
affect  vt.  ①影響 ②感動,打動
- the part-time job affected her studies. 這份兼職工作影響了她的學習。
- she was affected by this movie. 她被這部電影感動了。
[備考必背] 辨析affect和influence
- the entire country was affected by drought. 整個國家乾旱肆虐。
- the globalization influences the concept of the whole world.

afford  vt. ①負擔得起(時間、費用等) ②提供
- he can't afford the new house. 他買不起這間新房。
- the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. 公司無法支付如此巨額的工資。
afford常常接在一些助動詞後面,如:can,could,be able to等。afford後面所跟動詞的形式經常是afford to do sth.,可以直接跟名次,但是很少用於被動語態。
- i can't afford so much money for the new car. 我付不起這么多錢買輛新車。
(×)a car can be afforded by most people.
(√)most people can afford a car. 大多數人都能買得起汽車。

afraid  adj.  害怕;擔心;恐怕
[考點] 重要句型
afraid只能作表語,不能作定語,也就是只能用在be afraid of/to do/that這樣的句型中。
be afraid of sth./sb./doing sth.  害怕某事/害怕某人/害怕坐某事
- the little boy was afraid of rats. 這個小男孩害怕老鼠。
- she was afraid of her teacher very much. 她很怕她的老師。
- she was afraid of waking her mother up. 她生怕把她媽媽吵醒了。
be afraid to do sth. 害怕/不敢做某事
- she is afraid to make a mistake any more. 她不敢再犯錯誤了。
be afraid +從句 恐怕/怕……(意思常相當於i'm sorry, but ...表示委婉的回絕。)
- i'm afraid that i can't join your party. 我恐怕參加不了你的聚會。
— go for a picnic this weekend, ok?
— . i love getting close to nature. [2004 福建] 
a. i couldn't agree more  b. i'm afraid not
c. i believe not  d. i don't think so
答案:a (“這個周末去野餐,好嗎?”“再好不過了。我喜歡親近自然。”本題考查的是交際用語。i couldn't agree more是“再好不過了(表示同意 )”;i'm afraid not是“我恐怕不能”; i believe not 和i don't think so表示“我不認為這樣”。)

afterward(s)  adv. 然後,後來地
- afterwards the girl left guangdong for shanghai. 後來這女孩離開廣東去了上海。
[備考必背] 辨析afterwards和later
- he will realize his mistakes afterwards/later. 他以後會意識到他的錯誤的。
- i saw her three days later. 我三天后見到了她。