

想要做一個好的演講者,幾個可能需要具備的條件是: 思想,實踐,文字,表達。思想 - 多讀書,多思考,多交流;實踐 - 重在參與,比如說社會實踐。文字 - 多讀書,多練習。表達 - 練習,參加象toastmaster international這樣的組織。在這所有要點之上的就是 - 發自內心。如果是從內心發出的聲音和呼喚,人們想聽到更多。

大學一,二年級的時候,歐巴馬說," i noticed that people had begun to listen to my opinions. it was a discovery that made me hungry for words. not words to hide behind but words that could carry a message, support an idea. when we started planning the rally for the trustees' meeting, and somebody suggested that i open the thing, i quickly agreed. i figured i was ready, and could reach people, where it counted. i thought my voice couldn't fail me."

他摘錄了自己在一次關於非洲和黑人的集會上的演講,"it is happening an ocean away. but it's a struggle that touches each and everyone of us. whether we know it or not. whether we want it or not. a struggle that demands we choose sides. not between black and white. not between rich and poor. no - it is a harder choice that that. it's a choice between dignity and servitude. between fairness and injustice. between commitment and indifference. a choice between right and wrong..."


歐巴馬後來和朋友對話,對自己這次成功的演講的反省和嘲諷 - 他美麗的詞語根本無法切實地幫助那些需要幫助的人。很大程度上,他的"反省"不斷地推著他去尋找自己的方向

有人說歐巴馬本身的經歷是對 “美國夢”最好的註解:他是黑白混血兒、由白人祖父祖母撫養,他在亞洲短暫生活,在哈佛受精英教育後,又回到黑人社區做基層工作。媒體對歐巴馬自轉的評價很多,媽媽只想記錄下來讀書過程中一些點滴感受。



歐巴馬的母親和印尼人結婚後,把六歲的歐巴馬帶到了印尼。沒有錢讀國際學校,歐巴馬只好讀當地的國小。他母親擔心他的英語和其它課程落下,就每周五天,天天凌晨四點鐘把歐巴馬叫起,匆匆給他吃早飯,花三個小時教他英語,然後再讓歐巴馬上學,自己上班。除此之外,歐巴馬還要學習美國的函授課程(correspondence course)。小歐巴馬總是找理由抗拒和躲避凌晨的學習,他母親就耐心地重複她那句最有力度的話,"哥們,這對我來說也不是野餐呀。(this is no picnic for me either, buster。)"