




以人為本是科學發展觀的核心,而在這一點上雷院做的尤為突出。空軍雷達學院在成立之處,條件不僅艱苦,教學環境也比較糟糕,沒有像樣的教學場所,可如今, 400米塑膠跑道,400米障礙訓練場,燈光籃球場,教學樓,實驗樓,指揮教學樓,電化教學樓,計算機中心,教育技術中心,雷達兵模擬訓練中心,教學實習工廠,圖書館,游泳館,射擊場,文化活動中心等等,都展現在我們面前。此外,學院的綠化帶也搞的非常出色,美麗的人工草坪,幽靜的小樹林,身處花園式的校園中,同學們的學習熱情高漲。這一切的一切,為空軍雷達學院向部隊輸送高素質人才打下了牢固的基礎。


Respect to the head, dear comrades:

Good! My speech today is a theme: the concept of scientific development in radar of the Air Force Academy.

The concept of scientific development in the world and to determine accurately the development trend of China on the basis of formed and developed, with distinct Chinese characteristics and the characteristics of the times. He epitomizes the contemporary world and contemporary China's development and changes in the party and the country's new requirements is to continue all-round well-off society and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and ideological weapon guide to action. 

With the constant in recent years to carry out an in-depth study and practice the scientific concept of development activities, the scientific concept of development has already been popular. Whether in economic or scientific education, scientific development concept has been very good and carry out the implementation. For our university students, are most concerned about is school education. In recent years, the Air Force Radar Academy has been at the forefront of the armed forces. Since the beginning of 1986 College graduate training in 1993 was awarded a master's degree, doctorate graduate training in 1996, 2003, was awarded a doctorate, a Ph.D. in 2004 to set up scientific research work station, and so on. At the same time, the college has never stopped building, the majestic building of scientific research where they stand, beautiful lighting the basketball court is nearing completion, the modern student apartments will be completed soon, a comprehensive stadium bid has been ended. In short, the realization of the Institute of Education, the building of both hands, a really good fast.