停止污染水(Stop Polluting the Water)

spring is the best season of a year. the weather gets warmer and waemer. my classmates and i took a one-day sightseeing tour around our city. the scene was very beautiful. but when we saw the rivers along our city, i felt very sorry and thought a lot. with the development of; modern industry and agriculture, more and more waste is being poured into rivers. it has caused serious pollution.

the rivers are becoming so dirty that nothing can live in them. the rivers are giving off a terrible smell. we make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation. our government should build various facilities such as sewage treatment plant and encourage scientists to work out more and better ways to reduce water pollution. water is the source of our lives. it is very important to protect the water.

停 止污染水 春天是一年中最好的季節。天氣變得越來越暖和,我和同學進行了環城一日游,所到之處景色宜人。但當我們看到流過城區的河流時,我感到很惋惜,想了很多。 隨著現代工農業的發展,越來越多的污水正被排進河裡,河水被嚴重污染。水變得如此骯髒,以至於生物不能在裡面生存。河水發出難聞的氣味。 我們急切呼籲應該採取措施改變這種狀況。政府應當興建各種設施,例如污水處理廠,並且鼓勵科學家們想出更多更好的辦法以減少水污染。 水是生命之源。保護水資源十分重要。