

"after receiving advice from several different angels, i have decided to pursue a new line of work."

"accounting cleric."

"as indicted, i have over five years of experience analyzing investments."

"suspected to graduate early next year."

"disposed of $2.5 billion in assets."

"proven ability to track down and correct erors."

"accomplishments: oversight of entire department."

"am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details."

"accomplishments: completed 11 years of high school."

"but wait...there's more. you get all this business knowledge plus a grasp of marketing that is second nature."

"i have an excellent track record, although i am not a horse."

"my fortune cookie said, 'your next interview will result in a job'-and i like your company in particular."

"title: another resume from the 'profiles in excellence' series."

"also known as: mr. productivity, mr. clever, mr.fix-it."