
928.unfortunately i have had to leave my position on account of the discoutinuance of the business. 由於公司停業,我不得不離開而另尋工作。 929.the only reason why i am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a foreign trade company. 本人離開現職的惟一原因是打算到外貿公司獲得更多的經驗。 930.i'm leaving that company to be with my aged parents and care for them here. 因本人需要與年邁的父母一起生活並照料他們,故而離開了那家公司。

931.my reason for leaving my present employment is with the desire of improving my position. 我打算離開現職,意欲尋求更好職位。 932.i left the company just a week ago,because i disagree with the general manager. 由於與總經理意見不一,我於一周前離開那家公司。 933.i prefer working in private enterprises to public sector because the former is more energetic while the latter is rather stable. 我較喜歡在私營機構工作,因私營機構比較有活力,儘管公營事業比較穩定。

934.unfortunately i have had to leave my position,as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity. 很不幸,由於這次世界性的經濟危機,我的僱主不得不結束業務,我不得不離職。 935.i left them solely because they made a reduction in their establishment. 由於該公司裁減編制,我因此離職。 936.my reason for wishing to make a change at this time is that there seems no opportunity for advancement in my present position,and i feel that my ability and training,as well as my interest in my work,should lead to advancement and a higher salary. 目前打算離職的緣由是我似乎沒有晉升的機會,以我的工作能力、所受訓練,以及我對工作的熱情,應該獲得晉升和較高薪水。

937.i am leaving my present position because i can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope.my pre-sent employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place. 我希望有機會充分展現自己工作能力,從事更大範圍工作之需要,這是我急於離開現職的主要原因。本人現任職公司老闆對我的工作雄心頗為讚許。因此,願協助我另謀他職。 938.the reason why i wish to leave my present employer is that i hope to widen my experience and take a new turn in the development of my career. 我希望轉職的原因是想有一個新的發展方向和擴展自己的接觸層面。2024年大學生英語面試口語:說明離職原因

939.the reason for leaving my present employment is that i see no chance for further advancement. 由於目前的工作缺乏發展的機會,故本人打算離開。 940.i left my work because i think my potential and ability could be better employed in a large,high-grade corporation like yours. 我離職的原因是認為自己的潛力在如貴公司一樣具規模的機構中更能進一步發揮。 941.i am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in advertising business. 我希望轉職的原因是打算在廣告行業發展。 942.my desire at this time is to get into the publishing industry because i believe it has a bright future. 我目前的願望是要加入出版行業,因為我相信這一行業的前景非常光明。 943.i left them a fortnight ago,owing to a disagreement with the president mr. liu. 由於本人和總裁劉先生意見不一,兩星期前辭職了。

944.i enjoy my tenure at abc company but i feel it is time to move on to a new challenge. 我十分喜歡在abc公司的工作,但我認為現在應該是接受新的挑戰的時候了。 945.i left my job two years ago because i wanted to further my study abroad. 我兩年前離職的原因是想到國外深造。 946.i left the company due to the closing down of the company's business. 由於本人服務的公司結束經營,故本人需另尋工作。 notes 注釋 1.discontinuance n.停止,停業 2.aged a.年老的 3.private a.私人的 4.enterprise n.事業,企業單位 5.public sector 公營機構 6.stable a.穩定的,平穩的 7.liquidate their business結束業務, liquidate v.清理,清算2024年大學生英語面試口語:說明離職原因