
first of all, thank you for your busy schedule to read my weeping self materials, passion to work for a university student opened a door of hope!

my name is chen quan, forthcoming in june from 20,006 in nanjing normal university graduate, to take this career, i with a sincere heart and career pursuit in good faith, recommend their own.

from the threshold of the day into the university, through the careful guidance of mentors as well as their own worked hard, i gradually became able to adapt to a new era of community college students。

and to make a knowledge-based builders of socialism lay a solid foundation. in college, i seriously study, play to their strengths, and tap their own potential, and thus improve their learning ability and analytical ability to deal with the problem. at the same time, i also did not forget to pay attention to more aspects of the quality of their own culture, to borrow a large number of various types of books, to cultivate their own character, so. while studying at the school served as minister of propaganda department of the hospital, the hospital debate team。

and achieved a certain score. in addition, i also actively take part in a variety of social practice activities, which has an independent planning body to implement a large-scale promotional activities. in social practice, i try to study successful people, will hone their own quality, and enhance interpersonal communication skills, cultivate teamwork philosophy, studying a variety of corporate culture, based in good faith, and strive to become professional, high quality, plasticity of good talent.

thank you for your busy schedule to give me concern, your company is willing to cause thriving achievements, but also wish you a successful and good health!

low job-seekers holding a book, read harbor the sincere confidence, i look forward to your company to become one!

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感謝您在百忙中瀏覽我這份 自薦信 ,給一個即將畢業的大學生一個機會,在次我對此表示深深的感謝!

首先請允許我做 自我介紹 ,我的名叫程xx,是南華理工大學XX屆 外貿 英語 專業的畢業生,獲知貴單位廣納賢才,我幕名而至,真誠的渴望加入,為貴單位的明天添磚加瓦,更願為此奉獻自己的勞動和智慧。

秉著對知識的渴望,對 英語 學習的執著,在校期間我認真學習專業知識,並通過了大學 英語 四六級 考試 ,還通過了全國非計算機專業計算機 考試 二級。在班上任組織委員一職,組織過班級體郊遊、班內趣味運動會等活動,當然這些都是小事情,但這個機會培養了我很好的組織能力與協調能力。在課外我積極參加學校的各種活動,曾代表我專業在知識競賽中取得一等獎,同時我還參與到社會實踐中,在校期間曾作過家教一職,也曾在網咖擔任過管事一職,還為諾亞舟電子辭典作過市場調研,通過這些社會實踐我學到了很多課堂上學不到的知識,對社會有一定的了解和認識。XX年夏天到深圳同學公司打工,對 外貿 事物的運行和操作有了親身的經歷,我想這是最珍貴的經驗。本人平時愛好廣泛,喜愛音樂,運動,會彈吉他,在校期間還代表我專業參加了足球比賽。同時對軍事與政治頗為關注,經常買關於軍事和政治方面的報紙雜誌研讀,對當今世界的電子產品消費也有一定的關注。伴隨著青春的激情和求知的欲望,我即將走完四年的求知之旅,美好的大學生活,培養了我科學嚴謹的思維方法。更造就了我積極樂觀的生活態度和開拓進取的創新意識。課堂內外的社會實踐、紮實的基礎知識和開闊的視野,使我更了解社會;在不斷的學習工作中養成的嚴謹、踏實的工作作風和團結協作的優秀品質,使我深信自己完全可以在崗位上守業、敬業、更能 創業 !樂慧眼,開始我千里之行。疾風知勁草,路遙知馬力。古有毛遂自薦,今有伯樂點將。願借您伯有待於您通過“使用”來證明。




求職 人:程xx

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我很喜歡從事外貿工作,我深深知道 外貿工作的重要性,這是一個需要更多責任心和細心去完成的工作。我中文錄入速度每分鐘以上;較擅於進行社交活動,本人工作認真、有耐心,肯學肯乾,做事一絲不苟、且具有很強的責任心和進取心,喜歡和人交流。







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  i wish to apply for the position of editorial assistant advertised in jobspower.com.
i have had considerable editorial experience and am familiar with proofreading, rewriting, and production, as well as the more creative aspects of this type of work. i should like to summarize briefly my experience:

  for two years i was employed as managing editor on an abc weekly newspaper having a circulation of about 30,000. here i did a great deal of original writing, wrote the headlines, and worked directly with the printer in setting up the paper.

  previous to 1978 i worked as assistant editor in baker international guide book, where my duties consisted chiefly of reading proof and rewriting, as well as composing lengthy articles and shorter item.

  i also worked as assistant editor on a trade journal in the food field the dairy weekly, where my tasks were similar to those described above, but also included a great deal of interviewing and personal contact with members of the industry.
  all in all, i have had eight years of business experience, and am familiar with all phases of office routine. at present i am employed as promotion manager on an advertising magazine, the future of which is so uncertain as to make its employees desirous of securing a foothold in a more firmly established organization.
  i was graduated from boston college in june, 1979 with honors, after six years of attendance in the evening session, while working full-time during the day. i majored in english literature and am continuing my studies in this field at present at thornton university, where i expect to receive my master‘s degree in june, 1985. at boston i was for two years managing editor of the evening session newspaper.
  as much as i should like to join your organization, it would not be advisable for me to do so for less that $9,500, which is my present salary.
  i shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience, and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work.

yours truly
