
aggressive  adj. ①侵略的,愛挑釁的 ②有進取心的,積極的
an aggressive war 一場侵略戰爭 aggressive weapons 攻擊性武器
- a salesman has to be aggressive in order to a big order.
[備考必背] 派生詞
aggression  n. 進攻,侵略
- the empire started an aggression against the weak kingdom.

agreement  n.  ①同意,一致 ②協定,協定
- the headmaster's opinion isn't in agreement with mine. 校長的意見和我的不一致。
- they signed an agreement to rent a house. 他們簽定了租房協定。
[備考必背] 重要詞組
reach/arrive at/come to an agreement 達成協定;取得一致意見
by agreement 同意,依約  in agreement with 同意

agriculture  n.  農業,農藝,農學
- early in the 6th century b. c., farmers in china developed the science of agriculture. 早在公元前六世紀,中國的農民就已發展了農業科學。
[備考必背] 派生詞
agricultural  adj. 農業的,農藝的

『本文由第 一·范 文 網整理,著作權歸原作者、原出處所有。』

ahead  adv. 向前,在前面
- go straight ahead till you see a building. 一直朝前走,直到你看到一座大樓。
- there is danger ahead on this road. 這條路前面有危險。
[備考必背] 重要詞組
ahead of time 提前
- jack finished his task two hours ahead of time. 傑克提前兩小時完成了任務。
ahead of ... 在……前面
- our company is ahead of other makers of spare parts for the airplane.
go ahead 前進,進行(或用於口語中,表示“行,可以”的意思。)
- things are going ahead. 一切事情都在進行中。