
1. china commits herself to her long-term state policy of opening to the outside world and introducing foreign investment.
2. we hope to explore overseas markets, and develop processing industries and hard-cash earning exports.
3. we will accelerate the restructuring of the economic system centering on the reform of enterprises.
4. 根據建設社會主義市場經濟體制的要求,我們對財稅、金融、外匯、外貿、投資、價格和流通體制進行了重大的改革。in accordance with the requirement for establishing a socialist market economy, we carried out important reforms in fiscal taxation, finance. foreign currency, foreign trade, investment, pricing and the circulation system.
5. 我們要進一步理順改革、發展和穩定三者之間的關係,堅決抑制通貨膨脹,切實加強農業。we should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability, resolutely curb inflation and take concrete steps to strengthen agriculture.
6. [我們要繼續全方位的對外開放,把重點放到提高成效上來。] 努力保持外貿的穩定增長,改善出口商品的結構,提高出口商品的質量和檔次。大力促進機械電子產品和成套設備的出口,鼓勵工技貿相結合,提高服務質量,拓展海外市場。 [we should continue to open to the outside world in all directions and focus on achieving better results. ] we should work to maintain steady growth in foreign trade, improve the composition of export goods, raise their quality and grades. we should vigorously promote export of mechanical and electrical products and complete sets of equipment, encourage the integration of industrial, technological and trade efforts, improve services and expand overseas markets.
7. no country today is more synonymous with economic growth, capital gains, and vast opportunities to make money than china. 當今世界還沒有哪一個國家像中國那樣代表著經濟成長、資本收益,以及俯拾即是的賺錢良機。
8. today there are more than 50 dedicated china funds managing some $3 billion for institutional and individual investors in the west. 時至今日,已有50多家熱誠盡職的中國公債基金管理公司,為西方機構和個人投資者經營著約30億美元的資金。
9. within the past few months several big asia infrastructure funds have been launched in new york and elsewhere, aimed at financing roads, bridges, and power plants in china as well as in other developing countries. 在近幾個月里,幾家亞洲大型基礎設施公債已在紐約和其他地方上市,這些資金將用於建設中國以及其他開發中國家的道路、橋樑和發電廠。
10. one study concludes that china has 60 million people who have per capita incomes of $1,000 a year or more, the level at which consumerism begins to blossom. 某項研究的結果表明,中國有6000萬人的年收入已達到1000美元或1000美元以上,這個收入水平是消費大增長的起點。
11. 自1978年後期開始實行改革開放以後,至今所出現的許多歷史性的變化已引起了國外的極大的關注。16年來,中國的國民生產總值以平均9%的年增長率遞增,而且這種高增長率有望延續到本世紀末。the many historical changes which have taken place in china since the initiation of reform and opening in late 1978 have attracted great attention abroad. in the past 16 years, china's gnp increased at an average rate of 9 percent, and the rate is expected to remain high throughout the years at the turn of century.
12. 當前,中國正在進行大規模的經濟建設,這為包括美國在內的世界各國提供了無數經濟合作的機會。at present, china is engaged in a large-scale economic construction, which will provide countries throughout the world, including thee united states, with numerous opportunities for economic cooperation.
13. 在過去的十年里,對中國電子工業投資的重點對象是消費品。investment in china's electronic industry over the past decade focused on consumer goods.
14. beijing unveiled an industrial policy last week that aims to consolidate china's 120 manufacturers into eight signification players and to make "affordable family sedans" by the year 2000. 上周北京向外界公開了一項工業政策,計畫把中國120個廠家加以強化組合,聯合成八大汽車製造企業,到2000年,生產出買的起的轎車。
15. " there's no major japanese company that doesn't want to get into this market now", says a toyota official at the auto show, who asked to remain unnamed. 一名不願透露姓名的豐田汽車公司的官員在一次汽車展銷會上說,現在沒有哪一家日本大公司不想擠進這個市場。
16. [" this is going to be the only market in the world that compares in size to the market in the u.s… people are kicking themselves for not getting here sooner. but it's not too late." ] [這是世界上唯一一個可以在規模上與美國相媲美的市場。人們都為自己未能搶先一部占領這個市場而嚴厲自責,但現在進入這個市場,為時還不算太晚。]

1. china's low taxation, low wages, large consumer market, and stable political and social environment have attracted more and more overseas investors.
2. we are seeking possibilities of forming a joint venture with your company for manufacturing the dishwashers of the latest design.
3. we expect to hold a minimum of 50% of the equity in this joint venture, with a term of 20 years.
4. the technology provided to the joint venture must be truly advanced, integrated, reliable, and of course appropriate to china's urgent needs.
5. 美國投資項目大多規模大,技術先進,經濟回報率高。[中美在投資方面的合作有一個對兩國極為有利的堅實基礎和廣闊前景。] most american investment projects in china are large in scale and advanced in technology, and have provided excellent economic returns. [sino-us investment cooperation has a solid foundation and broad prospects which will benefit both countries immensely.]
6. 而中國政治和社會穩定,經濟持續發展,長期和中期經濟發展計畫明確,這些都吸引了外國投資者。中國對外資的吸引力還在於其充足的自然資源,遼闊的國土,眾多的人口所提供的廉價勞動力,潛在的市場,[此外還擁有符合外資利益的綜合性工業基礎和技術力量。]近年來,中國政府制定了一系列法規,為外國投資者提供更多的方便。這些做法加強了基礎設施建設,有助於改善投資環境。the fact that china now enjoys political and social stability, and continuous economic development, and has definite long-and medium-term economic development plans appeals to foreign investors. china's investment attraction also lies in its abundant natural resources, massive territory, huge population which provides a cheap labor force, and potential markets, [as well as its comprehensive industrial base and technological force which are compatible with foreign investment interests]. in recent years, the chinese government has formulated a series of laws and regulations which offer foreign investors greater convenience. these efforts, which have facilitated the construction of infrastructures, help improve the investment environment.
7. 我們最近舉行的一些會談,其意義在於尋求更好的途徑把美國大公司的長期資本引入中國的經濟建設。the significance of our recent talks lies in their effort to seek better ways to introduce from us major companies long-term capital to china's economic construction.
8. after some 100 years of involvement in china, the siemens of germany set up a new outfit to expand its operations in china while providing capital and services related to marketing and sales, personnel administration, purchasing, accounting and finance. 德國西門子公司在其涉足中國達百年之後,又創建了一家新的公司,以擴大其在中國的經營範圍, 並為西門子公司在華企業的市場行銷、人事管理、採購進貨、會計財務等業務,提供資金和服務。
9. the new company, siemens (china), has us$150 million of registered capital and its primary task is to supply funds for siemens' joint ventures in china. at present siemens is involved in more than 30 mainland joint ventures and is expected to raise its investment in the country to us$ 1 billion by the end of the century. siemens plans to introduce to china its whole product range, work system and service patterns. 新成立的中國西門子公司擁有1.5億美元的註冊資金,公司主要為西門子在華合資企業提供資金。目前西門子公司在中國大陸的30多家合資企業進行了投資,並打算到本世紀末將其在中國的投資增加到10億美元。西門子公司計畫向中國介紹一整套西門子產品、工作制度和服務模式。
10. occasionally disputes have arisen between labor and management in some of these enterprises on matters of pay and benefits, working conditions, hours of work and other management issues. many of these disputes are attributable to the differences in the cultural background between the work force and management. 這些企業有時會因為收入待遇、工作條件、工作時間等問題,以及其他一些管理問題的出現,而產生勞資糾紛。許多糾紛的出現,究其原因在於勞資雙方在文化背景方面存在的差異。
11. mcdonald's restaurant has established reputation for its management style, hourly rates of pay, its smiling assistants and social and public welfare activities. 麥當勞餐館以其特有的管理風格、計時制報酬、笑容可掬的服務員以及各種社會公共福利活動而享譽全球。
12. furthermore, during beijing's cold winter, the restaurant strictly insisted on observance of its worldwide regulation that workers should wear short-sleeved t-shirts on duty. 此外,即使時逢嚴寒的冬季,北京的麥當勞餐館也要求其員工嚴格遵守公司的一項施行全球的規定,即麥當勞的雇員上班時必須身穿短袖襯衫。
13. while some workers adopted the tactic of being slack and talking back to their supervisors, some others tried to resolve these difficulties through negotiations with the administration of the company. 於是一些雇員採取了馬虎懶散、同主管頂嘴的策略,而另一些雇員則試圖通過公司行政領導談判來解決這個問題。
14. embarrassing things have happened simply because many foreign administrators are very ignorant of how china's laws are applied. they go only after profits without any regard for the sensitive concerns of their chinese employees. 一些令人尷尬的矛盾的發生,究其原因完全在於不少外資行政管理人員對中國法律的貫徹施行,毫無所悉。他們只顧追求利潤,卻無視中國員工的一些敏感問題。
15. but perhaps the better solution for conflicts between labor and management would be mutual understanding, friendly cooperation and full consultation between them. 也許解決勞資糾紛的更好的辦法是,勞資之間應互相諒解,友好合作,充分協商。
16. [上海成了跨國企業投資的熱點。] 根據上海統計局提供的情況,已有190家主要跨國公司在上海這個直轄市進行了投資,總額急劇上升到19.8億美元。[shanghai has become a heated destination of investment for transnational corporations.] according to the shanghai statistical bureau, 190 major transnational corporations have invested in shanghai, a city which is directly under the central government, with total investment soaring to us$1.98 billion.
17. 這些名列世界前500家的跨國公司以強大的技術力量和充足的財源為企業提供服務和資金。the transnational corporations, which rank among the world's top 500, provide service and financial assistance for the enterprises with their strong technological force and abundant funding.
18. 就其數量而言,跨國公司在上海的外資企業中只占1.8%,但他們的投資額卻占了外資總額的9.9%。跨國公司在單個項目上的投資達2000萬美元之多,投資方向主要為電子、電信設備、機械執照、以及化工等部門。跨國公司的大量湧入上海,同時也加快了這座城市的支柱產業的形成。while transnational corporations account for only 1.8% of the total number of foreign-funded enterprises in shanghai, their investment account s for 9.9% of the total foreign investment. their investments in individual projects amount to us$20 million, with the major portion of investment going to the electronics, telecommunications equipment, machine-building and chemical sectors. the influx of transnational corporations also accelerated the formation of shanghai's pillar industries.
1. i would like to have a quote on a c.i.f. basis valid for 90 days to los angeles, with an inclusion of a 6% agent's commission in your quotation.
2. should you fail to honor your payment in due time, we would terminate the contract and lodge a claim against you.
3. today i would like to sign a protocol with you based on our meetings during the last few days, and set up a date for an official signing ceremony.
4. i have read your brochure and am very impressed by your scope of business, especially the variety of machine tolls you manufacture. i believe my customers will like your new products. 我已經看過貴公司的宣傳小冊子,貴公司的經營範圍,特別是貴公司生產的工具機品種,已給我留下了極為深刻的印象。我相信我的顧客一定會喜歡你們的新產品。
5. [您對我們的產品感興趣,我很高興。] 不過我們的宣傳小冊子僅僅介紹了我公司生產的一小部分工具機。您可以進來看看我們的展品。[i'm very glad that you're interested in our products. ] actually the brochure shows just a fraction of our machine tools. you can come in and take a look at our exhibits in the show-room, if you please.
6. your exhibits are very attractive, though the workmanship is not so desirable. if you don't mind, i'd like to make an inquiry. here is my list of interested machine tools. i'd like to hear your lowest quotations c.i.f seattle. 貴公司的產品頗有吸引力,當然產品的工藝還不盡如人意。我們是否可以向您詢價。這份單子上列出了我感興趣的工具機。我希望您報一下西雅圖到岸價的最低報價。
7. 您單子上所列的工具機我們都有。這是我方的美國太平洋沿岸城市到岸價的價目單。我們還可以根據您所想要的數量調整價格。we can supply you with all the required tools on the list. here's my c.i.f. us pacific coastal city price list. we may adjust the prices according to the quantity you want.
8. my demand is bulk, but for course i'll have to reduce the quantity of my intended purchase substantially with your offer. 我要的數量很大,當然羅,按您的報盤我只得削減預訂的購買量。
9. 如果使您不安的知識我方的報價,那么您可以先到其他地方轉一圈,看一看,然後我們還可以再討論我方的報價。if our offer is the only thing that bothers you, you can look around and call again for another discussion of our quotations.
10. latterly we expanded our scope of business to better serve our far east asian customers, chinese customers in particular. 我們最近擴大了業務範圍以便更好地為我們的遠東亞洲客戶服務,尤其是為中國的客戶服務。
11. 我們打算長期從貴公司進口一些汽車零部件,當然這還得看貴方的價格是否比他人優惠。we would like to import auto parts from your company on a regular basis , provided your prices compare favorably with those of others.
12. as usual, we'd like to quote our new customers the most reasonable price to start our business relationship for the future, even at the cost of a substantial loss on our part. 按我們的慣例,為了推動我們將來業務關係的發展,我們願意給新客戶以最公道的價格,即使這樣做會使我方蒙受相當大的損失,我們也在所不惜。
13. 但是從我們對汽車零部件市場所掌握的信息來看,貴方的報盤沒有吸引力。此外我還需要時間來樹立對貴方產品質量的信心。but my knowledge of the auto parts market tells me that your offer is very unattractive. beside, i need time to build up my confidence in the quality of your stuff.
14. we guarantee the quality of our supplies. and we have free samples for your inspection. as for the discount, we can reduce the listed prices by 5%. 我們保證貨物的質量。我們還有免費樣品供您檢查。至於折扣問題,我們可以將價目單上的開價再減去5%。
15. 雖然貴方的底價與我方所希望得到的價格仍有距離,我還是願意簽契約。我與您有同感,我現在這樣做是著眼於我們將來業務關係的發展。though there is still a gap between your rock-bottom prices and my expectations, i'm willing to sign contracts with you. i like what you said, i'm doing this for the development of our future business relations.
16. 這是我方在原價的基礎上削減了3.5%以後的報價單。您一定會感到我們的報價在今天這個需求量上升的市場上最具有競爭力。this is our list of quotations with a recent reduction on the original price by 3.5%. i'm sure you will find our offer the most competitive one in this rising market of today.
17. i did a lot of research lately and i'm sure you'll agree with me that a growing number of suppliers in other southeast asian countries have joined this market. i foresee a substantial drop in price next year. 我最近作了一番調查研究,我發現越來越多的東南亞國家的廠商也加入了這個市場,我想您一定會同意我的看法。我預測明年的價格會大幅度下跌。
18. 您知道我們的產品是享譽全球的名牌產品,而且我們絕對保證質量。雖然我們的周邊國家和地區或許會以較低的價格吸引客戶,但是我們保證質量的做法,加上這次大幅度價格下調,一定會在市場上取勝。you know our products have established fame in the world and more importantly, we guarantee the quality of our products whatsoever. although some new manufactures from our surrounding countries and regions may attract their customers with lower prices, our quality guarantee policy plus this latest substantial prices reduction is sure to prevail.
19. 好吧,為了慶祝我們10年來在生意上的合作,也為了繼續我們的商務關係,我樂意給您追加1.5%的特別回扣。all right, i'm willing to grant you a special reduction of an additional 1.5% discount in honor of our ten years business cooperation and to promote our business relation into the future.