
在推特上有冬粉,在臉譜網上有好友,在關係網上有聯絡,這些挺好—如果你能夠很好的利用的話。 但是十有八九,你推特上的冬粉不會閱讀你的狀態,臉譜上的好友也不會來訪你的主頁,關係網的連線對你的近況也沒有興趣。

tools provide a convenient way to establish connections, but to maintain those connections you still have to put in the work. any tool that is easy or automated won’t establish the connections you really need.

這些社交工具讓社交變得更加方便,但是要維持這些關係需要投入真功夫。 任何簡易或是自動的工具都不能幫你建立起真正需要的人際網路。

5. reach too high.  目標人群不切實際

if your company provides financial services, establishing a connection with warren buffett would be great. or say you need seed capital; hooking up with mark cuban would be awesome. awesome and almost impossible.


the best connections are mutually beneficial. what can you offer buffett or cuban? not much. you may desperately want to connect with the top people in your industry, but the right to connect is not based on want or need. you must earn the right to connect. find people who can benefit from your knowledge and insight or your connections.

最好的關係是雙方能夠互惠互利的。你能給巴菲克或者是庫班什麼呢?沒什麼吧。 你或許拚命地想要和這些頂尖人士結識, 但是這種結識的權利不是你想要或者是你需要就會有的。 你必須要去爭取這種權利。那些能夠從你的知識與見解或者人際關係中獲利的人們才是正確的選擇。

the “status” level of your connections is irrelevant. all that matters is whether you can help each other reach your goals.

在人際網路中,地位是無關緊要的。 重要的是雙方之間是否能夠互相幫助,達到自己的目標。面試口語範文節選!