城市介紹:鹹陽簡介-A Brief Introduction to the City of Xianya

城市介紹:鹹陽簡介-A Brief Introduction to the City of Xianyang









A Brief Introduction to the City of Xianyang

Ladies and gentlemen

Welcome to our city. Tomorrow you'll begin your visiting. Now let me tell you something about our city. Xianyang is a famous city in China. It is 20 kilometers away from Xi'an. It's a city of middle size with a population of 400, 000. In the history of China, eleven dynasties made Xianyang their capital. So our city is an old one. There're many places of interest here. Especially, in the north of the city stand hundreds of tombs of ancient emperors, kings, generals and ministers. It's one of the wonders in our country.

Xianyang is also famous for its light industry. You'll see some large cotton mills, each of which has more than ten thousand workers in it.

I hope you'll have a good time in our city.

Thank you.


cotton mills 棉織廠


1)本文是一篇景點介紹說明文。主要講的是該市的地理位置和歷史遺蹟。所以,組織這類文章的結構時,一般遵循先總後分,由總體到局部、由外到內、由概述到細節的空間順序(spatial order)。這點從文中就可以看得出來。在第二段中,作者在主題句“Xianyang is a famous city in China.”後先說鹹陽距西安的距離,再講其大小,接著講歷史上的情況,最後突出細節,即帝王陵墓。

2)由於本文是口頭介紹,所以在正文前應有稱呼語和開場白,即引言段(introductory paragraph)。從文體上講,應該用口頭英語(spoken English)或非正式英語(informal English),這在本文主要表現在“you'll”,“It's”,“there're”等縮約形式;句子都比較短,容易上口。

城市介紹:鹹陽簡介-A Brief Introduction to the City of Xianyang