

主題句作文是CET-4寫作中常見的一種作文形式。這是一種控制性作文,旨在控制考生的寫作範圍,要求考生按所給每個段落的第一句續寫,完成各段落,但同時它也為考生提供了段落擴展的有利條件,有利於考生在文章的結構和內容安排上不出偏差。因此,主題句作文審題的主要任務之一是審段首句。審題時抓住各段首句的關鍵字語,仔細斟酌每個段首句的內涵和外延,並把段首句同文章的標題聯繫起來分析,找出標題與各段首句之間的關係,以確定段落的擴展方式和材料的篩選。在具體寫作時要以段首句為線索,合理安排有關材料或細節,將段落充分展開,並保證各段落在意義上連成一體,形式上互為統一,語氣上一氣呵成,否則就會偏離主題。下面以1989年6月的作文“What Would Happen If There Were No Power?”為例:

What Would Happen If There Were No Power

1. Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life.

2. If there were no electric power, 

3. Therefore

第一個段首句所包含的信息是:電在現代生活中的作用。句中的關鍵字是an essential part of our modern life, 即該段的中心思想。因此,可通過舉例、說明、分析等手法擴展完成該段落,闡明電在現代生活中的作用。

Ever since early this century, electricity has become an essential part of our modern life. It is much used in both our life and production. We use electricity to light our houses, carry our messages through space, work computers, show us the inside of our bodies, and drive all kinds of machines, such as washing machines, air conditioners, pumping stations and various machines on the production line.

第二段“If there were no electric power”這是一個主從複合句,雖然只給出了從句部分,但它表明該段與第一段是轉折關係。因此,第二段應寫成與第一段意思相反,形成對照的一個段落,說明“如果沒有電”,現代生活將會是什麼樣。

If there were no electric power, the modern world would be in great trouble. Many of our industries would stop production because the motors that power the machines would fail. The transportation systems would fall apart without a supply of electricity. Electric trains would all stop, and motor vehicles could not be operated. For the same reason, aeroplanes could not fly. Probably the worst effect would be felt on the communications systems. The telephone, radio, television and radar would be put out of action.


Therefore there are two points we must pay attention to. First, we should save electricity and energy resources such as coal and oil with all our efforts because most of the electricity we use is produced by machine with coal or oil as fuel. On the other hand, people should also explore other sources of power, for instance, water, sea tide, wind power, and harness solar energy and energy from within the earth, and so on. Scientists have to discover a substance that will replace electricity.


如:1998年6月的作文“Numbers and Luck”

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic

Numbers and Luck. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.

1. 有些人認為某些數字會帶來好運。

2. 也有些人認為數字和運氣無關。


寫作標題及漢語提綱將短文定位為論說文。前兩段要求考生說明目前社會上對 “數字是否可以帶來好運” 這一問題所持的截然相反的兩種觀點。最後一段要求考生說明自己對這一問題的看法。當然,考生還必須申明自己持這種觀點的理由。



Some people say that some numbers will bring them good luck. Take “8” for example. The Chinese pronunciation of the number “8” has almost the same sound as that of the Chinese character “發”, which means making a fortune. Therefore, many Chinese people spend a lot of money to get their telephone number or car number to include this number “8”. They believe without any doubt that the number will bring them money. 



However, others don’t believe that numbers have any connection with good luck. They think such an idea is only an ignorant and superstitious belief. A number is one thing, and good luck is another. They will say: How can you ever have any good luck simply because of some lucky numbers, even if you don’t work hard, don’t have good opportunities and don’t get along well with the people around you.


我的觀點和大部分理由在第二段中已經提到一些,在這一段中肯定不能再重複這些理由。根據對大量範文的觀察,在所有這類要求在談了正反兩方面觀點之後表明“我”的觀點的段落中,作者都要先亮明觀點(段落主題),後重申理由(發展主題),最後以表決心、提建議、發號召作為全段(實際也是全文)的結論。這樣就可以寫些 “每個人的命運都掌握在自己的手中”、“只有勤奮才能成功”等來表述自己的決心。

So far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter. Obviously, such belief is only a kind of superstition. Perhaps it holds true for some cases, but often it does not. Numbers can never bring good luck to a person at all and our fortune is in our own hands. Therefore, everyone can have good fortune only if he tries his best. Let’s always remember “Opportunities are only for the prepared mind” and “No pains, no gains.”


圖表作文只出現過兩次,即1991年6月的Changes in People’s Diet (人們飲食狀況的變化)和2002年6月的Student Use of Computers(學生使用計算機)。圖表作文要求用恰當、準確的文字來解釋說明圖表。其目的是通過對所給數據進行比較分析,從中找出某種規律或得出一個結論。故圖表作文實質上是說明文和議論文甚至描述文(需要對圖表描述)等體裁的結合體。根據所給提綱條目,第一段需先用描述文的寫作方式將圖表內的重要數據用語言表達清楚,然後在第二段內分析圖表所表現出的觀點,即論證該觀點。第三段為結尾段,即重申圖表所揭示的問題,做出合理可信的預言。

以1991年6月Changes in People's Diet 為例:


1.State the changes in people’s diet in the past five years.

2.Give possible reasons for the changes.

3.Draw your own conclusions.

YearFood 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990

Grain 49% 47% 46.5% 45% 45%

Milk 10% 11% 11% 12% 13%

FruitVegetable 24% 22% 20% 20% 21%

Meat 17% 20% 22.5% 23% 21%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

這是一篇圖表附提綱作文。圖表作文的寫作過程通常是讀圖 — 整理素材 — 擬訂提綱。本試題既給了標題和統計表,又給出了提綱。因此,寫作過程就可縮減為緊扣主題讀圖 — 按所給提綱的要求分析、整理和歸納圖表的數據。



As we can see from the table, great changes have taken place in people’s diet over the period from 1986 to 1990. While more and more high-nutrition foods such as milk and meat are consumed by people, the amount of grain consumption, once the main or even the only food for Chinese people, is continuously decreased.


There are several reasons for such changes. Firstly, with the development of our country’s economy, people become more and more wealthy, so they can afford to buy expensive high-energy food. Secondly, nowadays, people believe that certain amount of high-nutrition food is quite necessary to their health. In order to keep their body healthy, they should add nutritious food to their traditional diet.


So, from the above table, we can see that people’s living conditions have greatly improved, and we can hope for a more scientific and reasonable diet for Chinese people in the future.



以2001年6月的作文為例:A Letter

For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write at least 100 words according to the suggestions given below in Chinese:






I am delighted to learn that you are going to visit me during the week-long holiday. My parents will also be happy to see you again. I am sure you will enjoy every minute of your stay here.


I have made a rough plan so that we can enjoy the seven-day holiday in a leisurely way. I know you are fond of swimming. Therefore, we can go swimming in the river that lies not far away from my home. I think it would be very pleasant and refreshing to swim in such hot summer days. Besides swimming, we can go climbing a mountain. A mountain about two miles away from here is beautiful and it is worth climbing. We can go there on foot. When we climb to the top of the mountain, we can have a wonderful bird’s-eye view of the whole village. If it is so hot that you don’t want to stay in the open air, we can stay at home. As in every big room of my home there is an air-conditioner, we can watch TV, play VCDs or read books very comfortably.


But remember to phone me before you set off. There is no need for you to take anything along, since I’ll have prepared everything for you by your arrival.

I am looking forward to seeing you soon.



1. 審題不準確



How I Finance my College Education

1.上大學的費用(tuition and fees)可以通過各種途徑解決。



While the cost of college education has risen sharply in the past few years, students have several ways to pay for their college tuition and fees. First, they may depend on their parents. Many students do not like this way because they think, as college students, they are now responsible for themselves. They generally turn to part-time jobs for their economic independence, and this is the second way for them to pay for tuition and fees. Third, some excellent students can win a yearly scholarship which will solve this problem well. I believe this is the best way since they will become successful in both their study and their life. Lastly, banks will offer poor students low-interest loans so that students can put their hearts into the study and repay the banks in the future.

As for me, I choose to take a part-time job. Then I can finance my college education by myself.

此篇文章忽視了題目是“How I Finance my College Education”,中心是“我”的計畫,應該圍繞“我”如何籌措上大學的費用,把重點放在第二段而不是第一段。改後的文章為:

While the cost of college education has risen sharply in the past few years, students have several ways to pay for their college tuition and fees. Mostly their parents will pay. Many students may find a part-time job. Excellent students can win a yearly scholarship and poor students will easily get low-interest loans from banks.

As for me, I choose to take a part-time job. I do not want my parents to pay for my college education since I have grown up. In the future I will have to live by myself, supporting my own family and my parents. And a part-time job is the right step I should take. Besides, I may get more experiences through a part-time job. This is how I will finance my college education.

2. 忽視主題句



例如1996年1月的作文“The Two-day Weekend”,第一段是雙休日給大學生帶來的好處,有的同學這樣寫到:

We have been thrown into a competitive society. Everybody around us is working hard to build his happy life, and if we do not want to lag behind, we have to work even harder. College students have to face competitions in both their study and their life. Several years ago it was said that they lived comfortably in the “tower of ivory”, but now they are living like workers bees. The problem is that they do not have much free time … .

這位同學的文筆不錯,也不是沒有邏輯,但寫了這么多,還是無法讓人跟“雙休日給大學生帶來的好處”聯繫起來。如果他先把主題句“The two-day weekend has given college students much freedom.”寫出來,再圍繞主題句來寫雙休日給大學生帶來的好處,效果就好了。

3. 不會使用過渡手段




He was stronger than I am. He often protected me when someone wanted to strike me. I was cleverer. He often wanted me to make something like toy guns.


He was stronger than I am; therefore, when someone tried to strike me, he would protect me. But I was cleverer; (hence) he often asked me to make some toy guns for him.

4. 選詞造句的錯誤



例如1998年1月的作文 “Harmfulness of Fake Commodities”中的第一段“目前社會上有不少假冒偽劣商品。為什麼會有這種現象?”,有的考生這樣寫:

Nowadays, we are very worried to find out that there are many fake commodities in the society. Why is this possible? I think there are two big reasons: first, some manufacturers are greedy. They are willing to produce fake commodities. They may give their souls to the devil for money. Second, some customers do not have the idea of protecting themselves. After they are cheated, they only cry for a while and do nothing else.


Nowadays, it is rather disconcerting to find that there are many fake commodities in the market. How has this phenomenon arisen? I think that there are two major reasons: first, some manufacturers’ greed for money has led to the production of fake commodities. As long as they can make money, they are ready to sell their own souls to the devil. To sell their fake commodities to customers is certainly even easier. Second, some customers’ awareness of self-protection is too weak. Having been deceived by the treacherous manufacturer, customers generally do nothing other than complaining for a while. They never have the thought of taking the cheat to court.

在範文中,“society” 換成了”market”,“this”換成了“this phenomenon”,使名詞所指的對象更加具體。”very worried” 換成了”rather disconcerting”,更能表達出內心不安的感受。 “reasons”一般用“major”而不用 “big”表示“主要的,大的”意思。

動詞“are willing to produce fake commodities”是因為他們“greedy”, 後邊用了動詞詞組“led to”把這兩個句子連線起來,更自然,更富有邏輯性。後文對前文最成功的改進是把前文的“give their souls”換成了“sell their own souls”, 一方面更貼切,另一方面和後面增添的“sell their fake commodities”相對照。此外,後文把前文的“cheated”換成“deceived”,“cry”換成“complain”,都表現了更豐富的用法和更準確的思想。

5. 忽視標點符號的運用

