
party b should hold the responsibility for management and security of all its properties in the office leased by party b. party a shall not be liable for any loss of and damage to the properties that belong to party b, unless such loss or damages are caused due to negligence or willful misconduct of party a.


if any of the situations mentioned below occurs, party a has the right to terminate the agreement and take the office back.


party b rents, or sells or lends the office to third party without party a’s permission.


party b uses the renting office for illegal activities and harms the public benefits.

(3)乙方拖欠租金累計達 3 個月的;

party b delays payment for 3 months.


party b has activities that party a does not permit as in article 6.


party b will have priority to lease if party a continues to rent out the office when this contract expires. if party b delays to move out at the end of lease term without acceptable reasons, party b will bear all loss caused to party a.


article 5: rent, property management fee, electricity fee and payment

1.租金:每平方米 220.00元/月,總計 元/月。

the rent shall be cny 220.00 per square meter per month based on utility area with the total rent of cny .

2.物業管理費:每平方米 5.00元/月,總計 元/月。甲方有權根據市場物價指數,每年上調該物業管理費不大於15%。

property management fee is cny5.00 per square meter per month, totally cny . party a has the right based on the pricing index to increase with certain amount (not surpass 15%).


payment of rent and property management: party b agrees to transact the payment to bank account appointed by party a before 10th of the first month for each quarter.


payment of electricity fee: unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties, party a and party b together confirm the reading of ammeter on the last day of each calendar month, then party a issue party b a payment statement. party b will pay the electricity fee to the bank account appointed by party a within 7 working days upon the receipt of the statement.