
英語love one another and you will be happy. it's as simple and as difficult as that. 彼此相愛就是幸福,如此簡單,如此難

emma roberts ‘ 那些color控們,心動了沒?

give me a little bit of time, a little bit of patience, a little bit of faith, to show you how much i love you——給我一點點時間,一點點耐心,一點點信心,讓我證明我有多愛你!

love is photogenic. it needs darkness to develop. 愛情就象照片,需要大量的暗房時間來培養.

those days when we were together appear in my mind time after time, because they were so joyful, happy, blest, disappointing, sad and painful. i miss you ,and miss you so mach……常常想起曾和你在一起的那些日子。開心、快樂、幸福、失落、傷心、痛苦的所有日子。很想你,很想你……

it’s better to not know which moment may be your last, every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all. c’est la vie.”(永遠不要妄圖知道自己的末日,生命的奧妙就在於活在當下)”—— captain jack sparrow

the sweetest thing, which is in like your every day, be you like.最甜蜜的事,就是在喜歡你的每一天裡,被你喜歡。

why would anybody act differently just to impress ench other?eventully other person finds out who you really are anyway.it's better to be honest from the begining. 與其被撕破偽裝,不如一開始就以本來面目示人。

據說漢語等級考試是全球三大bt的考試之一,雖然語速很慢,但是內容真的很。。。舉例說明:一聽力短對話。男說:喲,今天你的牙齒好白啊。女說: 那是假牙;男說:真的假的??女說: 真的。。 question:請問這是真牙還是假牙?

you always have two choices when you wake up: wake up

my head says, “who cares?” but then my heart whispers,“you do, stupid...” 我的腦子說:”誰在乎嘛。“ 然而我的心卻輕聲說:”你在乎的,傻瓜。。。

友情語錄原創意造型:we must be able to gain deep friendship, maybe even more attention oneself how to behave, not to abuse the zhirenzhiming good friends ——我們要能多得到深摯的友誼,也許還要多多注意自己怎樣做人,不辜負好友們的知人之明

don't have quiet sorrow dark hate living, this silent wins audio. with far up, meet why had known each other. ------ 別有幽愁暗恨生,此處無聲勝有聲。同是天涯淪落人,相逢何必曾相識。

not a pope friendship is everlasting. people in your life, sometimes, such as flow and the process of friendship is short, the limited. ------ 沒有一宗友情是地久天長的。人們在你的生活里來去如流,有時,友情的過程是短暫的,有限的

what is adhere to? is day, and one day, you tell yourself, insist again one day.什麼是堅持?就是一天,又一天,你告訴自己,再堅持一天。

勵志語錄】1、keep your chin up. 別灰心。2、 take heart- we'll find a way out. 振作起來,我們會有辦法的。3、 keep trying! don't give up the ship. 繼續努力! 別輕易放棄!4、 win a few, lose a few. that's life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此。5、 tomorrow is another day. 有明天就有希望。

a lot of people actually appear like friends, and many are not friends of friends did not appear like friends. pour -----很多顯得像朋友的人其實不是朋友,而很多是朋友的倒並不顯得像朋友