

deeply adv.深
they had to dig very deep(deeply)in order to find water. 他們必須掘得很深,才能發現水。
he pushed his stick deep(deeply)into the mud. 他把手杖使勁往泥里扎。
plough deep /deeply the first time and less deep /deeply the second time. 第一次犁深些,第二次不要犁得那么深。
thousands of british soldiers stood deep in the water. 數千名英軍士兵站在水中。
they went on studying deep into the night. 他繼續學習,直到深夜。
romeo was deeply in love with juliet. 羅密歐深深地愛上了朱麗葉。
i'm deeply sorry for what has happened. 我為發生的事感到非常遺憾。
特別提醒 deep也可作副詞用,指動作或事物具體的"深",與deeply同義(常用來修飾動態動詞),若指靜止狀態的"深",則用deep不用deeply(如stand deep);作"夜深"解用deep不用deeply;用於抽象、喻義的"深"(如"深深地熱愛"等)一般用deeply而不用deep。

2.especially, specially和particularly的區別

it's a matter of especial importance. 這是一件特別重要的事情。
i feel especially interested in the project. 我對這個方案特別感興趣。
they went to paris on a special plane. 他們乘專機去巴黎。
i came here specially to ask you for advice. 我是專程來這裡向你請教的。
these books will be particularly helpful to those who wish to improve spoken english. 這些書對那些希望提高自己英語口語水平的人來說特別有用。

3.such as與such…as…的區別

(1)such as是短語連詞,意為"諸如","例如",引出的是such前面的詞的同位語。如:
john likes to make furniture, such as chairs and tables. 約翰喜歡做家具,如桌子和椅子之類。
i want to buy such books as are about science and technology. 我想買有關科技方面的書。(as在從句中作主語)
don't read such books as you can't understand. 不要讀你看不懂的書。(as在從句中作賓語)
such books as this are too difficult to beginners. 這樣的書對於初學者來說太難了。
(as引導一個省略的從句:as this(is),as在從句中作表語)


my advice to you is that you should treat your wife with more consideration.
it was only by my advice that she had given up the idea.
on the doctor's advice her mother is staying in bed. 她的媽媽遵醫囑臥床休息。
you must act with advice at present. 目前,你一定要謹慎行事。
the boy took my advice as to what he should do.
i want to give you a little advice on your work.
i wonder if i can get some advice from you.
act on sb.'s advice表示"聽從某人的勸告"
ask for one's advice about表示"徵求某人對……的意見"
reject sb.'s advice表示"拒絕某人的忠告"
well-put advice表示"措辭得當的勸告"
against sb.'s advice表示"違背某人的忠告"
by doctor's advice表示"遵照醫囑"
come to sb. for advice表示"來向某人請教"
act with advice表示"謹慎行事"
some advice about表示"一些關於……的勸告"
advice to sb. about to do…"給即將做……的人以勸告"
2.opinion表示"意見,看法,主張,見解",通用詞。指對於某事物的意見、想法和信念,特別是根據事實並經過仔細、認真的考慮而提出的意見、看法及獲得的信念,但僅僅是初步的,也或許是不成熟的,不能說是確切無誤的。多用作可數名詞。常和介詞about,from,of,on,upon,in,according to,up to,among,regarding to等搭配。例如:
those are my opinions about the affair.那些就是我對於此事的意見。
with joy, he described the opinions from those scholars.
what's your opinion of the new president? 你對那位新總統的看法如何?
we got the lawyer's opinion on the question. however, i still held my own opinion to the contrary. 我們聽取了該律師對於這個問題的意見,然而,我卻仍然保持我的相反意見。
they have set up a new opinion regarding to this case.
accept an opinion表示"接受一種看法"
advance an opinion表示"提出一種看法"
air one's opinion表示"發表意見"
base one's opinion on these facts表示"根據這些事實形成看法"
bear out one's opinion表示"證實自己的意見"
echo an opinion表示"附和一種意見"
influence public opinion表示"左右輿論"
lead public opinion towards…表示"將輿論引向……"
stick to one's opinion表示"堅持己見"
take the opinion of…表示"接受……的意見"
treat sb.'s opinion lightly表示"輕視某人的意見"
in my poor opinion表示"按我的膚淺看法"
according to my opinion表示"根據我的意見"
differ(vary)in opinion表示"意見不同"
in sb.'s opinion表示"依照某人的意見"
3.view表示"意見,看法,見解,觀點",強調個人因素,其重點在於個人對於大而普遍存在的問題的看法、所持的態度或注意力集中的地方。因此,view有"觀點,見解"的意思。縱然也有"想法,意見"的含義,但比opinion更為全面、肯定,甚至具有系統性。用做可數名詞,常與介詞according to,in,of,on,with,against,as to,regarding to等搭配。例如:
in my view,war is a game in which both sides lose.
with a view to improving his ability to speak english he spends most of his holidays in england.為了提高他自己講英語的能力,他在英國度過了他的大部分假期。
the couple saved their money with a view to being able to buy a house of their own someday. 那對夫妻把錢存起來,渴望有朝一日能買一棟屬於他們自己的房子。
what are your views of(on) this matter? 你對這件事的看法如何?
air one's views表示"公開發表意見"
be lost to one's view表示"在視野中消失","看不見了"
bird's eye view表示"鳥瞰全景"
have a view of表示"能看見……"
have in view表示"打算……"
hold the view that表示"……認為……"
in full view of表示"在大家面前"
in one's view表示"據某人看來"
in view表示"可以看到,在望,臨近"
in view of表示"鑒於,考慮到,由於"
keep in view表示"一直看著,監視"
on view表示"(在)展出"
share the views of sb. on…表示"在……上與某人看法一致"
a view against表示"反對……的意見"
4.suggestion表示"意見,建議,提議",特指為了改進或解決某一問題而提出建議,辦法等,但不一定正確,僅供參考。在這一含義上,它和opinion同義,但比opinion正式。語氣比advice客氣、委婉。多用作可數名詞,常和介詞about,as to,at,on,by,with等搭配。例如:
this trip was made at his teacher's suggestion. 這次旅行是由他的老師建議組織的。
by her mother's suggestion the contribution was raised. 根據她媽媽的建議發起了募捐。
i have put my suggestions in pencil that they may be rubbed out if you do not approve of them. 我的建議是用鉛筆寫的,這樣,如果你不同意就可以把它們擦掉。
i have some suggestions to submit. 我有幾個建議要提出。
accept a suggestion put forward by…表示"接受……提出的建議"
adopt a suggestion表示"採納建議"
advance the suggestion that…表示"提出……的建議"
carry a suggestion of…表示"使人想起……","給人以……的聯想"
follow out suggestion表示"貫徹建議"
take the suggestion into consideration表示"考慮這個建議"
throw away a suggestion表示"拋棄一項建議"
volunteer suggestions on…表示"對……主動提出建議"
at(on)sb.'s suggestion表示"將照某人的建議"
at(on)the suggestion of…表示"在……的建議下","按照……的建議"
by sb.'s suggestion表示"根據某人的建議"
be full of suggestions表示"充滿了暗示","含義深遠"
act on sb.'s suggestion表示"按照某人的建議行事"
you should accept the offer. 你應該接受這個提議。
your offer does not tempt me at all. 你的建議一點也不能使我動心。
he made me an offer of help. 他表示願意幫助我。
accept an offer表示"接受提議"。
cancel an offer表示"取消一項建議"
make an offer(of…)表示"提議,提供,出價"
make sb. offer表示"給某人出個價"
make an offer to catch the ball表示"想要接住那個球"
reject an offer表示"不接受提議"
slight sb's offer表示"輕視某人的建議"
take back one's offer表示"收回建議"
a kind offer to aid表示"提供援助的好意"
make a reasonable offer表示"合理的報價"
a suitable offer表示"適當的報價"
under offer表示"(指待售房屋)已經有人出了價的","有人打算買的"
an offer of marriage表示"求婚"

5. 淺析year by year和year after year

(1)year by year表示每年都有所變化。如:
i grow taller year by year. 我一年年長高。
year by year their affection for each other grew stronger. 他們相愛逐年加深。
(2)year after year表示一年年一成不變。如:
the flowers remain the same year after year while people change year by year. 年年歲歲花相似,歲歲年年人不同。
she sent money year after year to help the poor. 她年年送錢幫助窮人。

6. 辨別try to do sth和try doing sth

(1)try to do意為"努力,企圖做某事"。如:
you must try to be more careful. 你可要多加小心。
(2)try doing意為"試驗,試著做某事"。如:
i tried gardening but didn't succeed. 我試著種果木花卉,但未成功。