
3.1 人稱代詞的用法  
  john waited a while but eventually he went home.
  john hoped the passenger would be mary and indeed it was she.

  when he arrived, john went straight to the bank.

 i saw her with them, at least, i thought it was her.
 我看到她和他們在一起,至少我認為是她。(her做賓 語,them做介詞賓語,her做主語補語)
a. -- who broke the vase? --誰打碎了花瓶?
b. -- me.--我。(me做主語補語= it's me.)

3.2 人稱代詞之主、賓格的替換  
1) 賓格代替主格
  a.在簡短對話中,當人稱代詞單獨使用或在not 後,多用賓語。
 ---- i like english. --我喜歡英語。
 ---- me too. --我也喜歡。
 ---- have more wine? --再來點酒喝嗎?
 ---- not me. --我可不要了。

  b.在表示比較的非正式的文體中,常用賓格代替主格。 但如果比較狀語的謂語保留,則主語只能用主格。
  he is taller than i/me.
  he is taller than i am.

2) 主格代替賓格
  a. 在介詞but,except 後,有時可用主格代替賓格。

  b. 在電話用語中常用主格。 
  ---- i wish to speak to mary. --我想和瑪麗通話。
  ---- this is she. --我就是瑪麗。

 注意:在動詞be 或to be 後的人稱代詞視其前面的名詞或代詞而定。
  i thought it was she. 我以為是她。(主格----主格)
  i thought it to be her. (賓格----賓格)
  i was taken to be she.我被當成了她。(主格----主格)
  they took me to be her. 他們把我當成了她。 (賓格----賓格 3.3 代詞的指代問題  
 1)不定代詞 anybody,everybody,nobody,anyone, someone, everyone,no one, 及whoever和person在正式場合使用時,可用he, his, him代替。
nobody came, did he? 誰也沒來,是嗎?

 2)動物名詞的指代一般用it或they代替,有時也用he, she,帶有親切的感情色彩。
give the cat some food. she is hungry. 給這貓一些吃的。她餓了。

3.4 並列人稱代詞的排列順序  
 1) 單數人稱代詞並列作主語時,其順序為:
  第二人稱 -> 第三人稱 -> 第一人稱
you -> he/she; it -> i
  you, he and i should return on time.
 2) 複數人稱代詞作主語時,其順序為:
  第一人稱 -> 第二人稱 -> 第三人稱
we -> you -> they
注意: 在下列情況中,第一人稱放在前面。
 a. 在承認錯誤,承擔責任時,
it was i and john that made her angry.

 b. 在長輩對晚輩,長官對下屬說話時,如長官為第一人稱, 如:i and you try to finish it.

 c. 並列主語只有第一人稱和第三人稱時,

 d. 當其他人稱代詞或名詞被定語從句修飾時。
3.5 物主代詞    
john had cut his finger; apparently there was a broken glass on his desk.

  物主代詞有形容詞性(my, your等)和名詞性(mine, yours等)兩種,形容詞性的物主代詞屬於限定詞。
  名詞性的物主代詞在用法上相當於省略了中心名詞的 --'s屬格結構,例如:
 jack's cap  意為 the cap is jack's.
 his cap 意為 the cap is his.

 2) 名詞性物主代詞的句法功能
a. 作主語,例如:
 may i use your pen? yours works better.
 我可以用一用你的鋼筆嗎? 你的比我的好用。

b. 作賓語,例如:
 i love my motherland as much as you love yours.

c. 作介詞賓語,例如:
 your should interpret what i said in my sense of the word, not in yours.

d. 作主語補語,例如:
  the life i have is yours. it's yours. it's yours. 我的生命屬於你,屬於你,屬於你。
3.6 雙重所有格  
物主代詞不可與 a, an, this, that, these, those, some, any, several, no, each, every, such, another, which等詞一起前置,修飾一個名詞,而必須用雙重所有格。
  a, an, this, that +名詞+of +名詞性物主代詞。如:
  a friend of mine.
  each brother of his.
3.7 反身代詞  
 1) 列表
i you you she  he
myself yourself  yourselves herself himself

we they itone
ourselves themselves  itselfoneself

  a. 有些動詞需有反身代詞
absent, bathe, amuse, blame, dry, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, behave
we enjoyed ourselves very much last night. 我們昨晚玩得很開心。
please help yourself to some fish.  請你隨便吃點魚。

  b. 用於及物動詞+賓語+介詞
take pride in, be annoyed with, help oneself to sth.
i could not dress (myself) up at that time. 那個時候我不能打扮我自己。

註:有些動詞後不跟反身代詞, get up, sit-down, stand up, wake up等。
please sit down. 請坐。

 3) 作表語; 同位語
 be oneself: i am not myself today.  我今天不舒服。
 the thing itself is not important.事情本身並不重要。

 4) 在不強調的情況下,but, except, for 等介詞後賓語用反身代詞或人稱代詞賓格均可。如:
no one but myself (me) is hurt.
a. 反身代詞本身不能單獨作主語。
 (錯) myself drove the car.
 (對) i myself drove the car. 我自己開車。
b. 但在and, or, nor連線的並列主語中,第二個主語可用反身代詞,特別是myself 作主語。
 charles and myself saw it.

 you should be proud of yourself. 你應為自己感到驕傲。
3.8 相互代詞  
 1)相互代詞只有each other和one another兩個詞組。他們表示句中動詞所敘述的動作或感覺在涉及的各個對象之間是相互存在的,例如:
it is easy to see that the people of different cultures have always copied each other.

 2) 相互代詞的句法功能:
a. 作動詞賓語;
 people should love one another. 人們應當彼此相愛。

b. 可作介詞賓語;
 does bark, cocks crow, frogs croak to each other.  吠、雞鳴、蛙兒對唱。

 說明:傳統語法認為,相互關係存在於兩個人或物之間用each other, 存在於兩個以上人和物之間用one another。現代英語中,兩組詞交替使用的實例也很多,例如:

 he put all the books beside each other.
 he put all the books beside one another.
 usually these small groups were independent of each other.

c. 相互代詞可加-'s構成所有格,例如:
  the students borrowed each other's notes.
3.9 指示代詞  
 1) 指示代詞分單數(this / that)和複數(these / those)兩種形式,既可作限定詞又可做代詞,例如:
限定詞:this girl is mary.those men are my
代詞: this is mary. those are my

 2) 指示代詞的句法功能;
a. 作主語
  this is the way to do it.

b. 作賓語
  i like this better than that.

c. 作主語補語
  my point is this.

d. 作介詞賓語
  i don't say no to that.
  there is no fear of that.
 (對)that is my teacher. 那是我的老師。( that作主語,指人)
 (對)he is going to marry this girl. 他要和這個姑娘結婚。(this作限定詞)
 (錯)he is going to marry this. (this作賓語時不能指人)
 (對)i bought this. 我買這個。(this指物,可作賓語)

that和those可作定語從句的先行詞,但this和 these不能,同時,在作先行詞時,只有those可指人,試比較:
 (對) he admired that which looked beautiful. 他讚賞外表漂亮的東西。
 (對) he admired those who looked beautiful. 他讚賞那些外表漂亮的人。(those指人)
 (錯) he admired that who danced well. (that作賓語時不能指人)
 (對) he admired those who danced well. 他讚賞跳舞好的人。(those指人)
 (對) he admired those which looked beautiful. 他讚賞那些外表漂亮的東西。(those指物)
3.10 疑問代詞  
 1) 疑問代詞在句中起名詞詞組的作用,用來構成疑問句。疑問代詞有下列幾個:
指 人: who, whom, whose
指 物: what
既可指人又可指物: which

 2) 疑問代詞在句中應位於謂語動詞之前,沒有性和數的變化,除who之外也沒有格的變化。what, which, whose還可作限定詞。試比較:

 疑問代詞:whose are these books on the desk? 
what was the directional flow of u. s. territorial expansion?
 限定詞: whose books are these on the desk?
what events led to most of the east of the mississippi river becoming part of the united states?  哪些事件使密西西比河以東的大部分土地歸屬於美國?

無論是做疑問代詞還是限定詞,which 和 what 所指的範圍不同。what所指的範圍是無限的,而which則指在一定的範圍內,例如:
  which girls do you like best?
  what girls do you like best?

 whom是who的賓格,在書面語中,它作動詞賓語或介詞賓語,在口語中作賓語時,可用who代替,但在介詞後只能用whom, 例如:
who(m) did you meet on the street?
who(m) are you taking the book to?
to whom did you speak on the campus?
  你在校園裡和誰講話了?(作介詞賓語,置介詞 後,不能用who取代。)

 for what do most people live and work?
 what are you looking for?

 i can't make out what he is driving at.
 can you tell me whose is the blue shirt on the bed? 
 much of what you say i agree with, but i cannot go all the way with you.
3.11 關係代詞  
 1) 關係代詞用來引導定語從句。它代表先行詞,同時在從句中作一定的句子成分,例如:the girl to whom i spoke is my cousin. 跟我講話的姑娘是我表妹。(該句中whom既代表先行詞the girl,又在從句中作介詞to的賓語。)

 2) 關係代詞有主格,賓格和屬格之分,並有指人與指物之分。在限定性定語從句中,that 可指人也可指物,見表:
  限定性 非限定性限定性
  指 人 指物 指人或指物
主 格 who  which that
賓 格 whomthat that
屬 格 whose  of which/whose  of which/whose

  this is the pencil whose point is broken.
  (whose 指物,在限定性定語從句中作定語)
  he came back for the book which he had forgotten. 他回來取他丟下的書。

 3) 關係代詞which的先行詞可以是一個句子,例如:
he said he saw me there, which was a lie.

 說明: 關係代詞that在從句中作賓語或表語時可省略, 例如:
  i've forgotten much of the latin i once knew. 
  he's changed. he's not the man he was.
3.12 every , no, all, both, neither, nor  
 all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone.等。
 2) 不定代詞的功能與用法

  a. 除every 和no外不定代詞既可用作名詞,也可用作形容詞。every和no在句中只能作定語。
 i have no idea about it.
  b. all 都,指三者以上。
 all 的主謂一致:all的單複數由它所修飾或指代的名詞的單複數決定。
 all goes well.  一切進展得很好。
 all 通常不與可數名詞單數連用,如:不說 all the book,而說 the whole book。
 但all可與表時間的可數名詞單數連用,如 all day,all night,all the year; 但習慣上不說 all hour,all century。
 all還可以與一些特殊的單數名詞連用,如 all china, all the city, all my life, all the way
 3)  both 都,指兩者。
  a. both 與複數動詞連用,但 both… and…可與單數名詞連用。
  b. both, all 都可作同位語,其位置在行為動詞前, be 動詞之後。如果助動詞或情態動詞後面的實義動詞省 去,則位於助動詞或情態動詞之前。
 who can speak japanese?we both (all) can.
 4) neither 兩者都不
  a. neither作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。
  b. 作定語與單數名詞連用,但neither… nor 用作並列連詞,可與複數名詞連用。其謂語採用就近原則。
  c. 可用於下列句型,避免重複。
 she can't sing,neither (can) he.

  neither 與nor
  d. 如前句是否定式從句,則主句用neither,而不用 nor。
 if you don't do it,neither should i. 如果你不乾,我也不乾。
  e. 如後連續有幾個否定句式,則用nor,不用neither。
  he can't sing,nor dance,nor skate.
3.13 none, few, some, any, one, ones  
一、 none 無
  1) none作主語,多與of 構成短語 none of。 在答語中,none可單獨使用。
  are there any pictures on the wall? none.
  2) none作主語,謂語動詞單複數均可。但如做表語,則其單複數與表語一致。
  it is none of your business.

二、few 一些,少數
few 作主語時,謂語動詞用複數,多用於肯定句。

三、some 一些
  1) 可與複數名詞及不可數名詞連用。
  2) 當做"某一"解時,也可與單數名詞連用。(= a certain)
  you will be sorry for this some day.
  a certain (some) person has seen you break the rule.

  a. 肯定疑問句中:說話人認為對方的答案會是肯定的,或期望得到肯定回答時。
  would you like句式中,表委婉請求或建議,如:
would you like some coffee?
  b. 在條件狀語從句中表示確定的意義時,如:
if you need some help,let me know.
  c.  some位於主語部分,
some students haven't been there before.
  d.  當否定的是整體中的部分時,some可用於否定句。如:
i haven't heard from some of my old friends these years.

四、any 一些
  1) any 多用於否定句和疑問句和條件狀語從句中。
 here are three novels. you may read any. 這有三本小說,你可任讀一本。

五、one, ones 為複數形式
  ones必須和形容詞連用。如果替代的名詞時無形容詞在前,則用some, any,而不
have you bought any rulers? yes,i 've bought some.
3.14 代詞比較辯異 one,that 和it  
 one表示泛指,that和it 表示特指。that與所指名詞為同類,但不是同一個,而it 與所指名詞為同一個。
 i can't find my hat. i think i must buy one. (不定)

 the hat you bought is bigger than that i bought. (同類但不同個)
 i can't find my hat. i don' t know where i put it. ( 同一物)
3.15 one/another/the other  
 one… the other 只有兩個
 some… the others  有三個以上
 one… another,another…
 some… others,others…
 others = other people/things
 the others = the rest 剩餘的全部
 1) 泛指另一個用another。
 2) 一定範圍內兩人(物),一個用one,另一個用the other。
 3) 一定範圍內三者,一個用one,另一個用one (another),第三個可用the other,a third。
 4) 一定範圍內,除去一部分人/物,剩餘的全部用the others。
 5) 泛指別的人或物時,用others當在一定範圍內,除去一部分後,剩餘部分但不是全部時,也用others。
3.16 “the”的妙用  
  he is one of the students who help me.
  he is the one of the students who helps me.

  第一句定語從句與the students 一致。
  第二句定語從句與the one 一致。
3.17 anyone/any one;no one/none;every/each  
1.anyone 和 any one
  anyone僅指人,any one既可指人,也可指物。

2.no one 和none
 a)  none 後跟of短語,既可指人又可指物,而no one只單獨使用,只指人。

 b)  none 作主語,謂語動詞用單,複數均可,而no one作主語謂語動詞只能是單數。
 none of you could lift it. 你們中沒有人可舉起它。

 ---- did any one call me up just now? --剛才有人打電話給我嗎?
 ---- no one.  --沒有。

3.every 和each
1) every 強調全體的概念, each強調個體概念。
every student in our school works hard. 我們學校的學生都很用功。
each student may have one book.. 每個學生都可有一本書。

2) every 指三個以上的人或物(含三個),each指兩個以上的人或物 (含兩個)。

3) every 只作形容詞,不可單獨使用。each可作代詞或形容詞。
every student has to take one.
each boy has to take one.
each of the boys has to take one.

4) every不可以作狀語,each可作狀語。

5) every 有反覆重複的意思,如 every two weeks等; each沒有。

6) every 與not 連用,表示部分否定; each 和not連用表示全部否定。
 every man is not honest. 並非每個人都誠實。
 each man is not honest. 這兒每個人都不誠實。
  3.18 both, either, neither, all, any, none  
這些詞都可用作代詞或形容詞。其位置都在be 動詞之後,行為動詞之前或第一助動詞之後。

 1) both (兩者都),either(兩者中任何一個), neither (兩者都不)。以上詞使用範圍為兩個人或物。
neither of the two boys is clever. 兩個男孩都不聰明。
 2) both,either

  both the boys are clever.  兩個男孩都很聰明。
  either of the two boys is clever. 兩個男孩都很聰明。
  there are flowers on both sides of the street.
  there are flowers on either side of the street.

 3) all (所有的,全部的人或物),any (任何一個), none (都不)。 以上詞使用範圍為三者以上。
  all the flowers are gone. 所有的花都謝了。
  i don't like any of the flowers. 這些花我都不喜歡。
  i like none of the flowers. 這些花我都不喜歡。

all of the students are there.
all (of) the milk is there. 