Shopping on the Internet

in  current  society ,  shopping  on  the  interent  is  becoming more  and  more  popular .  it has  many  advantages and disadvartages . 

advantages:shopping on  the  internet is  convient and  faster for  customers.  they can  stay at home  looking for  the items , they need  or like  through the internet which  supplies  a  variety  of  products . people  needn't to  go shopping  in  stores .  then  it  can reduce  cars' amount on  the  road .  so it  also  can  reduce pollutionof   the  gas .it's  unpollution and  reduce  energy .  disadavantages : customers   can buy false production .  people will  be  demaged and have manybussniss  also demaged .

so  we  shopping  on  the internet shouid notice the  production .  and  we should avoid the false  production on the internet  .