

how long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?

what are the applicant’s talents or strengths and weakness?

how would you assess the candidate’s potential for success in the graduate program he or she has selected?

in your opinion, how could the applicant benefit from attending this graduate program?

please provide any additional comment about the applicant's personality, ability, motivation or leadership potential that are relevant to the admissions decision.

若無特定要求,則以書信的方式撰寫即可。從上面幾個具有代表性的問題中,可以總結出推薦信的內容包括但不限於:1) 申請人與推薦人的關係、認識時間;2) 申請人的長處和不足;3) 申請人的關鍵品質和獨特個性(如智力、創造力、自信心、人格魅力、以及商學院特別重視的抱負、動機、領導潛力、成熟程度、團隊協作精神、溝通技巧等)情況及在其所屬群體中的突出程度。