語言問題(Language Problem),語言問題(Language Problem)范

語言問題(Language Problem) 語言問題是指日常交際語言中主方在交流時所遇到的實際困難,由主方向對方解釋說明後,對方才明白。寫作形式可採用說明文的形式,語言要注意簡煉、明了、實用。

【範例】 小紅和小華每個星期日都去“人民公園”,參加那裡的星期日“英語角”(English Corner)活動。這天她們碰到了兩位美國學生,雙方都談起了各自的業餘體育愛好,可是當小華談起踢毽時,她不會用英語說“毽”一詞,於是小華開始用英語解釋‘毽”這個詞。請用英語記述一下,包括小華是如何用英語解釋“毽”一詞的。


Xiao Hua and Xiao Hong attend “the English Corner”in the People's Park regularly every Sunday.

Last week, they happened to meet two American students. They started talking about sports they do in their spare time, but when Xiao Hua spoke of “Jian”, she didn't know the English word for “Jian.”Anyway she made her explanation like this: “Jian”is made of such materials as copper coins or metal coins wrapped up with a piece of cloth with feathers of cock in it, it can be kicked in various ways and struck to and from across a net in a game. If, in case, you drop the“Jian” onto the ground, you'll fail. “Jian is very popular among the Chinese people both as recreation and sports.






語言問題(Language Problem)