

a speech to the teachers

at the new year tea party

優學教育校長  高福厚


大家好! 首先,在這辭舊迎新的歡樂時刻,我代表優學教育集團給你們拜年,祝你們蛇年愛情、事業雙豐收,父母健康、子女優秀。

teachers and workers of youuxue education,

good afternoon! first of all, in the days of saying goodbye to yesterday and looking forward to tomorrow i, on behalf of youxue education group, wish you a happy new year! i wish you a great success in both love and career


secondly, i have something to tell the young teachers. as newcomers, you are enthusiastic and ambitious, eager to make your names. unfortunately, in all probability, you are conceited, believing that everything is no more than a piece of cake. actually, you are like a baby in workplace. you are learning to crawl and walk at the stage of growing up. be sure to treat yourselves as apprentices, sponges or empty glasses. only in this way can you be modest and ready to learn widely from others’strong points.

無論你們畢業於211高校還是985學府,隨著時間的推移,從前的成績和榮譽都會煙消雲散。現在,你們是站在一個新的起點,必須低姿態,高要求。因為,過去你是學生,如今你是老師。出類拔萃的學生不等於有口皆碑的老師。學是一回事,教是另外一回事。自己懂不代表學生一定懂,自己覺得簡單的東西未必學生也覺得簡單。望山跑死馬。套用一句英語:easier said than done.所以,希望你們在教學過程中,不要輕視任何一個知識點,要以雄獅搏兔的心態上好每一堂課。希望你們時時刻刻站在學生的角度看待所教的東西,己所不欲,勿施於人,語言越通俗越好,內容越條理越好,練習越經典越好,試題越繞彎越好,越有陷阱越好。

whether you graduated from universities put on the 211 or 985 list, as time goes on, all honors you won will be of no use at all. now you have set off on a new journey from the same starting line. you are supposed to humble your pride and fight for greater dreams. for you used to be student and now you are teachers. not all top students can make outstanding teachers. to learn is one thing, to teach is another. what is simple to you may seem difficult to students. students are students. to put it in english, so i do hope that you will attach importance to anything you teach in class, that you will carry out your teaching task in students’shoes. use the simplest language, express yourselves systematically, choose classical exercises and comprehensive examination questions.