景,它也可指“舞台(全堂的)布景。例如:the scenery is imposing.景色壯麗。the scenery pictures a garden in the moonlight.舞台全堂布景表現了一個月光下的庭園。

5、search, search...for, in search for

非介詞搭配的search是及物動詞,表示“搜查”的意思,其後通常接地點名詞或人物名詞。例如:he even searched my home without any reason.他甚至毫無理由地搜查了我的家。the policeman searched the thief, but found nothing.警察搜查了那個賊,但是一無所獲。

search for中的search是不及物動詞,與其後的介詞for結合,構成及物性短語動詞,表示花費極大的氣力去“搜尋,尋找”某個特定的目標的意思。search … for有時可以分開使用,即search … for後接具體事物名詞,表示“在(某地)搜尋(某東西)”的意思。例如:for a whole day they searched for the lost child.這個丟失的孩子他們尋找了一天。we searched the woods for the missing child.我們在森林裡尋找那個走失的孩子。the puppet soldiers searched the village for our underground workers.偽軍在全村搜尋我們的地下工作人員。

in search for為短語介詞(其中search為名詞),表示目的,常譯作“(為了)尋找或尋求”,for亦可用of代替。例如:they went out to australia in search for/of gold.他們到澳大利亞去尋找黃金。

6、select, elect


select指在廣泛的範圍中進行有斟酌的“精選”,淘汰的意味較重,其後須跟名詞或代詞作賓語。例如:most of the delegates to the conference are selected from advanced workers.出席大會的大多數代表是從先進工作者中挑選出來的。it is difficult to select good materials for middle school students to read.為中學生選出閱讀的好材料是困難的。

elect的最普通意思是通過正式手續或投票形式的“選舉”,其後須跟人或職稱名詞作賓語,亦可跟名詞+名詞,名詞+as短語,名詞+不定式短語的複合結構。例如:we elected him monitor.我們選他為班長。they elected jimmy carter (as) president.他們選吉米卡特為總統。they elected him to take part in the competition.他們選他參加競賽。  

7、send, send for

send作及物動詞時,是“寄;送;派遣”的意思。其句式可以是send sb. sth., send sth. to … 或send sb. to do。例如:they have sent me some pictures for guilin.他們寄給了我幾張桂林的圖片。they have decided to send him to the university.他們決定送他上大學。we'll send the young teachers to work in the countryside.我們將派青年教師去鄉下工作。

send for是動介型短語動詞用,表示“派人去請,派人去聽,派人去拿”的意思,其後接表示人或事物的名詞。例如:he is ill, please send for a doctor.他病了,請人叫醫生來。the following day they sent for professor li.第二天他們派人去接李教授。  

8、sensible, sensitive


sensible通常指人用感官去察覺,感覺到的對象一般是比較複雜或抽象的事物,其後常接of介詞短語或to介詞短語,分別表示“知道的,覺察的”和“對……有感覺”的意思。它還可用來說明是“通情達理的,明智的”或“懂事的”,用來說明事物是“合理的,行得通的”等。例如:she is sensible of her shortcomings. 她知道自己的缺點。he is sensible that he has made a grate mistake. 他覺察到自己犯了一個重大錯誤。his left eye is sensible to light.他的左眼對光線有所感覺。you should be sensible and not make exorbitant demands.你應該通情達理,不要作過分的要求。she is far too sensible to believe these ridiculous lies.她很聰明,不會相信這些荒謬的謊言。from the economic point of view, we may regard this as a sensible plan.從經濟觀點看,我們可以認為這個計畫是合理的。

sensitive強調感覺的敏銳激烈,常譯為“敏感的”,其後常接介詞to短語;它還可指價格,要求等“易撥動的”,儀器等“靈敏(度高)的”等。例如:his pallid skin was sensitive to the glaring sun.他蒼白的皮膚對耀眼的陽光很敏感。don't be so sensitive, i was only joking.別太敏感,我只不過是開個玩笑。the cost is not sensitive to batch size.價格不因批量變化而發生撥動。a barometer is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.氣壓計對氣壓的變化很靈敏。  

9、separate...from, separate...into

separate … from意思是“把……和……分隔”,與可divide … from互換,但前者更常見。例如:theory should by no means be separated from practice.理論絕不應該脫離實際。we'd better separate the good ones from the bad ones.我們最好把好的和壞的分開。

separate … into意為“把 ……分成(為)……”,即把一個整體分成幾等分,可與divide … into互換,但後者比前者常見。例如:let's separate ourselves into three groups.我們分成三個小組吧。physiographically the united states may be separated into three major divisions.從地形上美國可以分成三個主要地區。  

10、set about, set out, set off


set about是“開始(做某事)或“著手(做某事)”的意思,是短語動詞作及物動詞用,介詞後要接名詞,代詞或動名詞。例如:that evening he set about writing the report.那天晚上他開始寫報告。

set out也表示“著手,開始”的意思,但其後須接帶to的動詞不定式。例如:we now set out to climb the hill.現在我們開始爬山。he sets out to write his novel at seven at night.他每天晚上七點開始寫小說。 set off是短語動詞作不及物動詞用,表示“出發,動身”地意思。set out也有這一種意思,這時候它們可以互換。例如:i set off/ out immediately.我立即就動身。we set out /off at dawn.我們黎明時動身了。  

11、set fire to, catch fire


set fire to中的to為介詞,其後須跟名詞作賓語。它表示一種有意識的破壞性的行動,即“放火燒,使燃燒”的意思;它還可以引申來指人的一種感情活動,即“使興奮,使激動”的意思。它亦可解作set … on fire,但必須注意,原介詞to後的賓語則變為動詞set的賓語。試比較:the despot set fire to his house beforehe took to flight.= the despot set his house on fire before he took to flight.惡霸逃跑前,放火燒了自己的房子。the sparks set fire to the oily rags.火花使油布燃燒起來了。the orator set fire to the audience.演講者使聽眾情緒激昂。

catch fire 中的catch可改用take,它亦可解作catch on fire。 catch fire是不及物動詞習語,其後不能跟任何賓語,因為實際上它已是一個動賓結構了。它表示一種不受外界干涉或影響的自行“著火”或“燃燒”,它也可引申為“激動,興奮”的意思,但都是指一種自覺的行動或活動。例如:cotton catch fire easily.棉花容易著火。first the curtains caught on fire and then the bedclothes.窗簾首先著了火,接著被褥也燒著了。the poet caught fire from the philosopher's talk.詩人聽了哲學家的話激動起來了。


12、shoot, shoot at

shoot用作及物動詞和shoot at都有“射擊”的意思,其後均可接人或事物名詞。shoot著重動作的結果,意為“射死,射中”。不過,其後接槍,劍等名詞時,也可表示動作的過程,即“發射,射出”的意思。此外,它還有“狩獵”的意思。例如:he was shot in the head.他頭部中彈。the hunter shot the rabbit.獵人把那隻兔子射死了。they are going to shoot live ammunition today.他們今天要實彈射擊了。he is in africa shooting lions.他在非洲狩獵獅子。

shoot at著重動作本身,指“對……射擊”,但不一定射中;它還有“以……為目標;為……而努力”的意思。例如:the hunter shot at the tiger, but it ran away.那獵人向老虎開了槍,但老虎跑了。they are shooting at targets.他們在打靶。when it is achieved there will be other plans to shoot at.這一點實現以後,還要為實現別的計畫而努力。they are shooting at a high output.他們在力爭高產。  

13、scarce, rare

scarce:“稀有的,缺乏的”,指有用的東西原本常見,而現在變得稀少缺乏,供不應求,常用作表語。例如:during wartime, many kinds of life necessities such as food, sugar and salt ran scarce.在戰時,許多像食物,糖,鹽等生活必需品都極其短缺。water being scarce in the mountainous area in the dry seasons, we built many reservoirs.因為旱季山區水源缺乏,所以我們修建了許多水庫。

rare:“異常的,珍奇的,珍貴的”,指某物的例子,樣品或事物很少找到,常含有uncommon之意。例如:he sometimes gave very precious wines to the rare guests he received in his luxurious villa.在那棟豪華的別墅里,他有時用珍貴佳釀來接待稀客。the air onthe mountain top was so rare that the mountaineers breathed very hard.山頂的空氣如此稀薄,登山運動員們的呼吸非常困難。  

14、short, shortly

short用作副詞時,同副詞shortly一樣,都可用來表示談話,演講等方面的一種言簡意賅的表達方式,即“簡要地,簡短地”的意思,但在用法上兩者稍有不同。short通常用來修飾簡單的(一般是單音節的)動詞;而shortly則可修飾兩個音節以上的動詞。例如:he talked short with his manager.他同他的經理進行了簡短的交談。don't speak short at meeting.在會上不要講得簡潔了。he explained his meaning shortly but clearly.他簡要明了地解釋了自己的意圖。short還可表示“達不到目標地”及“突然地,出其不意地”等意。例如:the shells fell short.炮彈沒有打到目標。the thief was caught short.那盜賊出其不意地被抓住了。

shortly的主要意義是“立刻,馬上,不久”,此外,它還有“不耐煩地”等意。例如:he will leave here shortly.他馬上就離開這兒。he answered shortly that he didn't care what i thought.他很不耐煩地回答說,他不在乎我怎么想。 

15、shout at, shout to

shout at常含有貶意,表示辱罵,抱怨,後接表示人的名詞或代詞,常譯作“衝著...吼叫,叫罵”。例如:he was angry and shouted at me.他生氣了, 衝著我大喊大叫。he tried to talk to the men, but they shouted at him.他設法和他們交談,他們卻沖他嚷嚷。

shout to是一個中性短語動詞,其後也接表示人的名詞或代詞,表示對某人大聲喊叫,常譯作“高聲叫”。例如:he shouted to me and warned me of danger. 他向我大聲喊道,要我當心危險。don't shout to him. 不要高聲喊他吧。

16、show off, show up


show off主要用於貶義,指人的一種自我表現,即“賣弄”或“炫耀”自己的才華,財產等;它也可用作中性詞語,表示“陳列,展覽”或“使顯眼,使奪目”的意思。例如:he never shows off.他從不賣弄自己的才能。she loves to show off her new dresses.她喜歡炫耀自己的新衣服。these ivory carvings will show off well against black velvet.這些象牙雕刻在黑絲絨的襯托下會非常醒目。

show up指一般正常的“顯露” 或“顯示”,如顯露某人的性格或某物的特徵等;它也可用於貶義,表示“暴露,揭露”的意思;它還可指某人在會議等場所上的公開“露面” 。例如:at times like these the true character of the man shows up.在這種時刻,人的真面目就顯露出來了。the mark shows up only in the strong sunlight. 那痕跡只有在強烈的陽光下才顯現出來。his show-off only serves to show up his ignorance. 他的賣弄只不過暴露了他自己的無知。he showed up only after everyone else had finished eating. 等大家都吃完了,他才露面。

17、shy of, shy with, shy from

shy of中的shy是形容詞,用作表語,這個詞組表示“對...有顧慮;因...而畏縮不前”或“對...有戒心”的意思。在美國口語中,它還可表示“對...感到不足,缺少”的意思。例如:don't be shy of telling us what you want.你需要什麼儘管告訴我們,不要有顧慮。she is shy of such a thing.她對這樣的事情有戒心。i am a bit shy of that sort of person. 她對那種人有戒心。the company is shy of funds. 這個公司資金不足。

shy with中的shy也是形容詞,這個詞組表示“在...面前害羞(shy in the presence of)”的意思,其後一般接表示人的名詞。例如:she is shy with strangers.她在陌生人面前怕難為情。he is shy with women.他和女人們在一起怕羞。

shy away from,其中的shy是動詞,一起構成動詞詞組,表示“由於羞怯,恐懼等而躲開或避開( avoid or move away out of shyness, fear, etc.)”的意思。例如:it is impossible for him to shy away from the problems.他要避開這些問題是不可能的。he shied away from such a hazardous venture. 他不想冒險去幹這種有風險的事。

18、sit, seat

seat作動詞用時,往往容易與sit相混淆。sit一般作不及物動詞,其後不能跟賓語;間或它也可用作及物動詞,表示“使坐下”的意思,相當於seat,但它決不可用過去分詞sat作表語或補語。例如:the patient is sitting on the chair.那位病人坐在椅子上。the mother sat the child at a little table. 母親把孩子放到小桌旁坐下。

seat只作及物動詞,表示“使坐下,使就座”的意思,其後必須跟賓語。作表語或補語時,必須用過去分詞seated. 例如:she seated her baby on her knees. 她讓孩子坐在她膝蓋上。he is seated at the desk.他坐在桌子旁。i found the boy seated on the chair. 我發現那個小孩坐在椅子上。

19、sit up, sit up for, sit up with


sit up是動副型短語動詞,用作不及物動詞,其後不能跟賓語;它還有“坐起來”的意思。實際上,“坐起來”是它的本義,“熬夜”是它的引申義。例如:she sat up late that night to write a detailed account of the unforgettable moment. 那晚,她遲遲沒睡,詳細地寫下那難忘時刻的情景。the patient is able to sit up and take some foodnow. 病人現在已經能夠坐起來吃東西了。

sit up for 是sit up and wait for(深夜不睡而等待著)的合成意思,其後須接人或事物名詞作賓語。例如:i shall get back very late, so don't sit up for me.今晚我回來很遲,所以你不必等我回來再睡覺。i shall sit up for a while, in case i am wanted.我先不睡,說不定會用得著我。

sit up with 是sit up and sit with 的合成意思,即表示“熬夜照看”的意義,其後只接表示人的名詞。例如:she sat up with the sick child all night.她徹夜不眠地陪著生病的孩子。the doctor sat up all night with the patient.醫生徹夜守護病人。

20、sleep, sleepy, asleep


sleep是動詞,可作及物動詞時,其後須跟表示人的名詞,反身代詞或同源名詞作賓語。用作不及物動詞時,還可作“死”的委婉語,在詩歌中常見。例如:she didn't sleep until midnight. 她直到半夜才睡。i slept a good sleep last night.昨晚我睡得很好。he still sleeps in the old graveyard. 他依舊長眠於那古老的墓地。

sleepy是形容詞,既可作表語,亦可作定語。用作前者,意為“睏乏的;想睡覺的”用作後者,意為“貪睡的;好睡覺的”。例如:he was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open.他磕睡得很,兩隻眼睛都快睜不開了。he is a sleepy guy.他是一個貪睡的傢伙。

asleep也是形容詞,一般用作表語,意為“睡著”,強調動作的結果,它不能用very修飾,只可用much, fast, sound 等詞修飾。例如:don't talk loud when others are asleep.別人睡著的時候,不要大聲講話。the baby is soundly asleep.那嬰兒睡得很熟。

21、slow down, slow up

這是一對動副型短語動詞,均可用作及物和不及物動詞。看上去,它們似乎是一對反義詞,因為其中的副詞down 和up 往往含有相對或相反的意思。其實,它們在表示機器,車輛的速度“減慢” 或“使減慢”的意思時,卻是一對同義詞,可以換用。例如:the machine slowed down and stopped.機器逐漸減速,終於停住了。there were signs at every curve in the road warning motorists to slow up.每個彎道上都有路標,警告駕駛員減速。their objections are slowing down the progress of the negotiations.他們的反對使談判進程放慢下來。

slow down和slow up在指人的動作,智力等“遲鈍”時,也是同義詞,可以換用。但slow down還可指生活“鬆散”,工作“ 鬆勁”;slow up 則可表示生意,事務等“變得不那么忙”的意思。例如:he has slowed down a lot since his heart attack.從發過心臟病以後,他動作遲鈍得多了。you must find some way of slowing your father down, he is far too busy now. 你得想法讓你父親輕鬆一點;他現在太忙了。business slows up at the stores after christmas. 過了聖誕節商店裡就不那么忙了。

22、sometime, some time, sometimes

sometime是副詞,表示“曾經;某時;有朝一日”的意思,常同過去或將來時連用,即表示過去或未來某一不定時刻。例如:the same thing happened sometime during the war.同樣的事情曾經在戰爭時期發生過。it will happen sometime and somewhere.這總會在某地某時發生的。

some time是名詞詞組,通常表示一段時間”的含義,多用作介詞for的賓語,一起作時間狀語;亦可用作連繫動詞be的表語或動詞take, spend 的賓語,表示“一些時間”的意思。例如:i will live there for some time.我將在那兒住一些日子。it will be some time before the work is finished.要完成這件工作要相當長的時間。it will take you some time to do the work.你需要花些時間來做這項工作。

sometimes是副詞,意為“有時侯”,常在句中連用。例如:the students talk sometimes in english and sometimes in french.學生們有時用英語交談,有時用法語交談。the birds sometimes sings.這鳥不時啼叫。

23、stare at, glare at

stare at意指“凝視”,表示由於驚奇,羨慕或恐懼而張大眼睛,目不轉睛地注視。這種注視可能有意無意地表現出無禮或粗魯的態度。例如:it's rude to stare at other people.盯著別人看是不禮貌的。the old man stared at us without saying a word. 老頭注視我們,一句話也沒有說。

glare at是“怒視”的意思,表示兇狠地或恐嚇地注視,強調敵對或威脅的態度,有時。例如:don't glare at her.別向她瞪眼。they stood glaring at each other. 他們站著互相怒目而視。

24、start with, to start with

start with是動詞詞組,可直接用作謂語,其意為“以...開始,從...著手,將...作為開頭”等。例如:he started with the aim of injuring others only to end up by ruining himself. 他本想損害別人,結果只害了自己。starting with very simple equipment, they produced a number of high-quality machines.從簡陋的設備起家,他們生產了不少高質量的機器。

to start with是不定式短語,用作插入語或狀語,位置比較靈活,其意為“首先,從一開始時”,相當於at first, at the beginning。例如:he pulled hard, to start with, but after a time he began to lose interest and let go of the rope.他起初拉得很起勁,但過了一些時候他就開始失去興趣,於是把繩子放掉了。you have no right to raise this question, to start with.首先,你們無權提出這個問題。 begin with 和to begin with的意思及用法與start with和to start with的意思及用法基本相同。例如:the first word of a sentence should begin with a capital letter.句子的第一個詞應以大寫字母開頭。to begin with, let me introduce to you mr. li of our corporation.首先,讓我給你介紹我們公司的李先生吧。

25、stay in, stop in

第一個詞組表示“留在家裡(remain at home or inside),課後留在學校(remain in school after class)”。這時in為副詞,其後不需要接地點名詞。在表示“停留或逗留(某地)”的意思時,兩者一般可以通用,這時它們為動介型動詞詞組,其後須跟地點名詞(一般是國家或城市等名詞)作賓語。例如:i'm staying (or: stopping) in this evening. i have a lot of work to do.我今晚呆在家裡,我有許多事情要做。if this noise goes on any longer you'll all have to stay in after school.如果你們再吵鬧下去,放學後就得全部留下來。we stopped (or: stayed) three days in chicago.我們在芝加哥逗留了三天。 若表示“去某地的途中中途逗留一會兒”,則套用stop in。此外,stop in還有“順便拜訪(drop in) ”的意思。例如:i shall stop in wuhan on my way to beijing.我要在去北京的途中在武漢停留一會兒。i'll stop in on my way home. 我將在回家的路上順便去看看。 stay in還有“固定在適當位置(remain in position)”的意思。例如:when the nails are screwed in, they will stay in.螺釘擰進去以後,就固定不動了。

注意:在表示“在(某旅館,飯店,飯館)停留或逗留”的意思時,英美人習慣用stay/ stop at,而不用stay/ stop in。例如:we arranged to stop (or: stay) at a hotel.我們打算在一家旅館投宿。

26、step in, in step

這是一對同素反序詞組,其意義和用法迥然不同。 step in是動副型不及物短語,其後不能跟賓語。它有三個意思:1.走進(enter a room or a house) 2.作短時間的非正式訪問,串門(drop in) 3.(未經邀請)插手,介入或干涉。例如:the clerk stepped in and asked for mr. black.辦事員走進來要找布蘭克先生。if you happen to be passing by, be sure to step in and have a chat.如果你正好路過的話,請一定進來談談。the united nation may step in and try to settle the dispute.聯合國可能會插手進來設法解決爭端。

in step中的step是名詞,同介詞一起構成介詞短語,在句中用作狀語或表語,表示“同步,步調一致”的意思,其後常緊跟with短語,即構成in step with結構,表示“與...步調一致”的意思。例如:lawrence was tall and charles was short so that it was quite amusing to see them try to keep in step.勞倫斯很高,而查爾斯很矮,因此看他們走路時竭力保持一致的步伐是十分有趣的。if he expects to remain in office, a politician must keep in step with the times.一個政治家要指望能夠繼續執政,就必須跟上時代的步伐。

27、stick at, stick to

stick at一般指“堅持工作,學習,勞動”等,其後除接名詞,代詞外,還可接動名詞。它還有“對...猶豫不決”的意思,作此義解時它通常用於否定句。例如:he sticks at his work more than ten hours a day.他每天堅持工作十小時以上。he sticks at nothing.他毫無顧忌。

stick to通常指堅持”立場,觀點,原則,方法或規定等,其後一般接名詞。它還有“堅守(崗位);信守(諾言,契約);忠於(某人);粘在...上”的意思。例如:sticking to this principle, he has written many more songs.他堅持這個原則,寫出了更多歌曲。teachers must stick to this rule.教師必須堅守這條規定。he will stick to her whatever happens.不管發生什麼事,他都忠於她。dandelions stick to woolen suits.蒲公英易粘附在毛衣上。

28、substitute...for, substitute...with

substitute a for b 和 substitute a with b 都是表示“用...代替”的意思,一般指同類事物的代替,其中substitute為及物動詞,其後接介詞for或with後須跟賓語。這兩者可以通用,但其用法有所不同;前者,substitute 後的賓語為代替的對象,介詞for後的賓語為被替代的對象;後者,substitute後的賓語為被替代的對象,介詞with後的賓語為代替的對象。試比較以下例句:we substituted red balls for blue, to see if the baby would notice.(= we substituted blue balls with red, to see if the baby would notice.)我們用紅球替代藍球,觀察嬰兒是否注意到它們的區別。we must substitute experiment and observation for speculative theories.(= we must substitute speculative theories with experiment and observation.我們應該用實驗和觀察代替純理論。

substitute for是“代替,替換”的意思,其中substitute是不及物動詞,同介詞for一起構成及物動詞詞組。其主語為代替的對象,其賓語為被代替的對象。