
1. it has been our tradition to eat rice dumplings wrapped in reed leaves and hold dragon boat races during the dragon boat festival season.
2. like christmas in the west, the spring festival, or the chinese new year, is china's most important festival in a year.
3. 現代化的交通與傳播手段使世界變得越來越小,整個世界好像一個巨大的地球村。有著不同文化背景的世界村的村民們在文化交流和文化衝撞中和睦相處。thanks to the means of modern transportation and communication, the world is getting smaller and smaller. the whole world community appears to be on more than a large global village, where the residents come together with different cultural backgrounds and values. while experiencing the inevitable cultural exchanges as well as cultural clashes, the villagers seek to live in harmony.
4. 當代社會的任何一個民族,其先進文化不是孤立的現象,而是於其他民族的文化進行廣泛的交流的產物。in this modern world, the advanced culture of any nation has never been an isolated phenomenon, but the product of extensive exchanges with other cultures.
5. 任何一個民族的文化,其根基與主流必須具有這個民族的鮮明的特徵。文化交流不是讓外國文化吞沒自己的文化,而是為豐富和充實本民族的文化。the root and the main current of any culture must bear its own distinctive national features. cultural exchange is by no means a process of losing one's own culture to a foreign culture, but to enrich a nation's own culture.
6. [通過文化交流,不同文化之間可以互相學習,互相影響。] 在文化領域裡,互相影響是一種非常複雜的現象。打個比喻,吸取外國文化是一個入口、咀嚼和消化的過程。[through cultural exchange, different cultures can absorb ad influence one another.] mutual influence is a very complicated phenomenon in the field of culture. therefore, absorbing foreign culture is metaphorically a process of taking a bite, chewing, and digesting.
7. the bec, an english proficiency test administered throughout the world under the supervision of the examination committee of cambridge university, offers successful parties a language ability certificate accepted in many countries.商務英語證書是在英國劍橋大學考試委員會監督下,在全球範圍內實施的一種英語水平測試,凡通過考試者都可以得到一張為許多國家認可的英語語言能力證書。
8. the bec exam test one's specialized vocabulary needed to draft official business letters, as well as spoken language for telephone communications. it focuses on listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially on spoken english and practical business vocabulary.商務英語證書的測試對考生在起草公函所需的辭彙,以及電話通訊時的口語能力這些方面進行測試,考試項目包括聽、說、讀、寫等,但重點放在考生的英語口語能力,以及對商務套用辭彙的掌握。
9. china gas opened its doors ever wider in recent years. business activities and economic exchanges and cooperation in this country and gaining in frequency. there is a substantial rise in the number of entrepreneurs and financiers flocking to china to establish factories and companies. these companies seek for prospective chinese employees with adequate certification of their english proficiency. 近年來中國對外更加開放,商務活動和經濟交流與合作日益頻繁。蜂擁而入中國開廠辦公司的企業家和金融家,其人數急劇增長。這類公司需要招聘合格英語能力的中國雇員。
10. 18年前中國開始對外開放,接踵而至的是中國與外國之間在商品、觀念和文化方面的活躍交流。eighteen years ago china opened its door, and with that opening came a brisk exchange of goods, ideas and cultures between this country and the rest of the world.
11. [首先在這項新的開放政策中得益的是中國青年知識分子。] 從1978年起,中國大批知識分子走出國門,它們之間有公派的,也有自費的。[the chinese young intellectuals were among the first group of people who benefited from this new open policy.] starting from 1978 large numbers of chinese intellectuals went abroad to study, some at the government's expenses, and others at their own.
12. like many other countries, the chinese government is selective of those to whom it will grants the right of permanent residence. 同許多其他國家一樣,中國政府在給予外國人居留權方面是有所選擇的。
13. marrying a chinese is the most common way to get a resident status in china. this type of marriages have increased year by year all across the country. 與中國人結為夫妻是獲取居留權的一種最常見的方法。這類婚姻在全國每年都呈上升趨勢。
14. why would anyone from overseas want to stay in china? the reasons vary. some like the chinese culture, and some think they can earn money more easily over here, while others want to escape the cruel, breathless rat race in the west. 海外人士為何樂意留居中國呢?原因種種,各有不同。 有人喜歡中國文化, 有人認為在中國賺錢更為容易, 而有些人則想逃避西方社會那種殘酷而又令人無法喘息的激烈競爭。

1. every body attracts every other body with a force that is proportional to the mass of each body.
2. professor hawking's theory of " from the big bang to black holes" predicts that the expanding universe must have a beginning and an end.
3. my topic today is "the car and air pollution". in particular, i want firstly to discuss the ways in which the car causes air pollution; and secondly, how we can control or reduce air pollution from the car. 我今天的話題是"轎車與空氣污染"。具體說來,我想先談一談轎車污染空氣的途徑,然後研討一下控制或減少這種污染的方法。
4. first, we can discourage the use of cars. for example, we can put higher taxes on petrol, and on cars themselves----especially the larger ones that use a lot of petrol. 首先,我們可以抑制人們用車的願望。譬如說,我們可以提高汽油以及轎車的稅率,尤其對耗油量高的大型轎車,可以徵收高額稅率,我們可以此來抑制人們用車的積極性。
5. second, we can encourage alternative methods of transport, both between and within urban areas. 其次,我們可以鼓勵人們選擇其他交通工具,無論市內交通,還是城市之間的旅行,都應該這樣做。
6. these are five possible ways, then, of controlling air pollution caused by cars. as i'm sure you can see, there are problems with each of these ways; but at least they're a step in the right direction.[ probably the best answer is a synthesis of all five. ] 為了控制或減少轎車對空氣的污染,上述五種方法都可以予以考慮。我想你們會注意到,這五種方法都有各自的弊病。但不管怎樣說,這些方法都朝著正確的方向跨出了一步。[也許我們應對以上五種方法採取兼收並蓄的態度,這可能是解決空氣污染的最佳途徑。]
7. 幾百年來,中國向全世界傳播了其在5000年的歷史長河中所積累的醫療保健知識。今日中國的傳統保健方法,如太極拳、氣功和按摩等,正日益顯示其重要性。 for hundreds of years china has spread across the globe its knowledge of traditional medicine and health care, acquired over 5000 years of history. today, the traditional chinese health preservation methods, such as taijiquan boxing (or shadow boxing), static qigong breathing (or controlled deep breathing exercise) and therapeutic massage, are gaining increasing importance.
8. 中國人認為,太極是天地萬物之根源。太極分為陰陽二氣,陰陽二氣產生木、火、土、金、水這五行。 we chinese believe that taiji is the origin of all lives on earth. taiji comprises yin and yang, two types of vital energy. the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water drive from yin and yang.
9. 今天世界各地學打太極拳,學做氣功以及學習按摩的人越來越多。這些健身之法不僅對人體健康有效,而且對心腦健康、性功能健康以及減肥,都有很好的療效。 there is an increasing number of people worldwide learning taiji boxing, static qigong breathing and therapeutic massage. these methods are effective not only in preserving physical health, but also in mental health care, sex health care and weight reduction.
10. the concept of information superhighway has been around or more than a decade, but until 1993 it was merely a technological speculation. [today information superhighway has become an everyday topic and is making its entry into our lives.] 信息高速公路的概念雖然早在十幾年前便已提出來,但是在1993年前,信息高速公路還只是停留在研究其技術可行性這一階段。[今天信息高速公路成了我們的日常話題,並已開始進入我們的生活。]
11. information superhighway is an unprecedented nationwide, or worldwide, electronic communications network that connects everyone to everyone else, and provides just about any sort of electronic communication imaginable. 信息高速公路是一種前所未有的全國性電子通訊網路,也是一種遍及全球的電子通訊網路。信息高速公路把我們互相聯繫起來,向我們提供幾乎任何一種您所能想到的電子通訊手段。
12. 這個信息網路能傳送任何形式的記錄資料,如文字、聲音、圖像、數碼等。 the network is capable of transmitting just about any from of recorded data-written information, sound, images, or digital flow, etc.
13. 已開發國家有一個雄心勃勃的發展信息高速公路的計畫,所需投資高達天文數字。developed countries have an ambitions plan for expanding such am information superhighway, a plan that will involve an astronomically high investment.
14. 中國中部大城市和沿海發達地區迫切希望獲取信息,不論是哪一種形式的信息,他們都感興趣。人們要求政府儘快把建立信息市場提到議事日程上來。中國政府願意有條不紊的推進這項工作。in china, large central cities and the developed areas on the coast are very keen to obtain information, no matter what form it takes. the chinese government is being urged to put as soon as possible the topic of establishing information markets on its agenda. the government is willing to do so by proceeding in an orderly manner.
15. 由於野生麝的數量在下降,也由於我國政府所採取的保護野生動物政策的推行,近年來麝香變得越來越稀有。musk has become increasingly scarce in recent years, due to the falling numbers of wild musk deer and especially due to the implementation of the wild animal protection policy administered by our government.
16. 經過20年的研究,一種人工配製麝香的方法已誕生。這項發明被醫務界認為是中醫發展史上的一個重大突破。now after 20 years of research, an artificial formula has been prepared which is regarded by the medical profession as a significant breakthrough in the development of traditional chinese medicine.
17. 這項成果為我們繼續研究和開發中藥的其他人工代用品,如瀕臨絕種的老虎骨、犀牛角等,帶來了信心,提供了機會。this achievement provides confidence as well as an opportunity to further research into the development of other artificial materials for traditional chinese medicine, such as tiger bones and rhinoceros horn, both of which are endangered species.
18. 我國衛生部已批准試生產人工麝香。目前,其配製處方和生產過程仍屬國家機密,恕不奉告。the chinese public health ministry has approved the trial production of artificial musk. currently, its prescription and production processes are still listed a s confidential. please excuse me for not releasing them.

1. make yourself t home and help yourself to the dishes.
2. would you like to try my special recipe?
3. maotai is china's best-known liquor; it is delicious and yet doesn't go to the head.
4. 評判中餐烹調的優劣可依據中餐的三大要素,即色香味。the three essential factors, or key elements, by which chinese cooking is judged are known as " color, aroma and taste".
5. 十人一桌的標準晚餐含四道冷盤,四道熱炒,外加湯和米飯。外國賓客見之,常常驚嘆不已,將其視為一次豐盛的晚宴。visitors to china are often surprised when a typical dinner for a table of ten people consists of four courses of cold dishes, four courses of hot dishes, coupled with soup and steamed rice; they consider this a lavish spread.
6. 來華訪問的海外賓客應記住,赴宴不可貪吃,每道菜淺嘗即止。overseas visitors should remember that it is often unnecessary to eat more than a single mouthful of a dish at a chinese banquet.
7. 中國宴席上的酒通常為啤酒、黃酒和烈性白酒三種。人們往往以乾杯的方式互相敬酒。often beer, yellow rice wine and strong white liquor served at a chinese banquet. people at a table will usually "gan bei" when toasting each other.
8. 作為一種世代相襲的傳統,中國人就餐時圍桌而坐,人人手裡都有一碗主食,炒菜放在桌子中央,大家一起食用。 traditionally, everyone at the chinese dining table has his or her own bowl of staple food, that is, steamed rice, noodles or steamed bread, while the dishes are placed in the middle of the dinner table to be shared by all.
9. 在一些衛生意識比較強的地方,人們在共食放在餐桌中央的菜餚的時候,必須使用公筷或用公用湯勺,以防疾病傳染。 in more health-conscious environment, however, only "public" chopsticks and spoons are used to remove food from the plates in the middle of the dining-table, so as to prevent any possible spread of diseases.
10. ethnic restaurants are commonplace in the united states. because the united states is a country of immigrants, there is an immense variety in its catering cultures. 民族餐館在美國比比皆是。由於美國是一個由移民組成的國家,因此它有著豐富多彩、紛然雜陳的飲食文化。
11. the very term "health food" is ironic because it implies that there is also "unhealthy" food. health food includes natural food with minimal processing, i.e., there are no preservatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it taste or look better. 保健餐這種說法本身就具有一種諷刺意味,因為其言下之意還有一種非健康餐。保健餐的食物包括那些儘可能不予以加工的天然食品,也就是說,這些食品中不含有延長食物保鮮期的防腐劑,不含用以改善食物味道的食用味素,不含用以美化食物的食用色素。
12. fast-food restaurants can be seen all over the country. speed is a very important factor in the life of an american. 全國各地到處可見快餐飲食店。速度是美國人生活的一個非常重要的因素。
13. because fast-food restaurants are places which take care of hundreds of people in a short time, there is usually very little waiting. 由於快餐飲食店可以在很短的時間裡向數以萬計的客人供餐,所以人們通常無需排隊。
14. 如果某人說我喜歡中國菜,這種說法似乎過於簡單了。其實並不存在所謂的中國菜這一簡單的概念。 if you hear someone say " i love chinese food", he is taking too much for granted. as a matter of fact, there is no such simple thing as the so-called "chinese food".
15. [象中國這樣幅員遼闊、歷史悠久而又複雜的過國家,千百年來必然會形成具有鮮明地方烹飪特色的區域性菜系或幫菜。] [with a territory as large and a history as long and complex as china's, it is inevitable that distinct regional differences in cuisine have evolved over the course of centuries.]
16. 由於地方菜系之間存在著頻頻交覆現象,以及互相借鑑的情況,人們因而認為,區分地方菜系最為簡便的方法是按菜的知名度,而不是按菜的烹調風格或口味進行辨別。the frequent overlapping and borrowing that take place among the regional cuisine leads one to the conclusion that they are most conveniently distinguished by their famous dishes, rather than by any prevailing style or taste.
17. if you prefer sitting down but still don't want to spend much, you can try a cafeteria. at all of these places, you pick and choose your own food and then pay at a cash register, but you usually have to clear the table when you finish. 如果您既想坐在餐桌邊上吃,同時又不願多破費,那么你不妨可以去自助餐廳。在那裡,你可以先挑選自己喜歡的食物,然後到賬台付錢。不過用完餐後,你得把自己的餐盤從餐桌上端走。
18. [coffee shops are usually less expensive and less dressy than fine restaurants.] [咖啡館通常比高級餐館便宜,裝潢也沒有高級餐館那么講究。]
19. like most fast food restaurants and cafeterias, many restaurants don't serve alcoholic beverages. this is often because they want people to feel comfortable bringing their children. 同大多數快餐店和自助餐廳一樣,許多餐館不供應酒,這樣做常常是為了使帶孩子上餐館的客人可以無所顧忌。
20. you may be asked to show some id that proves your age before you go into a bar. in the united states, the law forbids people under the age of 21 from drinking alcoholic beverages. 你可能會被要求出示某張可以證明自己年齡的身份證,然後方可進入這些場所。在美國規定21歲以下者不得飲酒。