
1、part of, a part of

這兩個詞組後可接單,複數名詞或不可數名詞,名詞前要有the, these, your等限定詞;亦可跟代詞賓格。它們都表示“部分”的意思,但在詞意範圍上有所不同。

part of意為其中“一部分”,可能是整體的一半,一半以上或一半以下。例如:he is a philatelist; part of his collection is rare sets of postage stamps of the qing dynasty.他是一位集郵家。他藏品的一部分是罕見的套頭的大清國郵票。the chinese revolution is part of the world's proletarian revolution. 中國革命是世界無產階級革命的一部分。

a part of意為其中的“一小部分”,僅指整體的一半以下,這時可用part of代替。例如:(a) part of the textbooks have arrived.(一小)部分教科書已經到了。i read only (a) part of the story.這篇小說我僅僅看了(一小)部分。 

2、permit, allow


permit意為“準許,允許”,比前者更為正式,嚴肅,指有權允許的一方積極、明確地從正面允許或持肯定態度。例如:we do permit our employees to gather in the hobby and sing carols on christmas eve. 我們確實準許雇員們於聖誕前夜在大廳里集合唱聖誕頌歌。you are indeed not sensible enough to allow your teenage son to stay out until midnight and even permit him to use the family car. 聽任你十幾歲的兒子在外逗留直至午夜甚至還準許他使用家裡的汽車,你這樣做實在是太不明智了。the distance between the two cities was in those days too great to permit of frequent contact.這兩個城市的距離太遠,在那時不可能有頻繁的接觸。in the wall of the cabin there is a hole to permit light to enter. 小屋的牆壁上有一個小洞,光線可以射進來。

allow意為“許可,準許”,其實表達的意思是並不反對,不加阻止或客觀條件的可行性,偏重“聽任”,意義較消極。可用於複合結構,即allow sb./sth. to do sth.。常用詞組:allow for考慮到具體情況;allow of (no delay/ no dispute)許可,承認(刻不容緩,沒有爭論餘地)。例如:his weakened condition would not allow of his being questioned by the police.他身體虛弱,受不了警方的質詢。the nurse allowed the visitors to remain beyond the hospital visiting hours, though it was not permitted.儘管醫院並不允許,但這位護士還是默許探視者們過了探視時間依然留在醫院。i want to get a good business or profession which allows me to get away when i want to.我想找一份我想離開時就能允許我離開的行當或職業。being the principal of a high school, jane's position allowed of no unseemly behavior in public.作為一座高等學府的校長,簡的職位不允許她在公共場合有任何不得體的舉止。 

3、personal, private, individual

這一組詞都可譯作“個人的”。 personal意為“個人的,私人的,親自的”,著重強調屬於或涉及本人,而非他人所能代表或代替的事物。例如: according to etiquette in western countries, it's good manners to avoid making personal remarks.按照西方禮儀,避免發表涉及個人的評論是禮貌的。i have something personal to discuss with you because it's related to either my own or your intimate interests.我有點私事和你商量,因為它有關你我的切身利益。what is special about the meeting is that the prime minister will make a personal appearance.此次會議與眾不同之處在於首相親自出席。susan wondered if she could ask anna a personal question such as the marital status.蘇珊在想她能否問安娜一個諸如婚姻狀況一類的私人問題。

private意為“個人的,私有的”,表示與公共的或公有的相反,也含有明確的隱私,不願或不應公之於眾的意思。例如:he has asked the secretary of the state to apply to the president for a private interview.他已要國務卿向總統提出申請,要求秘密會見。in the united states, the rich tend to send their children to private schools regardless of their expensive tuition.在美國富人們願意讓孩子上私立學校,不論其費用有多昂貴。this file is highly confidential because it contains all the private information concerning the election.這份檔案高度機密,因為它包含了與選舉有關的所有個人材料。

individual意為“個體的,個人的”,區別於集體,整體或普通,明確指某類單一的,個別的人物,常用作定語。例如:she was determined to do good, not to any individual person but to a country.他決心為國家而不是為任何個人做好事。some people claim that the individual rights are more important than the public interests as a whole.有些人聲稱個人利益比公眾利益更重要。what i admire most is that my sister has an individual style of arranging her hair.我最羨慕姐姐的是她梳的髮型很有個性。 

4、passed, past

passed是動詞pass的過去式和過去分詞,當它用作分詞,修飾某個名詞時,有強調該名詞的意味。例如:on our way home we passed through a picturesque village.在回家的路上,我們經過了一個風景如畫的村子。i consider that the days passed in this way are memorable.我認為以這種方式度過的日子是值得紀念的。

past不能用作動詞,但可以用作介詞,副詞,名詞和形容詞。作形容詞時,既可放在所修飾名詞的前面作定語,也可用作連繫動詞be的表語。例如:in the past, only men had a vote.過去只有男子才有選舉權。he dashed forward, paying no attention to the bullets that whizzed past him.他沖向前去,不顧耳邊飛過的槍彈。during the past few days, many visitors have flocked into the town.在過去的幾天當中,許多參觀者湧入城裡。those times are past.那樣的時代過去了。注意:當past作形容詞,其前面有定冠詞時,past放在所修飾的名詞之前;沒有定冠詞時,past放在所飾的名詞之後。試比較下面的短語:for the past few months 過去的幾個月during the past week 過去的一周期間for some time past過去的一段時間in times past 在過去的年代裡 

5、play, play with

play是一個多義動詞。在表示“玩”的意思時,既可作不及物動詞(主語一般是兒童);也可作及物動詞,這時,後面通常跟樂器名詞(有冠詞),球類名詞或者棋,牌等。例如:the children are playing on the ground.孩子們在操場上玩。she played the piano quite beautifully.她鋼琴彈得棒極了。sometimes they played bridge together.有時他們在一起打橋牌。

play with也可表示“玩”的意思。一般用於小孩和動物,指一種不自覺的“玩耍;開玩笑“的意思。用於前者時,後接具體的東西;用於後者時,後接表示人的名詞。例如:the little girl is playing with her toy bus. 小姑娘在玩她的玩具汽車。it was mean of him to play with her affections.他玩弄她地感情是卑鄙的。don't play with him, he is in a bad humor.別和他開玩笑;他情緒不好。注意:play with後接人的名詞時,有時容易產生歧義。請比較下面一句的意義:they are playing with each other.他們在相互玩弄。/ 他們在相互開玩笑。/ 他們相互在一起玩。 

6、prepare, prepare for, prepared for

prepare和另兩個詞組都是“準備”的意思,但含義和用法有別。prepare用作及物動詞,後接名詞時,表示“準備;調製,配置”的意思,它亦可接帶to的動詞不定式(表示“準備乾某事”)或接不定式複合結構(表示“為某人做某事作準備)。例如:i can't see you tonight, i shall be preparing my lessons.我今晚不能見你,我要預備功課呢。after the discussion they prepared to write an article to air their views.經過討論,他們準備寫一篇文章來提出自己的看法。the nurse is preparing the child to go to hospital.保姆正在為孩子住院作準備。

prepare for和prepared for後均接名詞或代詞,都含有“為將來即要發生的某一行動或某種情況作準備”的意味。兩者一般可以互換,不同的是prepare for是個動介型短語動詞,作及物動詞用,動作意味很強,可直接用作謂語;prepared for中的prepared是一個形容詞,須藉助動詞be作表語,表示狀態。例如:we were given two days to prepare for the examination.我們可以有兩天的時間來準備考試。they were prepared for the worst.他們已準備好應付最壞的情況。注意:prepare for可分開來寫,即prepare...for, 這時prepare是及物動詞。當prepare後接表示物的名詞時,prepare...for通常表示“為(某人)準備(什麼)”。當prepare後接人的名詞,介詞for後接事物等名詞時,它通常表示“培養或指導(某人)準備(什麼)”。例如:we must prepare a room for our guest.我們必須為客人準備一個房間。they are preparing their child for college.他們培養孩子準備上大學。 

7、price, cost, expense

這組詞都指“價錢,花費”。price意為“價格,定價,價錢”,主要指賣主給商品定的價格,一般都高於成本(cost),也可引為做某事而付出的“代價”。例如:labor was the first price, the original purchase money that was paid for all things.勞動是最初的價格,是人們購買一切東西所支付的最初貨幣。what a price she paid for saving the factory from the fire!為了使工廠不至於被火燒掉,她付出了什麼樣的代價啊!

cost意為“成本,費用,價錢”,多指對要價的支付,也指產品本身的成本,即設計,生產,運輸付出的所有勞動及原材料的價值總和。引申為“代價”,即付出的犧牲。常用詞組:at the cost of 以...為代價;at all costs (any cost)不惜一切代價。例如:we have paid a very high cost but we have also made very great achievement.我們付出了很高的代價,但也取得了巨大的成就。he rescued the boy from drowning at the cost of his own life.他救了這孩子,使其免於被淹死,卻犧牲了自己的生命。

expense意為“費用,花費,開支”,常指為某物實際支付的金額總數,也可指各種花費,尤指金錢,也可包括時間,精力等。例如:they built a runway in a shorter time and at less expense than originally planned.他們修築了一條跑道,所用的時間比原計畫短,花的錢也少些。the board of the directors decided to cut down expenses by combining the three offices into one.董事會決定把三個辦公室合併成一個,以節省開支。in order to meet the expenses for her studies, kessy had to do extra work at night.為了支付學習費用,凱西只好晚上去加班工作。 

8、pretty, fairly, rather

這組詞都有“相當地”之意。pretty意為“相當,非常”,是個非正式的用法,表示程度相當高。常用短語有:pretty well, pretty soon, pretty certain。例如:people in the city can hardly imagine what a pretty rough life the countrymen live.生活在城裡的人難以想像農村人的生活有多苦。we can safely draw a conclusion from her facial expression that she is pretty satisfied with the election result.從她面部表情我們可以有把握地得出這樣的結論:她對選舉結果相當滿意。

fairly意為“相當,還算”,語氣最弱,表示適度、尚可,不能與too及形容詞,副詞的比較級連用。還可以講作“公正地,明白地”之意。常用短語:be fairly beside oneself幾乎瘋了;fairly and squarely光明正大地。例如:the children were fairly beside themselves with joy as they caught sight of their parents. 孩子們見到父母簡直欣喜若狂。in our school most of the teachers were fairly young except for a few older teachers.除了幾位老教師外,在我校大多數是很年輕的教師。

rather意為“相當,頗”,用來含蓄地表達某種想法,以避免直截了當的表達方式,但其所表示的程度實際上卻頗高。rather通常修飾表示否定的詞或本身為否定的意義,而fairly則修飾即表示肯定意義的詞或本身為肯定的意義。常用短語:rather too...稍微太...一點;rather than:與其...不would rather...than寧願。例如:i have got a fairly good memory for names, but i'm rather bad on dates.我記名字記得相當牢,可是記日期卻不行。before then, air pollution may have become an international, rather than national problem.在那以前,空氣污染與其說是國家問題,倒不如說是一個國際問題。