
love; do not harm the motherland.serve;don’t disserve the people.uphold science;don’t be ignorant and unenlightenedwork hard; don’t be lazy and hate work.以熱愛祖國為榮、以危害祖國為恥;以服務人民為榮、以背離人民為恥;以崇尚科學為榮、以愚昧無知為恥;以辛勤勞動為榮、以好逸惡勞為恥

don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.instead of pushing yourself to an impossible "perfect" and therefore getting nowhere, accept "good". many things worth doing are worth doing badly. 至善者,善之敵。許多事情值得去做,卻不需要事事完美。(伏爾泰)

on high, we'd be two birds flying wing to wing;on earth, two trees with branches twined from spring to spring.the boundless sky and endless earth may pass away, but this vow unful filled will be regretted for aye. 在天願作比翼鳥,在地願為連理枝。天長地久有時盡,此恨綿綿無絕期。

the world in my eyes has been so wonderful since you belonged to me. 自從有了你 世界變的好美麗~

if you screwed up,and no one cares to say anything,that means you've been dropped. appreciate the criticisms which sound not so good,for the tea of high quality is bitter before it tastes fragrant. 如果做錯了,卻沒人說什麼,那是因為已經被別人放棄了。感激那些聽起來不怎么好的批評。

if you sweat the little stuff then you'll fill your life with little things to worry about that don't really matter, and you'll never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important stuff. 如果無關緊要的小事填滿你的生活,你就永遠沒辦法騰出時間來處理重要的事。

study hard and make progress every day. 好好學習 天天向上

don't tend to underestimate yourself, mistaking difficulties and adversities for your own incompetence. 自卑的人把困難和不利也看做自己的無能,以至把安分守己、與世無爭誤認為有自知之明,而實際上往往被怯懦的面具窒息了自己鮮活的生命

a tree desires to stand still, but wind does not stop. a son desires to serve his parents, but they can not wait. do not be filial until parents in their old age. 樹欲靜而風不止 子欲養而親不待

whatever you are willing to put up with, is exactly what you will have.no one can ruin your day without your permission.yesterday was the deadline for all complaints. 你願意容忍的恰是你會擁有的。沒有你的允許,沒有人能毀掉你的一天。昨天是所有抱怨的最後期限。

love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.----william shakespeare 愛所有人 信任少數人 不負任何人(莎士比亞

grasping something doesn't denote having it. sometimes we abandon what we possess and then we may get more chances. 我們以為握緊了拳頭就是擁有,但裡面只是空氣。而攤開手掌看似一無所有,卻重新擁有整個世界。丟掉的是握住的空虛,獲得的是無限的可能。

some people use silence as a disguise of the emptiness of the head.some use it as a means to depict their disorientation and melancholy.and some use it as a way of expressing their angers and sorrows. 人們用沉默掩飾思想的空虛,敘述迷茫和惆悵,表達內心的憤怒和憂傷。

the secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly. 不悲過去,非貪未來,心繫當下,由此安詳。〔釋迦牟尼〕