
 鼓風 blast air
 艏錨 bower anchor
 彎曲試驗 bent test
 周緣角材 boundary angle
 球緣角材 bulb angle
 炮塔座裝甲 barbette armour
 結構分段[布置]圖 block arrangement
 腋板連線 bracket attachment
 巴比合金,白合金 babbitt metal
 背面(螺槳) back
 背接角材 back (or backing) angle
 靠板 back board
 背肘板 back bracket
 [葉]背空蝕 back cavitation
 背縫鑿淨,背縫鑿平 back chipping
 後柱 back column
 後柱(主機) back-column or back housing
 後端板 back end plate
 逆火,回火 back fire
 反向焊接 back hand welding
 後管集箱,後管頭箱 back header
 里鉤 back hook
 後退,靠背,支材 backing
 背接角材 backing angle
 倒車操縱 backing maneuvers
 鉚釘機,鉚釘衝出機 backing out punch
 背焊道 backing pass
 靠板,背板 backing plate
 倒硨動力 backing (or astern) power
 托圈,背圈 backing ring
 背托條(焊接) backing strap (or strip)
 齒隙,虛位,反撞 back-lash
 背材 back piece
 背板 back plate
 反壓,背壓 back pressure
 背壓渦輪機 back pressure turbine
 背壓閥 back pressure valve
 後索(斜桅) back rope
 後支撐,後拉索 back stay
 [後]退焊法 back step method
 [後]退焊順序 back step sequence
 [後]退焊接 back step welding
 後管板 back tube plate
 備用斷路器 back-up breaker
 節焊帶(單面電焊) back-up tape
 後曲輪葉 backward curved vane
 艉下傾 backward dip
 回水 back water
 背墊焊接 back weld
 檔板 baffle
 檔板 baffle board (or plate)
 阻板,擋板 baffle plate
 行李間 baggage room
 袋模法(frp) bag molding
 袋架 bag rack
 戽斗 bailer or baler
 扎肋鐵絲(水泥艇) bailing wire
 [魚]餌艙 bait tank (or bait well)
 活餌槽 bait well
 電木,膠木 bakelite
 焙爐,烤爐 bake oven
 烤爐 baker's oven
 麵包房 bakery
 麵包烤爐 baking oven
 平衡,均衡,天平 balance
 平衡放大器 balance amplifier
 均衡氣缸 balance cylinder
 平衡通風 balanced draft
 平衡機 balanced engine
 均衡盤 balance disc
 平衡反動舵 balanced reaction rudder
 平衡舵 balanced rudder
 平衡滑閥 balanced slide valve
 均衡閥 balanced valve
 配量法 balanced (or counter) weight method
 平衡桿 balance level
 均壓活塞,平衡活塞 balance (or dummy) piston
 均衡器 balancer
 舵面平衡比 balance ratio
 均衡彈簧 balance spring
 平衡試驗 balance (or balancing) test
 均衡閥 balance valve
 配重,衡重,砝碼 balance (or counter) weight
 平衡 balancing
 錨桿吊環 balancing band (or clamp)
 平衡試驗機 balancing machine
 平衡試驗 balancing test
 露台,望台 balcony
 包裝容積 bale capacity
 包裝貨 bale cargo
 包裝貨容積 bale cargo capacity
 包裝貨物吊索 bale sling
 球窩接頭 ball and cocket joint
 球窩聯結器 ball and socket coupling
 球窩接頭 ball and socket joint
 壓艙,壓載 ballast
 壓載裝置 ballast attachment
 壓載船況 ballast condition
 壓載龍骨 ballast keel
 壓載水線 ballast line
 壓艙[水]泵,壓載[水]泵 ballast pump
 壓艙水吸口 ballast suction
 壓載水吸入管 ballast suction pipe
 壓載艙 ballast tank
 壓艙水 ballast water
 球軸承,滾球軸承 ball bearing
 彈道表 ballistic table
 球接頭 ball joint
 鋼球滑道下水 ball launching
 球磨粉機 ball mill
 艇底自動泄水塞 ball plug
 滾珠扣件 ball retainer
 滾珠止推軸承,滾珠推力軸承 ball thrust bearing
 球閥 ball valve
 巴沙[輕]木 balsa wood
 香蕉船 banana ship
 帶,頻帶,波段 band
 剎硨帶,軔帶 brake band
 胸帶 breast band
 帶韌,帶剎 band brake
 系板 band (or tie) plate
 帶鋸 band saw
 鋼帶 band steel
 頻頻寬度,波段寬度 band width
 槳座 bank (or thwart)
 封火 banking fire
 棒,條,桿,型材 )酒巴間 )巴(壓力單位) bar
 炮塔座 barbette
 炮塔座裝甲 barbette armour
 裸銅線繞組 bare copper winding
 裸甲板 bare deck
 裸排水量 bare displacement
 裸[電]焊條 bare electrode (or rod)
 裸船殼 bare hull
 裸殼船模 bare hull model
 裸船[殼]阻力 bare hull resistance
 金屬裸面 bare metal
 壓力計 bar gauge
 駁船 barge
 散裝駁船 break/bulk barge
 駁船運搬船 barge carrier
 浮貨柜子母船 barge lash feeder carrier
 條格柵,條格板 bar grating
 [主桅橫帆]三桅船 bark (or barque)
 條龍骨 bar keel
 [前桅橫帆]三桅船 barkentine (or barquentine)
 連線桿 bar link
 連桿鏈 bar link chain
 海生介 barnacle
 氣壓風暴計 barocyclonometer
 氣壓記錄計 baro-graph
 氣壓計,晴雨計 barometer
 氣壓高度 barometeric height
 筒,桶(油料容積單位) )槍管,炮管 barrel
 桶裝貨 barrel cargo
 筒軸 barrel shaft
 手推車 barrow
 條鋼 bar steel
 條形艏材 bar stem
 基座,基 base
 基墩 base block
 主燃燒器 base burner
 基線 base line (bl)
 基線展開 base line development
 本體金屬,卑金屬 )母材 base (or parent, or mother) metal
 本體金屬試件 base metal test specimen
 基板,底板 base plate
 基本設計 basic design
 鹼性熔劑 basic flux
 鹼性平爐 basic open hearth furnace
 鹼性法[煉鋼] basic process
 基礎函式曲線(線圖) basic spline (or b-spline )
 鹼性鋼 basic steel
 船渠,盆 )水槽 basin
 船廠試 basin (or dock) trial
 金屬網鎧裝 basket (or metal braid) armour
 分批裝貨 batch in bags
 分批淨油 batch purification
 抽樣試驗 batch test
 巴斯磚 bath brick
 浴室 bath room
 浴盆 bath tub
 條材,曲線規 )壓條 batten
 壓緊裝置 battening arrangement
 壓條座 batten seat
 電池,炮組 battery
 電池充電器 battery charger
 戰鬥巡洋艦 battle cruiser
 戰艦 battle ship
 描跡儀 battle tracer
 波美液體比重計 baume's hydrometer
 波美度(液體比重計) baume's scale
 包爾瓦赫排汽渦輪機 baure-wach exhaust steam turbine
 包辛格效應 bauschinger effect
 海灣,行(貨櫃船) bay
 插座 bayonet base
 插鏇接頭 bayonet joint
 插鏇接頭 bayonet socket
 下死點 bdc (= bottom dead center )
 指向接收機 beacon receiver
 標識符號 beacon sign
 標識站 beacon station
 焊珠 bead
 彎緣器 beader
 半圓緣木,焊珠熔焊 beading
 緣線 beading line
 聯珠焊接 bead weld
 [橫]梁,船寬 )束 beam
 箱形梁 box beam
 撐梁 breast beam
 組合梁 built-up beam
 指向天線,束射天線 beam antenna
 梁臂 beam arm
 彎梁機 beam bender
 梁肘板 beam bracket
 梁弧高,梁拱高 beam camber
 梁墊材(木船) beam chock
 支梁材(木船) beam clamp
 樑柱 beam column
 梁規,長徑圓規 beam compasses
 [船]寬吃水比 beam draft ratio
 梁元素 beam element
 夾梁鉤[環],艙蓋梁座 beam grab
 承梁腋板(木船) beam hanging knee
 梁肘板,梁腋板 beam knee (or bracket)
 寬長比 beam length ratio
 束光燈 beam light
 型寬 beam molded
 電子束功率放大器 beam power amplifier
 指向反射天線系 beam reflector antenna system
 梁下縱材 beam runner
 橫浪,舷浪 beam sea
 承梁材(木船) beam shelf
 艙口梁座 beam shoe (or socket)
 梁間距 beam spacing
 船梁支柱 beam stanchion
 梁理論 beam theory
 側拖網漁船 beam trawler
 波束寬度 beam width
 舷風,橫風 beam wind
 豆腐機 bean curd machine
 交點線(木船) bearding line
 承座,托架 bearer
 軸承,方位 bearing
 球軸承,滾珠軸承 ball bearing
 軸承銅襯 bearing brass
 軸承襯套 bearing bush
 軸承蓋 bearing cap (or keep)
 支持力 bearing capacity
 方位羅經 bearing compass
 軸承力,承[面抗]力 bearing force
 軸頸 bearing journal
 軸承合金 bearing metal
 [軸]承壓[力],承[受]壓[力] bearing pressure
 軸承油環 bearing ring
 軸承台 bearing stand
 承[受]面,[軸]承面 bearing surface
 軸承溫度,承受溫度 bearing temperature
 節拍 beat
 拍頻,差頻 beat frequency
 蒲福風級 beaufort scale
 索環 becket
 床,台 bed
 床頭燈 bed lamp
 床頭燈 bed light (or lamp)
 底板,座板 bed (or sole, or foundation) plate
 床鋪 bed stead
 艉斜桅滑車 bee blocks
 裝甲背板 behind armor
 [螺槳]船後效率 behind efficiency
 [螺槳]船後試驗 behind test
 系索扣 belaying cleat (or cleat)
 系索栓 belay pin
 鍾架 belfry
 鈴,號鍾 bell
 插承接合 bell and spigot joint
 A畈 bell book
 打鐘浮標 bell buoy
 雙臂曲柄 bell crank
 鐘形口 bell mouth
 風箱,皮老虎,伸縮囊節 bellows
 四單輪滑車組 bell purchase
 鐘形汽笛 bell whistle
 桅加強拉條 belly stay
 帶裝甲 belt armour
 帶式運送機 belt conveyer
 皮帶驅動 belt drive
 皮帶驅動 belt driving
 皮帶輪 belt pulley
 邊界元素法 bem (= boundary element method)
 工作檯,凳 bench
 試台試驗 bench test
 台鉗 bench vice
 彎管,彎曲 )繩結 )彎頭 bend
 彎[曲]機 bender
 彎曲 bending
 曲型 bending form
 彎[曲]機 bending machine
 彎[曲力]矩 bending moment
 壓曲機 bending press
 卷板機 bending roll
 蜂巢平台(冷作) bending slab (or block, or floor)
 彎曲強度 bending strength
 彎曲應力 bending stress
 彎曲模板 bending template
 彎曲試驗 bending test
 彎曲振動 bending vibration
 結繩法 bend of rope
 彎肋骨 bent frame
 彎曲試驗 bent test
 柏努力定理 bernouli's theorem
 床,泊位 berth
 造船台 building berth (or slip)
 船台斜度 berth declivity
 床梯 berth ladder
 床燈 berth lamp
 寢檯燈 berth light
 停泊方式 berth mode
 船台使用時間表 berth schedule
 柏思麥鋼 bessemer steel
 備用大錨 best bower
 甲板間 between (or tween) decks
 斜角,斜面 bevel
 斜角 bevel angle
 斜角板 bevel board
 斜面錘 bevel faced hammer
 斜面擋鉚錘 bevel faced holding hammer
 斜角肋骨 bevel frame
 斜齒輪 bevel gear
 扳角器 beveller
 防橫漂插板(帆艉) bevelling board
 斜角規 bevelling frame
 斜角機 bevelling machine
 斜齒輪,斜面輪,錐形輪 bevel wheel
 貝氏曲線(線圖) bezier curve
 制動馬力 bhp (= brake horsepower)
 偏差,偏向,偏流,偏壓(電) bias
 偏[電]壓(電) bias voltage
 雙軸向應力 bi-axial stress
 彎管鏇塞 bib cock
 兩色燈 bi-colored light
 雙三次曲面(cad) bicubic patch
 洗身盆 bidet
 二次蒸餾[鍋爐]給水 bi-distilled feed water
 灣叉浮標 bifurcation buoy
 畢吉諾吊焊 bigelow boom
 大木槌 big wooden hammer
 艙底水,水,污水 bilge
 圓[弧] bilge arc (or circle)
 邊墩,部塢墩 bilge block
 板,部艙底板 bilge board
 腋板 bilge bracket
 部艙底板 bilge ceiling
 部支柱(船台) bilge cod
 艙區 bilge compartment
 部結構 bilge construction
 浸水艙間 bilged compartment
 水抽射器 bilge ejector
 肋骨 bilge frame
 水井 bilge hat
 水抽射器 bilge injection
 水噴射閥 bilge injection valve
 龍骨 bilge keel
 內龍骨 bilge keelson
 部撐木(下水) bilge log
 水總管 bilge main
 水管 bilge pipe
 板 bilge plank
 [艇底]水塞 bilge plug
 水泵 bilge pump
 曲半徑 bilge radius
 外把手(救生艇) bilge rail
 撐柱 bilge shore
 板列 bilge strake
 縱肋 bilge stringer
 水吸入口 bilge suction
 水吸入箱 bilge suction box
 水吸入管 bilge suction pipe
 水艙 bilge tank
 木 bilge timber
 部渦流 bilge vortex
 水,艙底水 bilge water
 水井 bilge well
 進水 bilging
 貨單,錨指 bill
 錨床 billboard
 小塊 billet
 材料表 bill of material (bm)
 雙金屬 bimetal
 雙金屬效應 bimetallic affect
 雙金屬衡溫器 bimetallic thermostat
 貯存箱,貯存倉 bin
 雙流體循環 binary fluid cycle
 雙汽 binary vapor
 雙汽循環 binary vapor cycle
 砂箱夾,結合料 )包紮物 binder
 艙口側甲板列(木船) binding strake
 綴條,繫緊條 binding strip
 綴線,緊結鋼線 binding wire
 羅經箱 binnacle
 羅經箱燈 binnacle lamp
 雙筒望遠鏡 binoculars
 生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand (bod)
 生物污損 biofouling
 生物性[發]光 bioluminescence
 雙腳桅 bipod mast
 桅桿瞭望台 bird's (or crow's) nest
 伯明罕線規 birmingham wire gauge