
4. appearances count around the office.  在辦公室的著裝。

don't let casual fridays be your fashion downfall. levit, also the author of "success for hire," says, "pay attention to what constitutes business casual in your workplace (i.e. what others are wearing) and dress accordingly -- although business casual usually means khakis and a button- down shirt. and no matter what the trend du jour is, "don't ever wear short-shorts or flip-flops to work."

不要讓星期五的便裝日成了你的時裝秀。levit還著有"success for hire"一書,她說:“留心辦公室的商業休閒裝是什麼(比如,其他人穿什麼)然後照著那個標準著裝,雖然商業休閒裝通常就是卡其褲和鈕扣襯衫。不管流行趨勢是什麼,都絕對不要穿超短裙或夾腳拖鞋去上班。

5. practice proper email etiquette.  實行正確的郵件禮節。

almost everyone has trouble managing their inboxes these days, so don't be so quick to send unnecessary emails -- or those that might stir the pot around the office. she counsels, "only 'reply to all' if every person on the string really needs to hear what you're saying. always check the list of people in the 'to' and 'cc' lines before sending any e-mail. don't hit reply too quickly in case that reply-to-all function is accidentally on, and don't use e-mail for negative or controversial discussion."
