2008聯考必背英語辭彙講座 G

1、gather, collect

gather為“收集,聚集”,可用於人或事物,指把零散的人或事物聚集起來。collect為“收集,採集”,只能用於事物,不能用於人。當指一般性的收集,即把分散的事物集合在一起時,與gather同義,可以相互換用。如gather/collect flowers(採花),gather/collect fallen leaves(聚攏落葉)。它另可指為某種目的而有選擇地收集,著重計畫性和選擇性。

試比較:gather books 把書聚集在一起 -- collect books 收集藏書gather money 攢錢 -- collect money 籌募資金gather stamps 把郵票集中在一起 -- collect stamps 集郵gather thoughts 集中思想 -- collect thoughts 組織思想 

2、gaze, glare, stare

gaze為“凝視”,指聚精會神地注視,含有傾慕,神往或驚喜等意味。它常和介詞at, on, into連用。如:he gazed into the blue sky.他出神地望著藍天。she gazed at/on the film star with admiration.她帶著傾慕的眼神看著那個影星。

glare為“怒視”,指兇狠憤怒地注視,強調敵對的態度。它常和介詞at連用。如:the angry farther glared at his daughter.怒氣沖沖的父親憤怒地看著自己的女兒。the men who were fighting glared at each other.正在打架的兩個人憤怒地看著對方。

stare為“盯著看,呆看”,指出於驚奇或痴呆,無禮地,目不轉睛地看。它常和介詞at, on, into連用。如:his eyes were staring at her like those of a wild animal.他的眼睛像野獸般地盯著她看。he stared on the foreigner in wonder.他好奇地盯著那個外國人看。 

3、get in, get on

這兩個短語均可表示“上車”。get in後接小轎車,計程車等小型車輛。由於其車身較低,只有進入的概念,沒有上的概念。get on後接公車,火車等大型車輛,以及飛機,腳踏車,機車,馬匹等,指上車上馬時要腳登上階梯或踏腳等。表示“下車,下馬”時,也相應地用get out of a car/taxi 及get off a bus/train/horse等。如:

they invited us to get in the car and go to the amusement park.他們邀請我們上車去遊樂場玩。
when the singer got out of the taxi, he was welcomed by a group of young people.當這位歌手走出車門時受到了一群年輕人的歡迎。
they are calling us to board the plane; let's get on. 他們在叫我們登機,我們走吧。 

4、get into trouble, go to the trouble

get into trouble為“出事,遇到麻煩”,指由於行為不慎等原因而招惹麻煩,陷入困境。如:
if you go this way, you might get into trouble with the police.如果你這么做的話,警方會找你的麻煩。
he has got into trouble; let's go and help him.他遇到了麻煩,我們去幫助他吧。

此結構中的get也可作及物動詞,後接賓語,表示“使某人陷入困境”。如:his bad habit was always getting him into trouble.他的壞習慣使他惹上了麻煩。

go to the trouble為“費事,不辭辛苦”, 指主動地去承擔麻煩,後可接動詞不定式或接of短語。它與take the trouble同義。如:
the host went to the trouble to make me comfortable.主人為了我的舒適而不辭麻煩。she went to the trouble of shortening the trousers for her younger brother.她主動攬下了把她弟弟的褲子改小的任務。

為了加強語氣,此結構中的trouble前可用a lot of等修飾語代替the。如:i'll stay here for dinner, but please do not go to a lot of trouble for me.我會留下來吃飯,但請別特地為我做很多菜。

5、gift, present

he gave gifts of money to the poor. 他將錢贈予窮人們。the gold chain was a christmas gift from her aunt. 這條金鍊子是她阿姨送給她的聖誕禮物。

present專指為表達敬意、親情、友誼而贈送的實物,強調贈送者與接受者之間的親密關係。如:students exchange presents on new year's eve. 除夕之夜,學生們互贈禮物。 

6、give away, give way

這兩個動詞詞組意義完全不同。give away是一個及物動詞詞組,後需接賓語,它的主要意義為“分發(獎品,考卷,書本等物品),失去(機會),泄露(底細,機密,想法)”。如:
the principal gave away the prizes at the sports meeting.校長在運動會上頒獎。
you have given away a good chance.你失去了一個良機。
the heroic girl refused to give away the secret to the enemy.女英雄在敵人面前拒絕泄漏秘密。

give way是一個動賓結構的詞組,後面不能再接賓語。它主要用來指人顯示謙讓和屈服的“讓路,讓步”,以及具體事物的“崩塌"。如:
the boy gave way to the old lady.這男孩給一位老太太讓路。
it's his mother's fault for giving way to him too often.老是遷就這孩子是他媽媽的錯。
the old wall gave way and injured three children.這堵牆崩塌了,致使三個孩子受傷。

7、give in, give up

這兩個短語動詞作“投降”講時,通常可以互換使用。如:completely surrounded by our troops, the enemy finally gave in / up.由於我軍將敵軍團團圍住,他們終於投降了。

give in還可表示“屈服;讓步”的意思,此時它作不及物動詞用,後不能跟賓語。如:stubborn as he was, he finally gave in.他雖然很固執,但最後還是讓步了。both sides argued with reason, and neither would give in.雙方都振振有詞地辯論著,可誰也不服誰。

give up 則還可表示“放棄(希望);戒除”的意思,作及物動詞用,其後接名詞或動詞作賓語。如:all hope of finding the missing aircraft was given up and the search abandoned.要找到那架失蹤的飛機已經毫無希望,於是搜尋停止了。he soon gave up smoking when he heard the medical report.他聽了那次醫學報告後,不久就把煙戒了。 

8、give off, give out

這兩個短語都表示“散發,發出”之意,一般可以換用,但側重點有所不同。give off通常用來表示“散發,發出”某種氣體或氣味。如:
boiling water gives off steams.開水散發出蒸汽。
this milk must be bad, for it is giving off a nasty smell.牛奶一定變質了,因為它散發出一種令人噁心的氣味。
the chimney no longer gives off volumes of waste gas into the atmosphere, as protective filters are being used.加裝了防護過濾器以後,這煙囪已不再向空中散發成股的廢氣了。

give out 則通常用來表示“散發”某種光,聲,熱,信號等物理現象。此外,它還可以表示“分發,宣布,耗盡”等現象。如:
the leaves gave out a whirring sound.樹葉發出沙沙聲。
the sun gives out light and heat to the earth.太陽向地球發出光和熱。
the ship gave out radio signals for help.船發出無線電信號求助。
the government gave out food to people out of work.政府向失業者分發食品。
he gave out that the president was dead.他宣布說總統去世了。
it was feared that food supplies would give out before the besieged town could be relieved.都害怕在那城市解圍之前斷了糧。
both the man and the horse gave out after the long ride.趕了很長一段路後,人馬俱乏。 

9、glad, happy, pleased

glad為“高興的,樂意的”,指一時短暫的強烈喜悅,只能用於人。它只能作表語,不作定語,後可接介詞of短語,不定式或that從句。如:i'm glad of your success in the games.你在比賽中獲得勝利,我為你感到高興。we're glad that you have won the gold medal.我們很高興你能獲得金牌。

happy為“幸福的,高興的”,隱含一種強烈的滿足感,可用於人或事物。它可作定語及表語,後可接介詞 about, at, over, with短語及不定式或that從句。如:the story has a happy end.這個故事的結局皆大歡喜。i am so happy that you could visit us.很高興你能來看我們。

pleased為“喜悅的,滿足的”,指持續時間較長的喜悅,只能用於人。它多作表語,很少被用作定語,它的後面可接介詞at, about, with短語,不定式或that 從句。如:there is nothing to be pleased about.沒什麼可高興的。mother was pleased with my full mark in arithmetic.我算數得了滿分,媽媽很高興。 

10、go on doing, go on to do, go on with

這三個詞組都表示“繼續”的意思,但用法和含義上有差異。go on doing指做某一事情因故暫停,尚未做完,再“繼續”做下去。它還可表示“一直做某事”。如:although it was late, she went on working.雖然很晚了,她還繼續工作著。after a short break, he went on reading the text.暫停了一會兒後,他又接著讀課文。you shouldn't go on living in this way!你總不能一直就這么生活下去。

go on to do則表示某一件事已做完,再“接著”去做另一件事。如:he went on to talk about the world situation.他接著又談了談世界形勢。father said mother had gone to the hospital, and went on to say that grandmother was coming to take care of us.父親說母親已經住院去了,接著又說祖母將來照料我們。

go on with 是一個動副介型短語動詞,其後通常接名詞或代詞作賓語。如:may i go on with my work now?我現在可以繼續做我的工作了嗎?please go on with your story.請繼續講你的故事。 

11、gold, golden

gold為“金的,金制的”,表示是真金的質地;golden 為“金的,金色的”,指金黃色的外表。golden還常用於引申意義,含有貴重,重要,幸運等意思。試比較:a gold watch 金表 -- a golden watch 金色的表再如:gold coin (金幣), gold bar (金條), gold mine (金礦), gold chain (金鍊條), golden hair (金髮), golden sunlight (金色的陽光), golden age (黃金時代), golden years (金色的年華), golden saying(金玉良言)。

12、go to school, go to the school

這兩個詞組只有冠詞之差,但意義迥然不同。go to school是習語,表示“上學(求學)”的意思;go to the school是指到一所特指的學校去,不一定是去求學,可能是因為有什麼事情需去辦等等。如:is he old enough to go to school?他夠入學年齡了嗎?i'll go to the school to talk with the master.我將去學校與校長談談。 

13、go to sea, go to the sea

go to sea屬習語,它表示“去當水手,出航”的意思。

go to the sea 則表示“去某一特定的海邊”的意思。試比較:the boy was tired of looking for a job near his home and eventually decided to go to sea.這孩子不願在他家附近工作,最後便決定當水手。owing to a high wind, the ship could not go to sea.由於大風,船不能啟航。they usually go to the sea in midsummer.他們通常在仲夏時到海濱去。 

14、good at, good with

good at 指“擅長於,善於某一科目、某種業餘消遣或某種活動”,其後接名詞或動名詞。如:he is good at maths.他擅長數學。we are not only good at destroying the old world. we are also good at building the new one.我們不但善於破壞一個舊世界,我們還善於建設一個新世界。

good with 通常指“善於使用,處理某物或對待某人”,其後通常接表示工具,人體器官或人的名詞。如:he was good with his hands and heads.他心靈手巧。he is good with these tools.他善於使用這些工具。she understands children, so she is good with them.她了解孩子們,所以與他們相處得很好。 

15、good for, for good

good for是一個形容詞短語,可以表示下列三種意義:1.價值為...;有支付...能力的2.有效的;對......有利3.有必需的精力,意願。例如:
it is a coupon good for 100 pounds.那是一張價值一百英磅的息票。
he is good for a thousand dollar contribution.他能捐獻一千美元。
this battery is good for three months.這種電池大約可用三個月。
the return half of the ticket is good for three months.回程票有效期為三個月。
this dictionary is good for your english study.這本辭典對你的英語學習有益。
this kind of medical herb is good for t.b.這種草藥對結核病有療效。
he is good for several years' more service.他還有精力再服務幾年。

for good是一個介詞短語,for是介詞,good是名詞;在句中充當時間狀語,表示“永久地,一勞永逸地”的意思。如:he says that he is leaving the country for good.他說他此次出國將不再回來了。he hoped that the repairs would stop the leak for good.他希望這次修好後,漏處不再漏了。 

16、gone, lost, missing

gone表示“丟了,沒了”,含有一去不復返的意味,在句中可作表語和補語,但不能做定語。如:my fever is gone, but i still have a cough.我的燒已經退了,但還有些咳嗽。she looked down at her dress and found her necklace gone.她低頭看了一下自己的衣服,發現項鍊不見了。

lost 表示“丟失”,含有失去後難以回歸的意味,在句中可作定語,表語和補語。如:the parents found the lost child at last.父母親終於找到了自己丟失的孩子。his elder brother was lost at sea.他的哥哥在海里失蹤了。

missing表示“失蹤了,不見了”,強調某人或某物不在原處,在句中可作定語,表語和補語。如:my japanese-chinese dictionary is missing.我的日漢詞典不見了。the police are trying their best to find the missing school-girl.警方正在盡力尋找這個失蹤的女生。 

17、grateful to, grateful for

grateful to指“對……表示感激”,其中的介詞to表示對象,賓語通常是人或組織團體,to 也可用towards代替。

grateful for指“為……表示感激“,其中的介詞for表示原因,賓語通常是某一件事。如:
i shall be deeply grateful to our workers' union as long as i live. 我一輩子都深深感謝我們的工會。
i'll be very grateful to you if you will give me an early answer. 如果您能早點給我答覆,我將非常感激您。
we're grateful for all that you've done to us.對你所做的一切,我們表示萬分感謝。

i'm very grateful to you for having taken so much trouble.對您的不辭麻煩我們表示非常感激。
they were particularly grateful to us for our timely help.他們對我們所給予的及時的幫助表示了特別的感謝。