A diary

a diary

by xu xiaoling

may 19 tuesday sunny

this morning i happened to met a foreiner when i was taking a walk in the park. it was a good chance to me to practise my spoken english. so i went up to him, introduced myself in english and expressed my wish to have a talk with him. to my surprise, he just stared at me, looking puzzled. i thought i had not made myself understood. so i repeated again what i said slowly. this time, he can understood a little. then we continued to talk in english. he was so friendly that he always spoke english slowly. but i felt it was difficult for me to understand what he said. how i regreted that i had wasted too much time in playing.

through what happened today, i realized that my english was very poor. so i made up my mind to learn english harder from then on. i’m sure as long as i pay much attention to my study, i will make a difference sooner or later.



