





在閱讀速度方面,要以較快的速度從大量材料中捕捉有關信息,學生必須養成良好的快速閱讀習慣,不是逐詞閱讀,而是按意群(meaningful group)掃視、連貫閱讀;不是拘泥於個別詞句的理解,而力求融會貫通、掌握通篇的中心思想;不是通過翻譯來理解,而是使英語的文字在大腦里直接產生意義。只有這樣,閱讀速度才能加快,理解的準確率才會提高。


(1)快讀(skimming)。快讀的目的是用瀏覽通篇文章的方法了解文章的大意和主題思想,並對文章的結構有個總的概念。快讀時,應特別注意文章的開始段、結束段、文章中每段的段首句和結尾句以及篇章連線手段和行文中的信息詞(signal word)熞蛭它們往往是對文章內容的最精簡概括,是左右文章大意的關鍵。

(2)細讀(reading for full understanding)。找到文章中的有關範圍以後,即在範圍內逐句閱讀,特別對關鍵字、句要仔細琢磨,以便對其有較深刻、較準確的理解和掌握。不僅要理解其字面意思,而且要通過推理、判斷,弄清文章中“字裡行間”潛在的意思。在細讀時,對沒有學過的生詞,可根據上下文或自己的背景知識等來推測其意義;對難以看懂的長句,可藉助語法手段,對其加以分析,以達到透徹理解。




(3)查讀(scanning)。查讀時,是閱讀中的一個重要環節。當然,在閱讀時,還要注意一些細節性問題(supporting details)。




(1)which of the following is not true  according to the information in the passage﹖

(2)which of the following is mentioned in the passage﹖

(3)what is the example of ... as described in the passage﹖

(4)the author mentions all of the following except.

(5)the reason for . is

(6)the author states that ..

(7)according to the passage when (where why煛how煛who煛etc. ) ...


a moment's drilling by the dentist may make us nervous and upset.many of us cannot stand pain.to avoid the pain of a drilling that may last perhaps a minute or two, we demand the “needle-a shot of novocain(一種局部麻醉藥)-that deadens the nerves around the tooth.

now it's true that the human body has developed its millions of nerves to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside of it.this helps us to adjust the world.without our nerves-and our brain,which is a bundle of nerves-we wouldn't know what's happening. but we pay for our sensit-

ivity. we can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body. the history of torture is based on the human body being open to pain.

but there is a way to handle pain. look at the india fakir(苦行僧)who sits on a bed of nails.fakirs can put a needle right through an arm,and feel no pain.this ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should give us ideas about how the minds can deal with pain.

the big thing in withstanding pain is our attitude toward it. if the dentist says,” this will hurt a little, it helps us to accept the pain. by staying relaxed, and by treating the pain as an interesting sensation(知覺), we can handle the pain without falling apart. after all,although pain is an unpleasant sensation, it is still a sensation, and sensations are part of life.

multiple choice :

1.from the passage,the writer seems to tell us ___.

a.that we needn't pay more attention to pain

b.that pain is good for us

c.how to avoid torture at the dentist's

d.how to handle pain

2.the result of pain is to ____ .

a.help us get more sensations

b.keep us sensitive

c.let us know what's going on

d.help us change the world

3.the sentence “we pay for our sensitivity” in paragraph 2 most probably means ____ .

a.we suffer because of being sensitive

b.we are lucky to have developed our senses

c.our sensitivity costs us a great deal

d.we have to pay the dentist for his making us sensitive to pain

4.in the last paragraph,the word “withstanding could be best replaced by which of the following?

a.fighting c.suffering

b.handling d.accepting

5.according to the passage ,we should ____ o deal with the pain.

a.make ourselves less sensitive

b.make more precautions

c.treat it as an interesting sensation

d.do what the india fakirs do

key:1.d 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.c