
friendship can never become a trade; instead, it needs the most thoroughly of no interest concept ——友誼永遠不能成為一種交易;相反,它需求最徹底的無利害觀念

true friendship is needed to keep a certain distance. there is distance, would have respect; have respect, friendship will last forever __真正的友誼,是需要保持一定的距離的。有距離,才會有尊重;有尊重,友誼才會天長地久

friendship is heaven, no it is like hell; friendship is life, no it means death ----友情是天堂,沒有它就像地獄;友情是生命,沒有它就意味著死亡

the world's most precious not wealth but a sincere friendship because wealth does not permanent but friends are a once in a lifetime friend -----世上最珍貴的不是財富 而是一份真摯的情誼 因為財富並不能永久 而朋友卻是一生難得的知己

you don't put that person as a friend, if he said in your lucky charms. only in that way, if the man is not friends he can save your distress ---你不要把那人當作朋友,假如他在你幸運時表示好感。只有那樣的人才算朋友,假如他能解救你的危難

it shall be when friends to help, difficulties in things have not hopeless. after say gossip ---------應當在朋友正是困難的時候給予幫助,不可在事情已經無望之後再說閒話。

and when not in luck with the rest of the disaster, is not loyal friend, the quarrels of friends are the opportunities of foes. -----在幸運時不與人同享的,在災難中不會是忠實的友人, 朋友間的不和,就是敵人進攻的機會

if you think of a person's life how many affairs is not only depend on oneself to do, can know how many good friendship. ------只要你想想一個人一生中有多少事務是不能僅靠自己去做的,就可以知道友誼有多少益處了

can you will can flatter to harm you, to double preparedness; ken suggestion you will be willing to help you. listen, want to fall in love---能媚你的,必能害你,要加倍防備;肯諫你的,必肯助你,要傾心細聽

long bosom friend, can not suspicion; no suspicion can be long bosom friend. ----------長相知,才能不相疑;不相疑,才能長相知

the most ideal friends, is on temperament like each other, spiritual outlook on one another, communication, career goals tango. ---最理想的朋友,是氣質上互相傾慕,心靈上互相溝通,世界觀上互相合拍,事業上目標一致的人.

everyone is beautiful in their own way.that's what makes us unique.you may not see that,but the person who truly loves you will.(每個人都有屬於自己的美,這讓我們與眾不同;有時甚至連你自己都會忽略,但真正愛你的人一定會發現它。)

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happiness only real when shared.快樂拿出來分享,才是真正的快樂。

love is someone who understand how to love themself.愛情是留給懂得愛自己的人。

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