70天攻克考研英語辭彙Day 12

blood n.
blood burst out from the wound.
[猜一猜]a. 血液 b. 淚水 c. 方案 d. 氣流
[詞義擴展]① 血統,宗族,門第
he is of noble blood, which you could be sure from his elegant manners. 他風度翩翩,一定出身於貴族家庭。
② 血氣,氣質
he is out of blood due to his crushing defeat in last competition. 上次競爭中他一敗塗地使他變得意志消沉。

bloody a.
that's really a bloody battle.
[猜一猜]  a. 淡忘的 b. 愛恨交織的 c. 放心的 d. 血腥的

calendar n.
i bought a new year's calendar yes today.
[猜一猜] a. 日曆,月曆 b. 便簽 c. 表格 d. 年表

congratulate v.
i congratulate you on your promotion.
[猜一猜] a. 慶幸 b. 祝賀 c. 檢討 d. 否定
[分析] con + gratu(s) + late  together + to please + 動詞詞尾 → 共同歡喜,慶賀

congratulation n.
congratulations on winning the prize!
[猜一猜]  a. 祝賀 b. 倒霉 c. 幸運 d. 巧合
[分析] congratulate + ion  祝賀,慶賀 + 名詞詞尾 →  祝賀,祝賀詞

describe v.
he vividly described his journey to africa, which made us envious.
[猜一猜]  a. 獨行 b. 描述,形容 c. 通過 d. 完成

description n.
he is not good at description.
[猜一猜]  a. 描述 b. 選擇 c. 領導 d. 演示
[分析]descrip+ tion 描述,形容+ 名詞詞尾 →  名詞,描述,形容
the girl wearing a dress of no particular description attracted my attention immediately. 那個身穿普通連衣裙的女孩立即吸引了我的注意。

desert n.
vast areas of land have become desert because of people's casual cutting of trees.
[猜一猜]  a. 破壞 b. 退化 c. 擴大 d. 沙漠,不毛之地
[詞義擴展] ① 拋棄,遺棄
he deserted his wife and children and went abroad. 他拋棄了妻子兒女,出國去了。
② 擅離,開小差
a soldier who deserts in time of war is severely punished. 戰爭期間開小差的士兵要受到嚴懲。
[近義詞]  abandon 離棄,遺棄 discard 丟棄,拋棄

consequence n.
you don't understand how serious the consequence is if the document is missing.
[猜一猜]  a. 經過 b. 後果 c. 原因 d. 場合
[翻譯] 你不明白檔案丟失後果有多嚴重。
[分析] con + sequ + ence together + to follow + 名詞詞尾 → 一同繼續,繼於其後的事
[詞義擴展]  重要性
he is a man of great consequence in his hometown but he is ignored by everyone here. 他在自己家鄉算個舉足輕重的人,但在這兒沒有人會注意到他。
[詞組]  in consequence 因此,結果
the employee offended personnel manager and lost his job in consequence.  職員得罪了人事部經理,因而丟了工作。
in consequence of 由於…的緣故
he was arrested in consequence of involving corruption.  他因為參與受賄被捕。

consequently ad.
i got caught in the rush瞙our traffic and consequently i was late.
[猜一猜] a. 一般地 b. 幸運地 c. 後悔地 d. 因而,所以
[分析]  consequent + ly 後來的,結果的+ 副詞詞尾 → 因此,結果是

consist v.
the beauty of the proposal consists in its novelty.
[猜一猜]  a. 體現 b. 在於 c. 改善 d. 校訂
[翻譯]  這項提議的好處在於它的新穎獨特。
[分析]  con + sist  together + to stand → 站在一起,組成,構成
[詞義擴展] 由…構成  our team consists 12 members.  我們組有12個成員。

consistent a.
his description of the accident is consistent with what the police reported.
[猜一猜] a. 一致的 b. 相反的 c. 相似的 d. 荒謬的
[翻譯] 他對事故的描述與警察的報告一致。
[分析] conisist + ent一致 + 形容詞詞尾  → 一致的,始終如一的
[近義詞]  compatible,regular,uniform

dazzle v.
he was dazzled by her beauty and wit.
[猜一猜]  a. 糊塗 b. 欣賞 c. 使驚奇,傾倒 d. 打倒
[詞義擴展]  v. 使眩目,耀(眼)
the bright lights of the car dazzled me. 汽車明亮的燈晃得我睜不開眼。
n. ① 耀眼的光
the dazzle of the headlights 汽車前燈的光很耀眼
② 令人讚嘆的東西
the dazzle of advanced invention 令人讚嘆的發明

stain n.
there is lots of stain on your new shirt and i can't get them out of it.
[猜一猜] a. 污跡 b. 線頭 c. 染料 d. 圖案
[聯想記憶] stain 就是詞根。
[詞義擴展]v. ① 玷污
the habit of smoking left him nothing but stained teeth and ruined health. 吸菸使他牙齒髮黃,健康受損。
② 染色
the clothes are always stained before they are sent to the clothes factory.  那些布料在送去工廠前都得染色。

stainless a.
stainless steel is used to made many things such as knives and sinks.
[猜一猜] a. 優質的 b. 堅硬的 c. 不銹的 d. 韌性好的
[聯想記憶]  stain是“污點,斑點”,加上後綴-less表示否定,意即為“不易被玷污的”。

pupil n.
i have been a governess for several pupils.
[猜一猜]  a. 孩子 b. 國小生 c. 老師 d. 中學生
pupils are the center parts of one's eyes. 瞳孔是人眼的中心部分。

organism n.
organism is the basic study of biology.
[猜一猜]  a. 化合物 b. 成分 c. 柔嫩 d. 生物體

organization/organisation n.
an army without organization is useless.
[猜一猜]  a. 疼痛 b. 達到 c. 組織體制 d. 財務
red cross is a big international organization. 紅十字會是一個龐大的國際組織。

organize/organise v.
he is active in organizing worker’s strike.
[猜一猜] a. 組織 b. 採購 c. 進口 d. 拉平
[翻譯]  他積極組織工人罷工。

marine a.
marine creatures are those which live in the sea.
[猜一猜] a. 魚類 b. 藻類 c. 爬行的 d. 海洋的
[詞義擴展]  船舶的,航海的
[大頭例句] american marine cops were attacked by chinese ones. 美國海軍陸戰隊遭到了中國海軍陸戰隊的攻擊。

erosion n.
[大頭巧計]前綴e出;rod 咬,齧;後綴sion名詞詞尾;咬出來,引申為腐蝕,磨損。
[大頭例句] the seawall collapsed because of the gradual erosion of rising seawater. 海堤由於不斷上漲的海水的逐漸腐蝕而倒塌了。
contemporary a.
he favors furniture of contemporary style.
[猜一猜]  a. 古典的 b. 外來的 c. 現代的 d. 懷舊的
[分析]con + tempor + ary  together + time + 形容詞詞尾 → 同一時間的,同一時代的
[詞義擴展]  同一時代的
many contemporary writers condemned the harsh realities of capitalism. 當時很多作家譴責資本主義的冷酷現實。

aircraft n.
[詞義]  航空器,飛機
[大頭例句]  the aircraft was launched into the outer space. 太空飛行器被發射到了太空中。
airline n.
[詞義] 航線,航空公司
[大頭例句]the united airlines is the largest airline company in the world. 美國聯合航空公司是世界上最大的航空公司。

airmail n.
[詞義] 航空郵件,航空郵政
[大頭例句]the postage of airmail is much higher than that of regular瞞ail. 航空郵件的郵資比普通郵件的郵資貴得多。

airplane/aeroplane n.
[詞義] 飛機
[大頭例句] there are over fifty airplanes on the airport. 機場有五十多架飛機。

airport n.
[詞義]  機場,航空港
[大頭例句]the enemy army invaded and bombed their important airports. 敵軍侵略轟炸了他們重要的機場。

diligent a.
he is such a diligent boy that nearly no teacher had ever scolded him.
[猜一猜] a.優秀的 b.突出的 c.高尚的 d.勤奮的,用功的
[翻譯] 他學習如此用功,幾乎沒有老師批評過他。
[近義詞] hardworking  努力的,用功的 industrious  勤勉的,刻苦的

dead a.
her mother has been dead for three years.
[猜一猜]  a. 消失的 b. 好心的 c. 封閉的 d. 死的
[詞義擴展] 無感覺的 
dead fingers  麻木的手指

deadline n.
the deadline for this thesis is the end of march.
[猜一猜] a. 標題 b. 主題 c. 最後期限 d. 記錄
[翻譯]  這篇論文得在三月底之前交上來。
[分析] dead + line  死的+ 線 → 最後期限

deadly a.
his kindness makes him popular, but also is the deadly weakness in dong business.
[猜一猜]  a. 相反的 b. 致命的 c. 忐忑的 d. 巨大的
[翻譯]  他的善良為他建立了好人緣,但也成為他在生意場上致命的弱點。
[近義詞] fatal  致命的,毀滅性的
mortal  必死的,致命的

average n.
the average increase of gdp in the past five years is not satisfactory.
[猜一猜] a.中期 b. 顯示 c. 餘額 d. 平均數
[翻譯]過去5 年的國民生產總值平均增長數不太令人滿意。
[詞義擴展]a. 平均的,通常的,一般的
he is said to be above average intelligence. 他被認為是個天才。
v. 平均,均分
finally we arrived at the small village, averaging 10 miles a day. 最後我們終於抵達那個村子,平均每天走了10公里。
on (the/an)average 平均,一般說來
on average, people in japan are a little bit shorter than chinese. 一般來說,日本人比中國人略為矮一些。

conclude v.
the president concluded his speech with a famous motto.
[猜一猜]  a. 開始 b. 裝飾 c. 升華 d. 結束
[翻譯]  總統用一句著名的格言結束了演講。
[翻譯] con + clude  together + to shut → 一起關閉,結束
[詞義擴展] ① 斷定,下結論
i conclude that he would spoil his child. 我斷定他會慣壞孩子。
② 締結,議定
china concludes an exporting agreement with usa. 中美兩國締結了出口貿易協定。

conclusion n.
the conclusion of the story is a tragedy.
[猜一猜]  a. 開頭 b. 情節 c. 結局 d. 主人公
[翻譯] 這個故事的結局是個悲劇。
[分析] conclud(e) + sion  結束 + 名詞詞尾 → 結束,終結
[詞義擴展] 結論,推斷
your conclusion of the case is ridiculous. 你對這件案子的[分析] 太荒謬了。
[詞組] in conclusion 最終,最後
in conclusion everyone should cherish his life. 總之每個人都要珍惜自己的生命。

deliver v.
a postman is a man employed to deliver letters and parcels.
[猜一猜]  a. 檢查 b. 監督 c. 保管 d. 遞送
[翻譯]  郵遞員是受僱來遞送信件和包裹的人。
[分析] de + liver  加強語氣+ 釋放 → 交付,遞送
[詞義擴展]  ① 發表,表達
he delivered a success speech at the opening ceremony. 他在開幕式上成功的發表了一篇演講。
② 釋放
deliver heat 釋放熱量
③ 接生
the doctor delivered more than 100 babies last year. 去年這個醫生共接生了100多位嬰兒。
[近義詞]bring 帶來transmit 傳輸,傳達

delivery n.
please pay on the delivery.
[猜一猜] a. 規定 b. 傳遞 c. 準時 d. 考驗
[翻譯] 請貨到付款。
farther ad.
go farther and never come back.
[猜一猜]  a. 更遠地 b. 更多地 c. 長久地 d. 遙遠地
[翻譯] 走地更遠些,永遠別再回來。
[詞義擴展] a. 更遠的
we are too tired to go any farther. 我們累得一步也走不動了。

hand n.
people shake hands with each other to show their kindness.
[猜一猜]  a. 衣服 b. 禮物 c. 手 d. 標誌
[翻譯]  人們以握手的方式來表示友好。
[詞義擴展] n. 人手,職員,船員
we need more hands to help us to finish the work in time.  我們需要更多的人手來幫我們按時完成工作。
v. 交給,傳遞
teacher asked us to hand in our homework on monday. 老師要我們星期一交作業。
[詞組] at hand 在手邊,在附近
i have no more information at hand now. 我現在手頭沒有更多的資料了。
by hand 用手
he moved the huge stone by hand. 他用手移動了那塊大石頭。
hand down 流傳下來,傳給,往下傳
the special way of cooking was handed from his grandfather. 這種特殊的烹調方法是從他祖父傳下來的。 
hand in  交上,遞交he handed in his new plan yesterday. 他昨天交了新計畫。
hand in hand 手拉著手,攜手,結合起來,聯合
pain and happiness go hand in hand. 痛苦和快樂是同時並存的。 

hand on 傳下來,依次傳遞
she handed on the stick to the girl next to her. 她把棒子傳給她旁邊的女孩。
hand out  分發,散發,發給
teacher handed out cakes to children. 老師把蛋糕發給孩子們。
hand over 交出,移交,讓與
the king handed over his throne to his son. 國王把王位交給了兒子。
in hand  在控制中,在進行中
we had the situation well in hand. 我們完全控制了局面。
on hand  在手邊,臨近
i have a new car on my hand. 我手中有一輛新車。
on (the)one hand...on the other hand 一方面…另一方面…
on one hand chinese government would like to develop the west region of china,on the other hand the east region also needs financial support. 一方面中國政府想大力發展西部地區,而另一方面,東部地區也需要大量的財政支持。

handbook n.
this car handbook is very useful.
[猜一猜] a. 零件 b. 車庫 c. 手冊 d. 控制器
[翻譯]  這本汽車手冊很有用。
[分析]  hand(手)+ book(書)
[聯想記憶] 手中的書,小書 → 手冊

handful n.
the boy picked up a handful of sand,and threw to his company.
[猜一猜] a. 顆 b. 把 c. 碎 d. 漂亮
[翻譯]  這個淘氣的男孩抓了一把沙子扔向他的同伴。
[分析] hand(手) + ful (形容詞尾)  聯想:一手,一把

handicap v.
he is handicapped by a lack of education,so that it is hard for him to find a good job.
[猜一猜]  a. 由於 b. 放棄 c. 妨礙 d. 生氣
[翻譯]  文化程度低限制了他,所以他很難找到好工作。
[聯想記憶]  hand + i+ cap(蓋子,罩子) 手上套了罩子做事當然有阻礙,不方便
[詞義擴展] n. (身體或智力反面的)缺陷;障礙,不利條件
blindness can be serious handicap. 眼盲有時算是嚴重的缺陷。

handle n.
it will be more convenience to add a handle to the drawer.
[猜一猜] a. 裝飾 b. 鎖 c. 拉手 d. 掛鈎
[詞義擴展]  v. ① 處理,對待,操縱
an officer must know how to handle his soldiers. 軍官應該知道怎么樣統帥他的士兵。
② 觸,摸,撫弄

handout n.
jason's part time job is delivering handout along the street.
[猜一猜]  a. 印刷品 b. 禮物 c. 試用品 d. 貴賓卡
[翻譯]jason 的兼職是在街上派發印刷品。
[分析]  hand (手)+ out (出去) 聯想:從手上發出去的,是傳單
it is the government's duty to delivery handout to poor people at hard time. 在困難時期給窮人分發救濟品是政府的責任。

handsome a.
i admire him for his intelligence rather than his handsome appearance.
[猜一猜] a. 華麗的 b. 精緻的 c. 漂亮的 d. 令人驚訝的
[翻譯] 我欣賞的是他的才華而不是他漂亮的外表。
he gave a handsome present to her at her birthday party. 在她的生日派對上他給了她一件貴重的禮物。

handwriting n.
the new machine can define person's identity by inspecting his handwriting.
[猜一猜]  a. 筆跡 b. 穿著 c. 指紋 d. 血型
[翻譯]  這個新機器可以通過人的筆跡來確認人的身份。
[分析] hand(手) + writ(e)(寫)+ ing 手寫的 
penmanship 書法

handy a.
keeping a first瞐id kit handy is very important.
[猜一猜]a. 手邊 b. 保存 c. 掌管 d. 運用
[詞義擴展] 方便的
a good medicine瞓ox is handy thing in the house. 家裡有個醫藥箱就方便多了。

develop v.
they provide various materials for developing the listening skills.
[猜一猜]  a. 滿足 b. 製造 c. 發展 d. 解決
[詞義擴展] ① 顯現,顯影
we are all excited that the teacher is going to teach us how to develop photographs. 老師將教我們如何沖洗照片,為此我們都很興奮。
② 發育,成長
the child doesn't develop well for lack of nutrition. 那個小孩缺乏營養,發育得不是很好。
[近義詞] grow  生長,發展; improve  改進,發展