An Unforgettable National Day

it’s 8:00 pm, october 1st, XX now. today is national day. chinese people is having an evening party to welcome the national day. i’m too excited to fall asleep. so now i’ll write down some words about it. 

our country is very beautiful today. in our town, flowers are nodding and smiling; colorful flags are flying and dancing. china is filled with the air of festival. 

i got up early this morning, after i watched tv, there was a big parade for our country’s 60th anniversary. while i was watching tv, i thought of chinese long history----over 50 centuries! and i saw lots of foreign friends. they praised china “great! wonderful!” i felt very happy and proud. 

china, the country with a long history, has taken on a new look. the open-door policy of our country has given it a new life. china is becoming more and more beautiful and lovely!

(指導老師: 張苑 廣東省中山市民眾中學)